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Forums - Sony Discussion - Naughty dog: Uncharted 2 impossible on 360

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These types of posts should be bannable offenses. When's the last time Naughty Dog worked on a game that wasn't for a Sony console? Platform exclusive developers say this crap all the time.




Phoenix Wright also only possible on the DS. Go buy it today!

Even if this is true, these comments really shit me. Ok sony we get it, every exclusive made after 2008 is not possible on 360, STFU now please!

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This just in Halo only possible on the

Does this mean we can hit them with the "lazy developers" tag?


Damn, this game should be freaking amazing if there is only 1 console this gen that can handle it :O!

just like "MGS4 never cud be possible" flame threads and this wud be none other than the same
Well with certain facts, I'm convinced for myself it's not possible on 360.

Quote of the day

"We're doing all the post-processing effects on the SPUs [Synergistic Processing Units]. The quality of the depth of field we have, you can't do that on the Xbox.”

Yes that is if the blu ray disk lasts long enought to get to the end... I am still looking forward to the last 20min of "we were soldiers"... after the bugger froze and cost me £99 to repair, will it will do when sony get there act together...