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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Best 6th Generation Game, GAME, please read the rules!

seece said:

Samus Aran even if this contest is still going when you get back please DO NOT bother posting again, and none of your previous votes are being counted.

So you are not counting his votes because he said something that sounded pretty racist in another thread and got banned or because he voted against the game you like?

Just curious because if you are not going to count any votes against Halo, I might as well quit voting, and you might as well declare Halo the winner.

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silentmac said:
seece said:

Samus Aran even if this contest is still going when you get back please DO NOT bother posting again, and none of your previous votes are being counted.

So you are not counting his votes because he said something that sounded pretty racist in another thread and got banned or because he voted against the game you like?

Just curious because if you are not going to count any votes against Halo, I might as well quit voting, and you might as well declare Halo the winner.

I'm only replying to you once, not going to derail this thread.


What he said was racist, and to top it off d21lewis left the site because of it ><

I'm sorry if you find that reason petty but its my call and I'm making it.

P.S and are you kidding, Halo is getting voted down the most.


While I do agree what he said was racist whether he meant it to be or not. I don't see how something he said in another thread that is unrelated to the "Best 6th Generation game" should make his votes null...

Also, in your OP, you say "Biased votes are NOT counted, there are 50 games on the list, if you're a well known Sony fan and you first game to vote down is Halo"... I notice you specifically point out that well know "Sony fans" who vote against Halo (a game you admittedly like)... shouldn't be counted. Who are you to decide who's votes are biased or not and whether or not the intention behind those votes is pure?

I don't understand why you wouldn't just count all the votes regardless of the person making them and their motivations, unless you have some hidden motivation to verify that the games you think are the best are indeed the best...

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Just like I foresaw, it would be Halo getting voted down the most. I count most votes and you're probably not aware but in my last game the winner and runner up were both Sony exclusive games.

My mistake for putting biased, that should be fanboy. I understand everyone has a level of bias.

I am the one to choose because I made this thread, if you're not happy with that then you're free to make your own thread.

Just an FYI, most counts for Halo have been counted so far.

No need to reply to this.


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