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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Version Of FFXIII Downgraded Due To 360

Ssliasil said:
TRios_Zen said:
Quoted from the page you linked:

"Us at UFFSite? We believe that the early shots were likely doctored, improved or running on the Crystal Tools engine on PC - we're likely now just seeing true screenshots of the game, which still look amazing."

Even they don't mention the 360 downgrading...why are you convinced it was the 360's fault?

Thats the sites opinion, not fact.  Square has NEVER doctored photos, not even with FFXII who's Cutscene textures Rival that of the Botom pic.

And we cant use the PC build crap excuse anymore because of the latest Cryengine 3 demo that showed the PS3 AND 360 running the "Demo" with the PC graphics.

yes it was only a 20 minute demo thinger and you could say THATS why both consoles were able to handle it...But you ahve to take in account the ammount of Storage Space and Storage Methods the Discs use...For a FULL game like Crysis it is Virtually IMPOSSIBLE for the 360 to have those graphics on any less than 6 Discs COMPRESSED, while the PS3 can do it in a Single Blu-Ray UNCOMPRESSED for full quality.


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Ssliasil said:
If your typing a comment about "Its deh PC build Sir" Read my last comment.

Yes, but what you did in your last post was use Cryengine as the benchmark by which all other games are judged, and also using some completely messed up logic to come to that conclusion. Truth is, you don't know if those original screens were bullshots or even possible on the PS3, nor does anyone. Do they? You can guess, sure, but your logic doesn't make it so.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


So are we confirmed that FFXIII 360 version will outsell the PS3 version? It seems like PS3 fanboys won't get this game. Maybe because graphics of FFXIII won't be next-gen enough.

@monlosez, I will still buy the game but its sad to see how low SE has fallen

first of all i know that's pure bullshit, first of all the diference between graphical power between the 360 and PS3 is practically unexistent, and i severely doubt that they cutted anything from the game, considering it is Final Fantasy, Square biggest franchise, they wouldnt comprise it['s quality, and even in the case that the game were downgraded, big fucking deal, i play games for their stories and their gameplay, both of which are not proportional to their graphical quality, many of the best game stories ever are from 16 bit games or games with characters with less polygons than a lego, so when it comes out, i'll be sure to buy it for my 360 and i'll enjoy all those 3 DVDs

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rafichamp said:
@monlosez, I will still buy the game but its sad to see how low SE has fallen

Oh yes. How very low indeed. Low enough in fact, that Lightning in this 2006 screenshot looks worse then the one posted on the last page.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

I have no link but its true, common knowledge among any real FF Fan.

Someones probably thinking "But Ssliasil What about Final Fantasy X?"

FFX was Not doctored either the early GAMEPLAY trailers of the game (With Tidus and his black hair) were just that...Gameplay on the PS2. And were later altered in order to allow more voice acting without using a second disc...So no, not doctored.

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

This will be the first Final fantasy game I will not buy. Not because its on the 360, not because its been "downgraded", but because I have this feeling like its going to end up like GTA 4. Something that was overrated and scored high because of its name "Final fantasy". A game i'll play but will never finish.

Playing the demo to death made me realise just how average the game is really going to be. It maybe a demo but it didn't do much to warrant a first day buy from me either.

GamerTag/PSN ID JoshmyersBV (please add me I have 2 friends on Xbox Live)

oh ill still buy the game but the entire time ill be pissed knowing it could and should have been better.

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

As an X360 owner, I will buy the game not to enrage PS3 fanboys, but because I haven't played another FF games since FFVII.
In a common sense speaking, I do not believe the FFXIII 360 version will look like those shots claim.

Someone is playing a joke on their love for FF franchise.

360 + Wii + Steam

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