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Forums - Website Topics - Join the PL, Beat TheSource, Win eternal Glory + Zexen interview

Prediction League said:
Pineapple said:
zexen_lowe said:
Gilgamesh said:
zexen_lowe said:
Pineapple said:
zexen_lowe said:

Hmmm, thinking it more thoroughly, I don't care much about the money, since 50 or 5 in the end is the same, but I wouldn't ever let you slide that you had to ask me....OK, you got a deal. 5

I'll give you 10 if you tell me, but not Gilgamesh.


Hm, sure. Unless Gilg wants to counter-offer, why not?


I have an offer of $10,01! Anyone wanna make a higher one? Did anyone say $11?

Damn... I hope Gilgamesh doesn't realize that untill the prediction league gives me my money back, I only have 23 VG£

I big a whooping 10£ (no, that's not the same as a VG$, but for easyiness, I'll just call it 15$) 

Now that you're broke I can't ask you to join for the next two weeks :p

I have this bad habit of always checking the prediction league the day after it closes. It's been like that all the way since the PL originally started (different account then, so this one's start date won't help you).

As a result, I've decided that I'll just put all my money in when I do it

I still haven't tried to enter, but lacked the money.

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Gilgamesh said:
Pineapple said:
zexen_lowe said:
Gilgamesh said:
zexen_lowe said:
Pineapple said:
zexen_lowe said:

Hmmm, thinking it more thoroughly, I don't care much about the money, since 50 or 5 in the end is the same, but I wouldn't ever let you slide that you had to ask me....OK, you got a deal. 5

I'll give you 10 if you tell me, but not Gilgamesh.


Hm, sure. Unless Gilg wants to counter-offer, why not?


I have an offer of $10,01! Anyone wanna make a higher one? Did anyone say $11?

Damn... I hope Gilgamesh doesn't realize that untill the prediction league gives me my money back, I only have 23 VG£

I big a whooping 10£ (no, that's not the same as a VG$, but for easyiness, I'll just call it 15$) 


hmmm is it worth it to know this person that badly Zexen?

Is he popular?

and how do you know who it is?

(oh and I don't think it's possible to transfer someones money to another account)

Well, I don't know if it'll change your life, but I guess you must be dying inside for the fact that you don't know who he is. He's popular, not as much as moi, of course, but if I told you who he is, you'd recognize him. And how do I know, well, nord and Taz! gave some clues, I have amazing deductive skills...and for the interview he did it with the regular account

As I said, if you tell Talonman to debit and give money, he'll do it...that or he'll tell you to fuck off and remove you $50K, it's a win-win situation for me

I think I'l do what the cool people do and enter late ;)

Yeah, sure, I think it's because you don't have any money left

^ You snob!

$200 is plenty to some people

Around the Network

I wish I had money to make predictions lol

Taz! said:
I think I'l do what the cool people do and enter late ;)

The later the cooler

That's why zexen sometimes enter TOO late


Prediction League said:
Taz! said:
I think I'l do what the cool people do and enter late ;)

The later the cooler

That's why zexen sometimes enter TOO late


Does that mean I'm the coolest person in the site?

But, but the Source entered really early ;)

zexen_lowe said:
Prediction League said:
Taz! said:
I think I'l do what the cool people do and enter late ;)

The later the cooler

That's why zexen sometimes enter TOO late


Does that mean I'm the coolest person in the site?

I just tried entering the 2nd February 2008 league. Clearly, I must be incredibly cool (or a complete idiot, but let's ignore that).