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Hey again all my real account name is Ssliasil...but that got banned because, well im not entirely sure, i was wrong in an arguement and adimited it...and people cept on chatting about how i was wrong...and all i did was say "yup your right, keep on posting your just giving my VG$"...

Then got banned...Stupid i Hey again all!

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welcome to vg chartz




You were banned for spamming

not perma-banned

your account will be back in a couple of days

hh but how was i spamming? I wasnt the one bumping the topic :D

I don't know i wasn't the one who banned you

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you got banned for bumping a topic to many times im assumes looking at your profile.

It replying to another poster who's talking directly to me is spam...then yes im guilty.

Making an alt account is against the rules, if you have a problem with a ban you can message the head mod naznatips...

Former something....


he was banned by DKII. who outranks Naznatips

dsister44 said:

he was banned by DKII. who outranks Naznatips

Okay then....just deal with the ban...^_^

Former something....