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While I do agree what he said was racist whether he meant it to be or not. I don't see how something he said in another thread that is unrelated to the "Best 6th Generation game" should make his votes null...

Also, in your OP, you say "Biased votes are NOT counted, there are 50 games on the list, if you're a well known Sony fan and you first game to vote down is Halo"... I notice you specifically point out that well know "Sony fans" who vote against Halo (a game you admittedly like)... shouldn't be counted. Who are you to decide who's votes are biased or not and whether or not the intention behind those votes is pure?

I don't understand why you wouldn't just count all the votes regardless of the person making them and their motivations, unless you have some hidden motivation to verify that the games you think are the best are indeed the best...

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^ This is you!