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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Version Of FFXIII Downgraded Due To 360

Sadness of some makes the Happiness of others ^^

Im outie.

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FFXIII for PS3 is probably downgraded by about the same amount that Batman: Arkham Asylum PS3 version was downgraded for the 360.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Oh no, the current PS3 pics don't look nearly as good as the PC pics we were shown in 2006 this is all the 360's fault.....wait what?

downgrade its obvious... this is a direct feed.

not touched up or pc built. u can see the jaggies.

now the new version have arms polygons all over, simpler textures =(.

its not something the ps3 can't do, i seen before espcialy with metal gear solid 4 and uncharted.

Sigh....look guys the game is almost finished and bitchin or whining about the downgrade they did ain't gonna change a thing now so lets just leave it be and enjoy the game plz.

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rafichamp said:
@cactus, can u prove it from ur side of the arguement?

No, but I'm not the one spouting my mouth off about how the 360 version ruined the PS3 version with absolutely no evidence whatsoever.

Many early screens of games are touched up to garner more excitement. That is fact. I wouldn't be suprised whatsoever if all pre-2009 shots of FFXIII were bullshots running on the PC.

If your typing a comment about "Its deh PC build Sir" Read my last comment.

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

@Xoj, is that the downgraded verison?

Ssliasil said:
I do believe i have won this argument today.

Well, I'll leave it at that for now, but I highly doubt you know any of the specifics or variables between those pics, and they certainly aren't the final version of the game.

I can't really refute those pictures, because I don't have all the facts. What do you want me to say? Every argument I've made here is completely and utterly true, or at least my opinion, and do I believe the final versions of the games will look much different than it would have had it been PS3 exclusive? I think that's rediculious.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


rafichamp said:
@Xoj, is that the downgraded verison?

thats the old version, pre E3 2009, looks like the one in the japanese demo.

the japanese demo have 1080p video but runs 720p on gameplay.