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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who will win the next gen?

Sony really has taken a beating this gen. I wonder what their move will be with the next Playstation.

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Going by trends, it will be Nintendo. Going all the way back, it was Pong (the original published by Atari) and the Atari 2600, then the NES and the SNES, followed by the PS1 and PS2, and now we have the Wii and ???. After the next gen is anyone's guess. While I'd like it to stay with Nintendo, history does not smile well on it.


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...



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whoever makes the Wii 2

Probably in order of likelihood:

1. Nintendo because of momentum, actually being able to make a legitimate profit.
2. Microsoft because they are getting better every year
3. Sony, they will have to prove they can actually win a generation. Slash and burn price cuts like for the PS1/PS2 aren't going to work anymore.
4. Someone else entirely.


Microsoft...Because they are goin balls to the wall!!!

If I were a betting man I'd be putting my money on Nintendo, due to the huge amount of momentum they should have coming into next gen.

If it isn't nintendo I'd say Microsoft as they seem to be continually improving marketshare each gen (so far obviously).