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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Developers HAVE Natal Kits, but no Sony Wand kits...

libellule said:
axumblade said:
libellule said:
THQ have Natal kit but not the Sony one

you don't know for others developpers

about Natal, no price, no release date, no games
and guess what ?
the same go for the Sony wand outside the supposed early 2010 release date ...

If you're going to use "supposed" try narrowing it to what Sony said.

well, I mean, they can still delay it ...

I was just pointing out that the title thread is missleading and the overall thread ... useless

There's nothing misleading about the OP...If you READ the post...they have had the kits for 4 to 6 weeks!  So, at E3, they already had it, and this OP was directly squarely at those who said Natal was vaporware, and that Sony's advancement of Wii's tech was going to reach consumer much faster than Natal.  This clearly put that line of thinking  in doubt, and shows that Natal might actually reach consumer faster than magic wand.  I'm sure M$ didn't provide the kits to just THQ, and this isn't M$'s THQ...a third party developer!

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

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I'm skeptical that either Microsoft or Sony will have significant motion-controlled titles to release in 2010... maybe some Wii ports, some simple casual games or some old games with tacked-on motion controls (such as Burnout).


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:

I'm skeptical that either Microsoft or Sony will have significant motion-controlled titles to release in 2010... maybe some Wii ports, some simple casual games or some old games with tacked-on motion controls (such as Burnout).

I was going to say the exact same thing...

If 3rd party developers are only now beginning to receive dev kits, with the majority having received none at all, how the heck are they gonna come up with something substantially great in time for their supposed 'spring 2010' launch? Even for Wii, with its weaker, and easy-to-develop-for hardware, it takes a reasonably long time to develop really good games... How exactly are developers gonna put out strong titles for the 'core' HD consoles in time for launch? Especially seeing how the vast majority of developers still doesn't seem to have any dev kits.

I predict a few casual minigame-crap-fests, but that's it.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


axumblade said:
Cheebee said:
NJ5 said:

I'm skeptical that either Microsoft or Sony will have significant motion-controlled titles to release in 2010... maybe some Wii ports, some simple casual games or some old games with tacked-on motion controls (such as Burnout).

I was going to say the exact same thing...

If 3rd party developers are only now beginning to receive dev kits, with the majority having received none at all, how the heck are they gonna come up with something substantially great in time for their supposed 'spring 2010' launch? Even for Wii, with its weaker, and easy-to-develop-for hardware, it takes a reasonably long time to develop really good games... How exactly are developers gonna put out strong titles for the 'core' HD consoles in time for launch? Especially seeing how the vast majority of developers still doesn't seem to have any dev kits.

I predict a few casual minigame-crap-fests, but that's it.

Sony have been working on the wand for years...I predict a few PSN games that will utilize it early on...along with a "core game." Sony have already got the controls for archery and spellcasting down. Also part of sony's motion control system is on the market (pseye). I dont know if the core game will be great though but i do predict a more casual launch, but sony will release the core title just to show it can be used for core games.

That could be the case, but then why didn't they show any game demos at E3, instead just showing some tech demos which are more suited to a conference like GDC than E3?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Why would you want THQ making games for your platform anyway, I can't think of any good games that they have made.... but things aren't looking great for an amazing motion controlled line-up in Spring 2010

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axumblade said:
NJ5 said:
axumblade said:
Cheebee said:
NJ5 said:

I'm skeptical that either Microsoft or Sony will have significant motion-controlled titles to release in 2010... maybe some Wii ports, some simple casual games or some old games with tacked-on motion controls (such as Burnout).

I was going to say the exact same thing...

If 3rd party developers are only now beginning to receive dev kits, with the majority having received none at all, how the heck are they gonna come up with something substantially great in time for their supposed 'spring 2010' launch? Even for Wii, with its weaker, and easy-to-develop-for hardware, it takes a reasonably long time to develop really good games... How exactly are developers gonna put out strong titles for the 'core' HD consoles in time for launch? Especially seeing how the vast majority of developers still doesn't seem to have any dev kits.

