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Forums - Sales Discussion - NA Sales UP! -- PS3 DOMINATED Home Consoles!!

Wii_Master said:
darthdevidem01 said:
ROFL @ after $100 price cut it only outsells it by 1.7K

read the article wii_master

what you are going to say that i didn't read the part about slim not being what most people who would want to buy a ps3 would still isn't that much although doind double is impressive not impressiveenough to outsell the wii oh and if i missed something in the article please point it out..

yeah exactly

thats a BIG point

"most people who would want to have a ps3 would have it"

ergh NOOOO

ioi himself said next week the sales will be even greater, so that makes that point you just said completely redundant

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Just noticed your achievements score on the XBox. That is godly.

Not gonna lie, I expected a bigger spike. Then again, lets wait for this weeks sales.

Cool. Next week should be even bigger with the official ps3 slim september 1st launch. Shame all territories didn't release at the same time so we could see some truly dominating numbers.

I wonder if it will stay 70,000 or higher each week in US for the remainder of the year.

Sardauk said:
Krill said:
Sardauk said:
Gilgamesh said:
Sardauk said:
Gilgamesh said:

Remember because A LOT of people are forgetting this or there in  denial or something,

The PS3 Slim is not offically released for that week, it's only from limited suppliers, it's released EVERYWHERE (Except Japan, which is Sept 3rd) on September 1st (Next weeks numbers, or this week were on now I guess).

So this is a week before it releases and sales are already double in America.

It has nothing to do with the slim... it is the price.

If you had the choice to get a $299 80GB phat or a $299 120GB Slim what would you pick?


The phat... twice.

The slim is ugly....the only way it will do better is because they lowered the price and are communciating about it...."waouwww neeww ! "

Otherwise, it is just a plain flat black box....

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  The slim has less of a footprint and has a matt finish which won't collect fingerprints.  That's a double bonus as far as I'm concerned.  A slim plain flat black box is what most people want to place in their AV centre.

Sorry to read about your greasy fingers.

FYI, I'm building an AV center and I don't have flat black gramophone style appliances in it

i REALLY like the ps3 slim, you just have to see it before you and you'll see what i mean. Also, the look is not something that will affect consumers choice, i mean, the 360 it's just a plain flay white box, still it's the best selling HD console.

I'm Back! - Proud owner of the best doomed handheld of all time!

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Some of you people are delusional. Neither the PS3 nor the 360 will stay above the Wii for long.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

Congrats PS3.

darthdevidem01 said:

really would a $199 have much of an effect

Yes, I think so.

Since the Wii caters to the lowest common denominator (in terms of the demographic of people wanting to buy), it stands to benefit strongly from a price drop, even if it's $50.

I'm not saying it'd have a 100% increase, but I think it'd allow it to get close to where it was last year, and improve it's standing. As it is now, should Nintendo keep the price, it will have further decreases next year, as people look to the X360 and PS3 as better offerings due to price/performance.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

That is just a huge YoY drop for Wii. But I guess you can't say it is too surprising. But we are about to start seeing 360 be in the same range haha. Misery does love company.

Not bad increases for the PS3 and 360. I don't expect the 360's one to last too long. Just not enough to really warrant too many more purchases. Luckily though it has ODST at the later end of the month. As for PS3 definitely good and should be bigger next week as it will contain the official release date. We'll see how it stays as it could be difficult considering no big exclusive till Uncharted 2.

Of course I still must say in the wake of all this, Wii still isn't being affected too much. It's down YoY mainly due to its own account not really anything the competition did. And even when this happens it is still able to hold its ground fairly well. Of course that doesn't mean things are great by any standards, but it has refused to take a worst case scenario like it's competition has taken numerous times before it. But still going to be a decisive couple of months for Wii as it still needs to have some action to counteract these movements by its competition.

Gilgamesh said:

Remember because A LOT of people are forgetting this or there in  denial or something,

The PS3 Slim is not offically released for that week, it's only from limited suppliers, it's released EVERYWHERE (Except Japan, which is Sept 3rd) on September 1st (Next weeks numbers, or this week were on now I guess).

So this is a week before it releases and sales are already double in America.

Will the red font make ps3 sell even more?