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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predict September sales of the big 3...

Aion said:
360- 600k
ps3- 400k
Wii- 800k

everyones intitled to predict, but thats just silly

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how stupid

360 -- 700K

PS3 -- 600K

Wii -- 1000K

phinch1 said:
Aion said:
360- 600k
ps3- 400k
Wii- 800k

everyones intitled to predict, but thats just silly

yes they are, but it may not be as silly as you think, think about this if you will what happens if the demand outstrip's the supply before Sony may have a chance to ramp up production. Do I think it will no. but it could indeed happen, if the Sale happens to be early units released at retail the entire first run of the new slim ps3 could very well sell out before it get's to SEPT. Or at least into half way through SEPT. the Q:

is can the first run of slim PS3's sale through all the first run stock before SEPT. is even over with?

if true Sept sales could be low due to supply constraints. anything could happen



100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.



joeorc said:
phinch1 said:
Aion said:
360- 600k
ps3- 400k
Wii- 800k

everyones intitled to predict, but thats just silly

yes they are, but it may not be as silly as you think, think about this if you will what happens if the demand outstrip's the supply before Sony may have a chance to ramp up production. Do I think it will no. but it could indeed happen, if the Sale happens to be early units released at retail the entire first run of the new slim ps3 could very well sell out before it get's to SEPT. Or at least into half way through SEPT. the Q:

is can the first run of slim PS3's sale through all the first run stock before SEPT. is even over with?

if true Sept sales could be low due to supply constraints. anything could happen


So your saying the ps3 slim could be to much in demand and run out? didnt think about it like that but where does the 360 get and extra 40k + a week from in this prediction

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The announcement of the PS3 slim and price cut brings some interesting thoughts to the table for console sales over the holidays. There are now, potentially three candidates for a purchase of the ps3 slim.

1) Those who have been wanting a ps3 all along due to its stellar games lineup and amazing features, these would probably be wii/360 owners, and I'm leaning more towards 360 owners wanting it because it's another hd console with access to a large selection of exclusive titles that will sit well with their other 360 games to complete their HD accessibility. The ps3 having no online fee, built in wireless and a large hard drive mean that current 360 owners will have no additional fees outside of the console. This allows them to also take advantage of blu-ray movies and all of the new features the ps3 has over the xbox360. This is an extremely attractive purchase to those in this situation that do not hold a grudge agaisnt sony.


2) Those who are purchasing a console for the first time, this is the market that sony really needs to capitalize on. This is where Nintendo and Microsoft really shine. The Wii is purchased because it offers a wide range of casual and exercise experiences to cater to those who are non-gamers, the 360 offers an incredibly low point of entry price at 199$ for young kids and college people to just have around for one or 2 games like halo3./cod4. PS3 has the Blu-ray player, which does give it a pretty big advantage over these two consoles... it's also 299$, which potentially makes it the best blu-ray purchase you can get for your money. With built in wifi, many new casual games like LBP and racing games like GT5 on the horizon combined with a stellar PSN line up and a 120gb hdd this becomes more attractive right now. However, Sony is going to need some serious marketing to take advantage of this playerbase. Gears of War and Halo are already the established shooters to get from the 8-17 year old age bracket and the majority of those people would not think twice about another shooter regardless of how good it is. Sony needs to understand that making a better game than gears/halo will _not_ get them sales out of this group. Halo will sell no matter how good it is, it is a blind zealotry. With that in mind, good advertising, CoD:MW2 and offering the most from a hardware standpoint will surely give them a little boost here.