I predict a few casual minigame-crap-fests, but that's it.

Sony have been working on the wand for years...I predict a few PSN games that will utilize it early on...along with a "core game." Sony have already got the controls for archery and spellcasting down. Also part of sony's motion control system is on the market (pseye). I dont know if the core game will be great though but i do predict a more casual launch, but sony will release the core title just to show it can be used for core games.

That could be the case, but then why didn't they show any game demos at E3, instead just showing some tech demos which are more suited to a conference like GDC than E3?


Because the games haven't been worked on yet...You guys are acting like it takes years for them to make all of the motion controlled games. The PSN games seem easy enough to make. I predict thatgamecompany or Q? to make one of the games involving the Wand. They release 1 game a year normally anyways and it's not too much to think they might be working on a pixeljunk involving the technology.

Insomniac games have 2 studios now, and I don't think it take all of their resources to make a new Ratchet & Clank game, especially considering that they released Resistance and Ratchet & Clank: Quest 4 Booty last year. Naughty Dog have supposedly been working at trying to release 2 games within 1 year, so they could also be working on it. I know Insomniac tend to get dev kits before other developers and they are pretty good about keeping quiet about what they are working on until it needs to be revealed. I'm predicting the "core" game to come from either of those two studios.

Also, there could be studios that they are paying to go back over other games to add motion controls to (I could see them doing this with a game like Demon's Souls since it does feature archery and magic as well).

Yeah, casual minigame-heavy games we might see, but the core ones you mentioned? Do you seriously believe studios that release but one or two games a *year* will take the gamble and release a motion-based game instead of a more traditional one that might see better sales? You have to keep in mind that both Sony and Microsoft' motion-control devices are add-ons to the already existing (and by no means cheap) hardware. What do you think the penetration rate for these devices will be? Surely they won't be *that* high. That means they'll have to build up an entire new install base from scratch. Developers aren't gonna release big-budget 'core' HD games if there's no guarantee they'll sell even remotely well.

And besides, whether you, me, or anyone else likes it or not, the vast majority of so-called HD 'core' gamers have been very vocal when it comes to motion controls. It's painfully obvious *most* core gamers just don't want motion controls. Or so they claim. Denying that is denying most of the videogame-related websites and message boards around. And if they'd release a game with motion AND traditional controls? Well, that would kind of defeat the purpose of the motion-controlled games.

So I don't think developers are going to invest tons of money in developing deep, meaningful core games for platforms that are already expensive to develop for. Especially regarding the current worldwide financial situation. Nowadays it's incredibly risky to release a game that strays very far from the established content that's already available on a platform. Especially on the HD consoles. Studios are shutting down and going bankrupt left and right, no-one's gonna take any gambles.

Again, *yes* we will probably see quite a few minigame-heavy, casual-oriented games coming out. But the big-budget, core-focused titles? We'll have to wait and see, but I'd say don't get your hopes up. Especially regarding studios that typically release few games, because when one bombed game can force you out of business, no-one's gonna take the risk.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Nobody said Natal was vaporware they said it was gimped.

axumblade said:
kowenicki said:
tbh I would buy natal just so I can move through my dashboard minority report style...

yes I am that sad.

That's not so much sad because that's how I feel about it too. x.o I want Natal if only to do that and Richochet could be fun but mainly what you just said. x.o

That would be cool... and I also want to be able to use voice commands, but I can already do that in EndWar.... and I really have 0 interest in plaing my games standing up, or in a manner than might be tiring

axumblade said:
Cheebee said:
axumblade said:

Because the games haven't been worked on yet...You guys are acting like it takes years for them to make all of the motion controlled games. The PSN games seem easy enough to make. I predict thatgamecompany or Q? to make one of the games involving the Wand. They release 1 game a year normally anyways and it's not too much to think they might be working on a pixeljunk involving the technology.

