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Ssliasil said:
TRios_Zen said:
Quoted from the page you linked:

"Us at UFFSite? We believe that the early shots were likely doctored, improved or running on the Crystal Tools engine on PC - we're likely now just seeing true screenshots of the game, which still look amazing."

Even they don't mention the 360 downgrading...why are you convinced it was the 360's fault?

Thats the sites opinion, not fact.  Square has NEVER doctored photos, not even with FFXII who's Cutscene textures Rival that of the Botom pic.

And we cant use the PC build crap excuse anymore because of the latest Cryengine 3 demo that showed the PS3 AND 360 running the "Demo" with the PC graphics.

yes it was only a 20 minute demo thinger and you could say THATS why both consoles were able to handle it...But you ahve to take in account the ammount of Storage Space and Storage Methods the Discs use...For a FULL game like Crysis it is Virtually IMPOSSIBLE for the 360 to have those graphics on any less than 6 Discs COMPRESSED, while the PS3 can do it in a Single Blu-Ray UNCOMPRESSED for full quality.
