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Forums - Sales Discussion - Uncharted 2 vs Halo 3:ODST

nordlead said:
Tony_Parker said:
750 k is absolutely nothing when the installed bases are between 20 million and 30 million.

Holiday sales are what will matter for this year like for the other years.

All the other years show that the X360 can match or beat the PS3. So that 750k lead is rather important.

PS3 Launch Year - VGChartz Hardware data for the period 01st Oct 2006 to 30th Dec 2006:

Console PS3 X360

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 30th Sep 2007 to 29th Dec 2007:

Console PS3 X360

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 28th Sep 2008 to 27th Dec 2008:

Console PS3 X360

pwned :)

As I predicted back in Jan 09 that the 360 will have a lead by 11-12 million over PS3 by Jan 10. The way the year is shaping up it's possible it could be 12.5 mill or even 13 mill. 360 outsold PS3 last christmas period by 2.2 million. It's possible this christmas as the momentum is clearly with the 360 ( and Forza 3 likely to get some Europeans over to the light side of the force ) that the 360 can beat the PS3 by 3 mill + this christmas period.

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bevochan said:
Now, will Halo 3:ODST sell more than Uncharted 2? Probably but I wouldn't be certain. Halo 3 sold something like 9.5 million, but Halo Wars didn't do so well. Now Halo 3:ODST is built on the same engine of Halo 3 which is about 2-3 years old (which at that time was awesome), so the game isn't gonna seem like it's pushing boundaries. The game will be more of the same, so I don't think Halo 3:ODST is gonna sell even half of what Halo 3 sold (closer to Halo Wars than Halo 3). Now, I won't speculate on Halo Reach though.

Uncharted 2, on the other hand, is a budding franchise. I think it will certainly outsell the first Uncharted. Will it double its sales? It definitely has the potential. There's more PS3 consoles out there as compare to when the original Uncharted came out. Will the hype of Uncharted 2 get big and move games and the PS3 console? Don't know.


I don't think Halo 3:ODST is gonna be big as some people think. 


Of course it isn't. It's a expansion of the main game to begin with. I sure as heck don't expect it to sell Halo 3 numbers.

Of course it wont hit halo 3 numbers, but it will still be huge.

I mean expansion packs to popular games almost always do well. Look at how well the wow expansions sell for example.

I think uncharted 2 will have more soul, and be the better game of the two. However I don't believe it will out sell, or even be a system seller. There's something about the halo phenomenon that I don't quite understand, but everybody else seems to, and they fly off shelves. So in sales halo odst will have uncharted 2 for lunch and a very satisfying meal at that.

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More "soul"? Intangibles really are irrelevant to this discussion. Halo has always had great reviews as-well and many people love the series. So to many it probably has more "soul" and is the better game. It goes both ways, and thats why it really doesn't matter.

You want to put Uncharted 2 versus Halo ODST in terms of Hardware moving?
I wanna be pesmistic about Halo ODST for a Bit not even wanna think about the Reach Beta....And try to keep in mind Halo 3 sales from june 2008- june 2009 are proly more than Uncharted 2 sales are going to be life time..ODST is poised to do a similar feat


i will own both games. uncharted 2 will move a few consoles
but ODST will move a lot more.
sony though all there huge frist party games would move consoles
it did not happen


@coolguy : Gran Turismo moves more consoles than Halo. The only thing that stopped selling PS3 despite the great exclusives right now is price.

That's why it was killing the 360 in sales every week before last september price cut.

^ nothing to do with the PS3 geting a price cut the previous christmas, and the 360 not getting one?