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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mark Rein continues to anger Nintendo fanboys

c0rd said:
TheThunder said:

not surprised coming from Epic they are to Wii fanboys what Valve is to PS3 fanboys. It's truly a s sight to be seen how both groups try to downplay both those developers games and call them irrelevant when they know they are not.

Carry on.

Hm, I like the comparison here. It seems to me like Mark Rein is more aggressive though (recently, not compareed to PS3 07' comments). Valve seems to upset the PS3 fans just by ignoring the console.

Either way, I don't see why anyone would take these comments seriously - even if Mark Rein should shut his mouth, we know he doesn't have much reason to support the console. I'll be buying Gears 3 either way...

Someone at Valve once said they were a small developer, so the PS3 would overtretch them. If they just stuck to that line it wouldnt' seem so bad.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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LordTheNightKnight said:
Trying to imply the lost profit or reduced profit is the fault of the Wii? Clearly he didn't pay attention to the fact that the biggest Wii supporters, Activision and Ubisoft, are making money.

Yes he seems to want to blame the losses developers are incurring is because they are supporting the Wii.  That's just ludacris haha.  Because at the same time he talks about how dumbed down they are meaning obviously they are cheap.  He's caught in a trap and he just doesn't know it. 

I mean sometimes there is good PR but this is not an example of it.  If ya don't want to develop on the Wii... that's fine.  But it's not good PR to try and piss the owners of the other consoles off as much as possible... you never know when you are going to have to develop on that base.  Not to mention just saying false things isn't good in the long run.

Epic is a good developer but they need to work on their PR.

routsounmanman said:
Kasz216 said:
Epic's main buisness is selling engines for PS360.

Any game made on the wii is lost money for them.

No surprise that he'd talk crap about it.

Most developers struggle on the Wii, at a visual level. If they could make an engine for the system, one that'd leave The Conduit and Mario Galaxy in the dust, I'm pretty sure they'd get a really good return on their investment. He's just cherry picking here.

A) Not as many people are trying to push the envelop on the Wii like they're forced too on the HD Consoles.  Amazing graphics are a bonus on the Wii... while on HD consoles your practically starting out at an 8 review wise unless you break the bank.

B) The gen is probably already half over... and it would take a while to set up a really good engine.  I mean someone paid epic to port over UE 2.5 I haven't heard from that project.

C) Engine development is a lot cheaper on the Wii then it is the PS360.  

This is what disruption is all about: Well-managed companies failing.  Epic seems to be a pretty well-run company; I don't know what its recent financials look like but Gears is popular and Unreal Tournament is still doing okay, not to mention sales of the Unreal engine.

 Rein tells us "[Third party core games] are huge financial flops...It's just not where the market is."  He's not wrong, there are a lot of core Wii games with mediocre or bad sales, and Epic's focus to date (graphics) makes Wii a bad platform for them. In other words, he's telling us that Wii has crummy customers that aren't very profitable and Epic is going to stick to the tried-and-true high-end customers that pay Epic tons of money. 

This seems like a smart move.  He's managing correctly.  Just like most upmarket competitors, he has (apparently) correctly argued that the new market isn't worth fighting for. 

The problem is that if Nintendo is right, if disruption is real, then Epic is going to have to change it's tune or it will be erased from the gaming scene.  Wii is already marginalizing Epic: a decade ago Epic could have released a new engine for all three consoles.  Now its engine is only relevant for 50% of the home consoles on the market.  If Wii graphics are good enough for the majority of gamers, or even if 360 graphics are good enough for the majority of gamers, where does that leave Epic on the next round of systems?  Why should developers buy Unreal Engine 4 if the next MS and Sony consoles are just "1.5" systems like the Wii?  Historically disruptors drive their competition out of the business as the disruptor's new values take over. 

We can debate whether disruption is real or if Nintendo is successfully carrying it out, but given the turnaround Nintendo has achieved this generation, I'm inclined to guess that the Big N's strategy is a lot more in tune with what the public wants than Epic.

"He's not wrong, there are a lot of core Wii games with mediocre or bad sales"

That is not the definition of "huge financial flops". That phrase means the games lost a hell of a lot of money, and developers have not been reporting those on the Wii.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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LordTheNightKnight said:
"He's not wrong, there are a lot of core Wii games with mediocre or bad sales"

That is not the definition of "huge financial flops". That phrase means the games lost a hell of a lot of money, and developers have not been reporting those on the Wii.

In fact, some devs/publishers have reported that they are happy/satisfied with sales, so I'm assuming they made some profit.


couchmonkey said:

This is what disruption is all about: Well-managed companies failing.  Epic seems to be a pretty well-run company; I don't know what its recent financials look like but Gears is popular and Unreal Tournament is still doing okay, not to mention sales of the Unreal engine.

 Rein tells us "[Third party core games] are huge financial flops...It's just not where the market is."  He's not wrong, there are a lot of core Wii games with mediocre or bad sales, and Epic's focus to date (graphics) makes Wii a bad platform for them. In other words, he's telling us that Wii has crummy customers that aren't very profitable and Epic is going to stick to the tried-and-true high-end customers that pay Epic tons of money. 

This seems like a smart move.  He's managing correctly.  Just like most upmarket competitors, he has (apparently) correctly argued that the new market isn't worth fighting for. 

The problem is that if Nintendo is right, if disruption is real, then Epic is going to have to change it's tune or it will be erased from the gaming scene.  Wii is already marginalizing Epic: a decade ago Epic could have released a new engine for all three consoles.  Now its engine is only relevant for 50% of the home consoles on the market.  If Wii graphics are good enough for the majority of gamers, or even if 360 graphics are good enough for the majority of gamers, where does that leave Epic on the next round of systems?  Why should developers buy Unreal Engine 4 if the next MS and Sony consoles are just "1.5" systems like the Wii?  Historically disruptors drive their competition out of the business as the disruptor's new values take over. 

We can debate whether disruption is real or if Nintendo is successfully carrying it out, but given the turnaround Nintendo has achieved this generation, I'm inclined to guess that the Big N's strategy is a lot more in tune with what the public wants than Epic.

The smartest thing said in the thread, you my friend would definately be a good buisness man. What you said is exactly what i was thinking +1

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Currently own- DS, PSP, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 DreamCast.

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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. said:

In fact, some devs/publishers have reported that they are happy/satisfied with sales

The rest are automatically in the red.

Well he hasn't angered me in the slightest, with better looking games on the horizon (Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles, Dead Space Extraction, Gladiator AD and The Grinder are prime examples) who needs an Unreal Engine for the Wii..? Sounds to me that he's just attempting to appease company shareholders after his company have backed the wrong horse, same goes for idSoftware and Valve imo.

I'd be very interested to see what would happen in terms of game visuals from third party developers if High Voltage Software licensed the Quantum3 engine. Can't see them doing it myself but it's a very interesting thing to consider.

LordTheNightKnight said:
Squilliam said:
So either hes an idiot or hes lying. In argument terms I would call that a false dilemma.

He's stating things that are proven untrue or are just flying in the face of industry reality. And these are not just minor claims, but major ones. If they were minor, I would allow room for other things, but for things this extreme, you really would have to be dumb or lying, and I doubt it's the former.

So really what hes doing is saying things which contradict your beliefs and therefore he is wrong?

So theres no charity, no consideration that from his perspective with the games that he and his subscribers to his engine make that there may be some truth in what he says?

The idea that companies making games that they have no competency in and losing money on them is too hard to believe? There are market realities to support his statements, the lack of certain genres like FPS, WRPG, Action games etc.
