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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New Sonic 2D = Wii HD??

Did you ever see Genesis' commercials?!? it was HD as well... ;)

High definition is pure marketing. Just that!



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Megaman 9 was HD on PS360, right? Still sold best on the Wii.

They said "it's in HD" because the last 2D console sonic was on what, the Saturn? It's pretty clear they said it because it sounds new. They want their NSMB for Sonic, and they're not going to get it by ignoring the console that has by far the largest Sonic fanbase.

Madden, Tiger Woods, Ghost Busters, Lego Starwars and a whole ton of other multiplat games are HD as well.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Won't happen...

We, Wii users, bought the wii knowing it had far worse graphics than the HD twins... yet the console has a 49% market share. Wii HD won't happen in the near future, Nintendo hasn't even dropped the price tag of "Wii SD" since it was launched. I am pretty sure this new sonic game will be for Wii also, as I find the majority of the userbase prone to buy games like sonic 2D have the Wii.


Anyway, I am very exiced about this game... I just loved Sonic 3, and Sonic & Knuckles for the Genesis, and I will be glad if Sonic franchise regains the quality it had in the past. Sonic's style does not fit in three dimensional worlds as well as Mario.

I think some people may be reading way too much into those comments. :p

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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Yeah. Your insane.
Probably just a xbox/ps3 exclusive.

Diglet said:
Yeah. Your insane.
Probably just a xbox/ps3 exclusive.

Yep. Like Megaman!



ChichiriMuyo said:
It's 2D. My automatic assumption about 2D is that it's not HD because it doesn't have to be to look fantastic. 2D games from a decade ago still look good, let alone those made today. If it's n HD, well, I'm not even sure that'll make a difference really. Except that it might actually be a good game for a change.


I believe HD refers only to the resolution. 720p and above these days. But it is all marketing, when the majority have TVs capable of outputting 720p, will we refer to it as simply SD, and then UHD will become HD?

he probably means HD compared to the previous 2d sonic games which were on the mega drive. Similar to how New Super Mario Bros Wii is super mario world HD.

Whatever platform it's on, I just hope it's a great Sonic game. I miss those.