Insomniac games have 2 studios now, and I don't think it take all of their resources to make a new Ratchet & Clank game, especially considering that they released Resistance and Ratchet & Clank: Quest 4 Booty last year. Naughty Dog have supposedly been working at trying to release 2 games within 1 year, so they could also be working on it. I know Insomniac tend to get dev kits before other developers and they are pretty good about keeping quiet about what they are working on until it needs to be revealed. I'm predicting the "core" game to come from either of those two studios.

Also, there could be studios that they are paying to go back over other games to add motion controls to (I could see them doing this with a game like Demon's Souls since it does feature archery and magic as well).

Yeah, casual minigame-heavy games we might see, but the core ones you mentioned? Do you seriously believe studios that release but one or two games a *year* will take the gamble and release a motion-based game instead of a more traditional one that might see better sales? You have to keep in mind that both Sony and Microsoft' motion-control devices are add-ons to the already existing (and by no means cheap) hardware. What do you think the penetration rate for these devices will be? Surely they won't be *that* high. That means they'll have to build up an entire new install base from scratch. Developers aren't gonna release big-budget 'core' HD games if there's no guarantee they'll sell even remotely well.

And besides, whether you, me, or anyone else likes it or not, the vast majority of so-called HD 'core' gamers have been very vocal when it comes to motion controls. It's painfully obvious *most* core gamers just don't want motion controls. Or so they claim. Denying that is denying most of the videogame-related websites and message boards around.

So I don't think developers are going to invest tons of money in developing deep, meaningful core games for platforms that are already expensive to develop for. Especially regarding the current worldwide financial situation. Nowadays it's incredibly risky to release a game that strays very far from the established content that's already available on a platform. Especially on the HD consoles. Studios are shutting down and going bankrupt left and right, no-one's gonna take any gambles.

Again, *yes* we will probably see quite a few minigame-heavy, casual-oriented games coming out. But the big-budget, core-focused titles? We'll have to wait and see, but I'd say don't get your hopes up. Especially regarding studios that typically release few games, because when one bombed game can force you out of business, no-one's gonna take the risk.

Insomniac and Naughty Dog normally get dev kits early and what makes you think that they won't bundle the game with the wand? It's not as though it's impossible. They probably won't use the amount of resources they used for Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time or Uncharted 2 but they could easily put something together that is decent just to prove to the core gamers that the motion controls would actually be decent. Sony will go through any means necessary to prove to the core audience that it can be used for core gaming.

IF there is a price cut, if being the key word, I don't see how it would be hard to sell the motion controls, especially bundled. And perhaps I'm underestimating how much it takes to make a motion controlled game. But at the same time, from what I've heard, it's relatively cheap to develop for the Wii, and I highly doubt that it would cost that many more millions of dollars to impliment a control scheme based on physical movements. Usage of the Playstation Eye along with the wand might need a way higher budget due to it being able to pinpoint and show you on the camera, but otherwise the motion controls are similar to the Wii's, only make it shape look completely ridiculous instead of the shape of a miniature tv remote (or elongated stereo remote, whichever you prefer).

ALSO, don't act like there's no way that a person can decide whether they can use a more traditional control scheme or a motion controlled scheme.

Hmm, yeah, well, like I said, I was just giving my opinion and what I expect. We'll have to wait and see.

Concerning the costs of developing a core motion-controlled game for either PS3 or 360, you didn't get what I was saying. Of course the control scheme wouldn't cost that much to develop. It's the games themselves I was talking about. It's a fact that games for either of the HD consoles cost a heck of a lot more than Wii games, with or without the motion controls.

And yeah, the pricecut. We've al heard countless arguments and reasons why and when the PS3 will start selling better, and so far, not a single one has had any substantial long-term effect. I do believe a PS3 pricecut will boost sales, obviously, but long-term? Not so much. Besides, the competition can always lower *their* prices as well, they're in a much more comfortable financial position.

ALSO, - what..?

But hey, like I said, that's just how I personally think about it, I'm not bashing or attacking anyone or any company, to each their own. :)

We'll see.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


oh noes ! what will they do without THQ titles at launch.. that were unlikely to come out at launch anyways.. terrible.

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