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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 getting a 360 favorite

I talked about exclusives from the start shadowblind. Nice try anyway. But, ok, I've already got GTA4 on PS3.

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mario64 said:
Sales I play sales.

Nah, it looks like you play Metacritic.

Zizzla_Rachet said:
leo-j said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
leo-j said:
Zizzla_Rachet said:
mario64 said:
@Sizzla : Sales, I play sales on my 360 !!

I absolutely don't care about sales as long as I've got the best games. ;)

Or you should play Wii Fit, it has the best sales, killing everything on 360.

Exactly when will one 360 exclusive game hit Wii Fit numbers?

Wii fit has a broader apeal...Way bigger than anything on ps3 or 360....I mean Chicks buy wii fit...and fat STFU

That was dumb and did not prove that PS3 has the best games...

Its not our fault people hate the ps3, its not our fault people dont want ps3 games, its not our fault that the ps3 does have quality ip but nobody cares about them.

Sales =/= quality, stop saying it does, if it did that would mean Wii sports, Wii fit, and Wii play were damn near the best games ever in history.

So becuase PS3 has the Niche games I have to agree with PS3 fanboys?

The ps3 has good games, niche? We cant prove that, because most people dont know what Uncharted is, most people dont know what little big planet is, they do know what halo is, why ? Ask sony's advertising team.

I guess you too start buying game mags and watching TV...Uncharted 2 had GT TV blow out...Anyone who has G4 knew about Uncharted

The Internet goes bat shit about game news and Uncharted series have always got maximum coverage...Killzone 2 comercials ran a month straight with WWE events on TV..Sony is advertising their games...people are just not buying them....Uncharted has no competition on the PS3 and was bundled heavily....Uncharted 2 should do over 1mil WW...

I don't why PS3 fanboys all over the Net hail the ps3 as the light giver and down right troll the Xbox 360

Here is Mario64's original post:


Yeah, it's an AAA title (90+ on Metacritic), so it's definitely a great game, no wonder people are happy.

On the subject of AAA games, 360 desperately needs one this year as exclusive :

PS3 exclusives AAA full games in 2009 : 2 (Killzone 2 and MLB 09)
360 exclusive AAA full games in 2009 : 0

It seems 2009 was the year of the PS3, like 2008


That's Trolling

Its not just ps3 fanboys though its fanboys of every system, they believe the console they have is the BEST period, and then troll the other two constantly.

Also then there is something other than advertising that is hurting sony, because clearly there games appeal to the mass audience, you have a FPS with the best graphics on the market, a platformer with amazingly fun gameplay that appeals to kids and adults, and more ip

Really though, the only title "I" have personally seen be advertised well this entire generation on a sony platform is Monster hunter freedom unite, being advertised on every channel, and look it might be showing legs..

Rockband on PSP flopped because there was not 1 advert anywhere but on the gaming sites were  mostly core gamers go.



@Zizzla : weak argument really. In case you don't know, MS don't earn 1 $ when I buy a new PC game. Playing under Windows is free you know. Only the OS is paid once, and even then I don't know many people who don't use cracked Windows copies.

@FKN: I see more trolls on the MS side actually, all I say is facts is opinions, all I see is attacks against me. You're the trolls. I'm Mario not Tim by the way.

@thesteve and the other fanboys : do your work with real full exclusive games from 2008, removing DLC and games which are playable on PC, remove XBLA / PSN games.

Then you'll see it's not that great for the 360.

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mario64 said:
@FKN: I see more trolls on the MS side actually, all I say is facts is opinions, all I see is attacks against me. You're the trolls. I'm Mario not Tim by the way.

Could you show me your so called "facts" then please? all you have said so far is shallow minded cr*p, and you wonder why people laugh at you......

mario64 said:
I talked about exclusives from the start shadowblind. Nice try anyway. But, ok, I've already got GTA4 on PS3.

Oh ok, exclusives then.




Killzone 2


Portal: Still Alive

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2

Gears of War

Gears of War 2

Forza Motorsport 2

Mass Effect   91
  Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter   90

Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

mario64 said:
@Zizzla : that's called a price cut. That's why the PS3 outsold 360 every week before this price cut, last september, and will outsell it again when Sony cuts the price too.

Sales I play sales.

@StrategyKing : with Heavy Rain and GOW3, MAG + tons more, I think you're wrong and 2010 will be another PS3 year, like 2008 and 2009. I can confidently say that.

according to the very own ps3 exclusives list MAG is 2009, and  +tons more is not a game. So I guess the ps3 has 2 exclusives in 2010? I guess you have decided it for me

You have no ammo to use on this arguement, bud.

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

Obligatory dick measuring Gaming Laptop Specs: Sager NP8270-GTX: 17.3" FULL HD (1920X1080) LED Matte LC, nVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, Intel Core i7-4700MQ, 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3, 750GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive

Zizzla_Rachet said:
mario64 said:
@Shadowblind : yeah sure, I did. If you remove DLC, XBLA 512 Mb games and PSN games (which should never be there in the first place), PS3 wins easily in exclusives FULL GAMES on Meta.

If you remove '360/PC fantasy 360 exclusives' which are not exclusives since they're on PC, it's even worse.

The few games left are from 2007 or before, and they're mostly shooters.

Feel free to check.

Even more trolling...

Try playing those games with out Windows

also worth noting that he quotes mlb 09 as a ps3 exclusive even though it is on 3 different sony platforms, but fails to recognize 360/pc games as exclusives.  Interesting...

@badge : at least it makes more sense than what you do.

Sales have no influence at all on the quality of a game, while metacritic is an average of opinions, some from professional reviewers.

One makes sense Meta (while YOUR opinion is of course the most important), the other one (sales) is useful for fanboys, but useless for gamers like me.