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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Best 6th Generation Game, GAME, please read the rules!

+ Halo
- Persona 4

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Samus Aran said:

+ metroid prime
- Halo

@Ironman: Halo and metroid are equal on metacritic. And like I said, Halo was the best console fps, but there is also something called the pc. That's why I refuse to let Halo even in this list :) Yeah, fps can never win on a console imo. And zelda: wind worrier? I've never in my life heard about that game. I've been playing zelda: tp already for 40 hours and I'm not even done with the game. Can you say that about Halo 3's singleplayer? I still think single player > (online) multiplayer.


Ps: I'm not saying Halo is the worst game on the list, but I only vote on the games I've atleast played once.

Good god! are you stupid? We are not talking about PC games here, purge your mind of them. I really hope Seece isn't counting your votes because of the reasoning you keep giving. Oh, and I really doubt you've ever played throught Halo, you may have played a level at a friends house, but from what you say about the game, it is clear you are just spewing out talking points from Anti Halo fanboys.

+ Halo

- Metroid Prime

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!


You've already said that you haven't played Metroid Prime, so why should your votes be counted and his not?

"Sorry mate, but I already said Metroid prime looked like a pretty good game, I just don't think it was the best game last gen. I have never played it, and I already stated that as well, it can come in second place for all I care, I just don't believe it should be first just because of some art style"


-Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker


- Burnout Revenge

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ironman said:
Broncos724 said:
ironman said:

STOP THE PRESS!!! Samus Hates Halo!!!!!

Dude seriously, this thread is about what was the best game last gen, millions of people don't agree with you...I mean, Zelda? I played the wind worrier, and if that was any indication of what this "new" one is like (talking gameplay wise) then no, it is not better than Halo. Halo was the first successful FPS on a conslole, it lead to some of the greatest online play evern seen. I mean it lead to Halo 2...and eventually  Halo 3 which has consistantly been head and shoulders above all others in terms of logged online matches. Do you really think a game that lead to that big of a following deserves to be voted down? I think you are just bitter because you know you're favorite game is not the best game last gen.

Wrong, Goldeneye was very successful on the N64.  I won't claim that Goldeneye was the first successful console FPS cause I have no idea, but I know for a fact that Halo was not the first!  Halo was certainly a well-done game and revolutionized console FPS's, but it owes a LOT to Goldeneye, especially regarding the multiplayer aspects.  Before Halo it was Goldeneye being played in dorm rooms.

Also how does popularity equal the "best" game?  Prime has a higher score on and they have the same Metacritic rating so at the worst I would say they are, according to critics, equal.  And of course Halo has retained more popularity over time, it's primarily a multiplayer game so people will continue to play it.  Prime is a single player game thus was played less.  That doesn't make it a worse game though.

Yes, but Goldeneye did not change the way people look at FPS on consoles. I don't know that I could trust, I'm sure I can pull a site out of my ass that would rank Halo higher that Prime. I would be more inclined to use the universaly trusted ranking site Metacritic. See, here is why Halo is the better game. It changed the way people looked at console FPS, I would argue that it was even more succesful than Goldeneye because it is still raved about, enjoyed, and played on a daily basis by people all around the world. It is also more popular, and created a cult fallowing, something very few games have been able to achieve to date.

Now, Seece, can you update the list?

If Halo is at the top, then + GOW...otherwise, HALO

- Spliter Cell Chaos Theory.

Goldeneye revolutionized multiplayer on a console FPS.  Halo as a franchise is still raved about because it got sequels while Goldeneye did not.  You do know we're talking about Halo 1 only?  No one plays Halo 1 anymore.  I would bet you more people play Goldeneye today than Halo 1.


+Metroid Prime

-Shadow of the Colossus

coolbeans said:
^Bronco, PC Halo (1) has online and many people still played that compared to Goldeneye last I checked.

From earlier discussion I thought we were only talking about the console Halo 1.

+Metroid Prime


Persona 4 +
Metroid Prime -

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^ This is you!

+ Metroid Prime
- Halo