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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor: Marvelous porting Wii game to PS3/360

Soriku said:
If true the only contendere are Muramasa and Reel lol. Others don't have good enough graphics to port.

But instead of porting focus on ads and distribution more.

this. though they could port Rune Factory game to ps360 - i think it could get away with graphics and if it would be enchanced game i would buy it.

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z101 said:
No Arc Rise, Fantasia, No Muramasa for the HD consoles. This games would sale worse there than on the wii.

Hd consoleros prefer simple action games. It is obvious that Marvelous will port No More Heroes, but I fear even this game will sell worse than on Wii and another publisher is at the end because of an flopped hd game.

You can't just assume it. Niche games have sold well on PS3/360.


Nor can you assume that HD "consoleros" (whatever that means) prefer simple action games. That's just stupid and you have no basis for it.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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No More Heroes will be looking into "other platforms" and now other Wii-exclusive games may be going multiplatform.

It's almost like rats fleeing a sinking ship, but the Wii doesn't appear to be sinking...

well after recent Suda 51 announcement it might be revamped No More Heroes that would be a test before releasing exclusive ps360 No More Heroes 3. though i think it might be Rune Factory: Frontier - they only need to bump up resolution and add few tweaks here and there. especially that Rune Factory would cater bigger audience than typical Harvest Moon game on ps360.

I would buy Rune Factory: Frontier for ps3 even if the graphics were the same as the Wii version. I'd hope that they would reduce the amount of loading though with an install perhaps. Easily a day one purchase if they port it.

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ameratsu said:

I would buy Rune Factory: Frontier for ps3 even if the were the same as the Wii version. I'd hope that they would reduce the amount of loading though with an install perhaps. Easily a day one purchase if they port it.

yeah, if they would make new content for this game it would be awesome  - if  Marvelous announce this i hope for some online play.

makingmusic476 said:
I could see Muramasa becoming a PSN/XBLA title.

In my opinion, that's the only thing that makes sense.  Releasing a retail copy of that game on HD consoles is like sending it out to die.  And with the way they don't advertise games... I doubt they could even justify it. 

They would have to add a lot of new stuff to get me to buy RF:F on the PS3... I logged 127 hours on the Wii version, so they would have to offer me something special to get me to pick it up again.

I wouldn't mind a brand new Harvest Moon in HD on the PS3. Just so long as they don't drop Nintendo.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

I hope this isn't true, the games won't do any better on the HD consoles and 90% of their Wii efforts haven't even been released in North America yet. And the HD consoles already have enough exclusives, the Wii needs some.

If anything I hope the only game they try is Little King's Story.

If No More Heroes goes HD I will lose all faith in Marvelous and Suda51.

Not sure if the hd fans will appreciate the fishing game

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