3) Those who are looking forward to playing/owning the existing PS3 library or are interested in the upcoming games that have been shown at conferences. This is possibly the most hard to judge category of people interested in the PS3. The games the ps3 has hosted over the last 2 years has been fantastic. You can argue one way or the other as to which HD console has the better games, but it's really a matter of opinion, both have great titles. With the PS3s lineup now being at least equal to that of the 360's there is a large incentive to play these games. Games like Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted, Valkyria Chronicles, Little Big Planet, Killzone 2 come to mind but there are many others as well. With the lineup of games Sony has coming down the pipe, Uncharted 2, Gundam Senki(JP), Final Fantasy XIII(jpex), Final Fantasy Versus XIII, God of War III, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo 5 and the Last Guardian, there is a massive desire for gamers to own and play these games and with the new price point it becomes a much more attractive choice.

That being said, I predict the following.

XBOX 360 will remain strong. The release however, of it's current lineup is not going to overly boost sales. It will however ensure that the 360's succeess remains consistant. Microsoft does not need to get more sales, they are already selling enough consoles.

Wii sales will, as usual, blow the roof off the house during the holiday months.

The demand for the PS3 slim at this price is really the deal breaker.
Let me assume that Gran Turismo 5 comes out in december, and final fantasy XIII in japan.


I honestly believe that Japan as a whole has not gone HD yet, and they will when the price is right. Is this the price? well.. I'm not certain. it could be though. Final Fantasy XIII has the potential to move 500,000 consoles itself, possibly more.. we cannot properly judge the amount of japanese market that has been waiting for a big game to give into HD.

People need to realize that there has not been a single game in japan released on a HD console that is considered on of Japans HUGE successes. Final Fantasy XIII will be the first one. And you can bet your ass ever final fantasy fan in japan is going to want this. at 29980 yen..well, I expect huge sales.

Americas will have Uncharted 2. This game will slowly but surely attract gamers. You WILL see a console increase because of this game. It was the absolute best game of E3 and I assume pre-orders and interest are going to go way up because of the drop in price and uncharted going greatest hits.

With GT5, if it comes out, sony will have secured a stellar holiday. With games that attract EVERY region on the face of the eart, and games that are considered best of genre in each of those regions. With FFXIII in americas you're going to see a lot of Wii owners purchase the ps3 over the xbox360 bcause it is a more attractive choice for them giving them the blu-ray option as well as access to the ps3s games.

Wii: No drops here, stellar sales as always. Stop being foolish, the potential market for nintendos console does not overlap with the HD consoles as much as you think, it does very little.

XB360: 600k
Wii: 900k
PS3: 1m-1.2m

These are just predictions, but GT5 and FFXIII are games that will move massive amounts of consoles.

what an ace first post ^

phinch1 said:
joeorc said:
phinch1 said:
Aion said:
360- 600k
ps3- 400k
Wii- 800k

everyones intitled to predict, but thats just silly

yes they are, but it may not be as silly as you think, think about this if you will what happens if the demand outstrip's the supply before Sony may have a chance to ramp up production. Do I think it will no. but it could indeed happen, if the Sale happens to be early units released at retail the entire first run of the new slim ps3 could very well sell out before it get's to SEPT. Or at least into half way through SEPT. the Q:

is can the first run of slim PS3's sale through all the first run stock before SEPT. is even over with?

if true Sept sales could be low due to supply constraints. anything could happen


So your saying the ps3 slim could be to much in demand and run out? didnt think about it like that but where does the 360 get and extra 40k + a week from in this prediction

yup, there could be such a demand for the slim in japan look at the spike in sales when the DS and PSP went slim.

if there is a consumer who wants a ps3 slim and cannot get one they may go and buy the xbox360 because they could still get a PS3 in a shorter ammount of time now due to the cost reduction down to $299.00 that extra $100.00 would be alot less taxing to overcome in any month barring unforseen problems with finances in a month. the bill's you may have in a month may be a little less of a problem with the reduction of $100.00

at this point I think the many people who only could see themselves only buying one console this gen may indeed rethink that now that all three systems are are in a price range that is more market friendly.



100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

Acevil said:

why would the wii drop to 700k when it sells average 800k?

Wii -850 WSR will still boost sales



PS3 1-3 mill
Wii 750-950K
X360 500-600 k