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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo conference discussion

Non Sequor said:
Rubang B said:
Only 1500 Wii points for an online co-op FF CC game? Holy shit.

Given Square-Enix's propensity for squeezing the fanbase for cash, it could very well be a recurring subscription fee.

Could be, but I hope not.  I think Nintendo wants to keep online stuff free, and if it's the first big online game on Wii Ware, and stays at that price, it could sell infinite copies.

Favorite Companies: Nintendo, Blizzard, Valve.
Recent New Favorites: Grasshopper, Atlus. (R.I.P. Clover.)
Heroes/Homies: Shigeru Miyamoto, Gunpei Yokoi, Will Wright, Eric Chahi, Suda51, Brian Eno, David Bowie.
Haiku Group: Haiku Hell.
Nemeses: Snesboy, fkusumot. 
GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.

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As Harry from dumb and dumber would say:
"Just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this…and totally redeem yourself!"

I am pumped right now...especially for wii ware...

naznatips said:
Does anyone care if I make a new topic with my summary in it for all the Non-Nintendo freaks who aren't going to want to sort through this mess?

 Who started this topic?  Maybe they can edit the first post with your summary?

Favorite Companies: Nintendo, Blizzard, Valve.
Recent New Favorites: Grasshopper, Atlus. (R.I.P. Clover.)
Heroes/Homies: Shigeru Miyamoto, Gunpei Yokoi, Will Wright, Eric Chahi, Suda51, Brian Eno, David Bowie.
Haiku Group: Haiku Hell.
Nemeses: Snesboy, fkusumot. 
GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.

naznatips said:
Does anyone care if I make a new topic with my summary in it for all the Non-Nintendo freaks who aren't going to want to sort through this mess?

Be my guest. When I started this I had no idea it would be this ginormous. Otherwise I would have made the title a lot better.

naznatips said:
Does anyone care if I make a new topic with my summary in it for all the Non-Nintendo freaks who aren't going to want to sort through this mess?

 do it

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naznatips said:
Does anyone care if I make a new topic with my summary in it for all the Non-Nintendo freaks who aren't going to want to sort through this mess?

  I say do it...your post a few above is pretty good, might as well make one with less hysteria at the beginning...

found some more pics from the wiiware FFCC... the summary topic. This is for more controlled discussion and less of us all soiling our pants for 4 pages.
