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Forums - Sales Discussion - NA Sales UP! -- PS3 DOMINATED Home Consoles!!

Well Darthvaderjr:

Im thankful for your post. Great work of this teaser. More stuff like that in futue, ty.
Ok, now i notice that Slim was limited in some stores.

Im glad it sould over 70k, that lately weeks showing low numbers under 40K wasnt justice. PS3 got great games, its a great console.

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Very good numbers for PS3, 360 and PSP. Finally hd consoles are taking over wii. Let´s see what happens next week with first numbers of ps3 slim sales.

darthdevidem01 said:

If a hour goes by without any over-exaggeration from me, its not me

+ 1.7K in like Africa would be dominating!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is very true.

It IS good to see that the Slim and price cut are keeping Sony in the race though. I have my own issues with Sony due to effed up music business practices, but as a person in the industry, we don't need any more companies collapsing. So yeah, definitely kudos to Sony for realizing that they cannot get $600 for a gaming console

Soriku said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Soriku said:
GameAnalyser said:
DirtyP2002 said:

well... dominating seems different to me, but hey, it's your thread :D



cud u put it out straight on how different dominating seems to u? that it we are informed of what dominating really means when it can't get anymore different...

Dominating = big gap. not a big gap. It's a good increase for sure but isn't dominating anything.

Actually no:

an act or instance of dominating.

2. rule or sway; control, often arbitrary.

So it means to "rule" over, even if it is for an instance

How do we decide who rules, lets say whoever sells the most in the week "rules"

so this week PS3 DID dominate.....according to this websites definition of domination

by however little, rule it did


Either way tedster is on the mark (even though the websites definition is imo correct), its quite disturbing to see how defensive people have become due to the word DOMINATE......guys put away your pitch forks & chill out.

What's it ruling though? 1k difference isn't ruling. It's like the PS3 is a king but the Wii and 360 are powerful knights waiting to kill it at any moment considering how close in power they are.

Here's a good word:

I stay with my point!


actually it is unless your a linux fanboy (they are the WORST)!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I don't like the slims appearence, looks much cheaper than the phat. So .. thats my reason. And yes its a difference ...


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darthdevidem01 said:

beating out the 360 and the Wii by 2% is dominating? To quote Inigo Montoya "I do not think that word means what (you) think it means."

This isn't domination, so LOL at the thread title. It is a very nice boost for the PS3 with the expectation of higher numbers in future weeks due to widespread release of the slim. Sony can breathe a sigh of relief. Hopefully these numbers will be sustained or exceeded from now on. I may even boost the sales by one myself.

Nice to see the 360 increased too and that the Wii held up admirably despite the opposition price cuts.

Gilgamesh said:
Sardauk said:
Gilgamesh said:

Remember because A LOT of people are forgetting this or there in  denial or something,

The PS3 Slim is not offically released for that week, it's only from limited suppliers, it's released EVERYWHERE (Except Japan, which is Sept 3rd) on September 1st (Next weeks numbers, or this week were on now I guess).

So this is a week before it releases and sales are already double in America.

It has nothing to do with the slim... it is the price.

If you had the choice to get a $299 80GB phat or a $299 120GB Slim what would you pick?


The phat... twice.

The slim is ugly....the only way it will do better is because they lowered the price and are communciating about it...."waouwww neeww ! "

Otherwise, it is just a plain flat black box....


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

Sardauk said:
Star Scream said:

Does this ... thing.. have hard time chewing ... or ... does he speaks to much ?

He's enjoying the thread

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Jereel Hunter said:
darthdevidem01 said:

beating out the 360 and the Wii by 2% is dominating? To quote Inigo Montoya "I do not think that word means what (you) think it means."

exactly beating it out by 1.7k is not dominating.... after all dominating is what the wii has done for the pst 3 years and will do after 2 more weeks of your so called dominating ps3 sales...

i mean even after 100 dollars pricecuts yet it only outsells by 1.7k....
