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Forums - Sales Discussion - More people in US with a HD DVD player than Blu-ray

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Dno said:
thats nice but i will care when any new movie comes out for all these HD DVD players... untill then ill be enjoying all my NEW movies on blu-ray

With HD-DVD you can watch normal DVD's in High-Def. You just wont have all of the extras like Blu Ray or HD-DVD had.

Completely wrong. That sounds like an uninformed consumer and the next phase of HD DVD supporters settlling for good enough. Not saying you are "settling" but your comment on upscaling equalling quality of actual 1080p is so far from true

This is a comparison of upscaled to 1080p vs BD

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steverhcp02 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Dno said:
thats nice but i will care when any new movie comes out for all these HD DVD players... untill then ill be enjoying all my NEW movies on blu-ray

With HD-DVD you can watch normal DVD's in High-Def. You just wont have all of the extras like Blu Ray or HD-DVD had.

Completely wrong. That sounds like an uninformed consumer and the next phase of HD DVD supporters settlling for good enough. Not saying you are "settling" but your comment on upscaling equalling quality of actual 1080p is so far from true

This is a comparison of upscaled to 1080p vs BD

I would be just as happy with the former as the latter.


axumblade said:
Epoch said:
Lostplanet22 said:
They had a survey that counted of 700 people. They asked them for who you are gonna vote and Obama won; A survey of 700 people can be a very good indication for whole the country.

WOW.  You just boggled my mind. 

I once flipped a coin 701 times and my "survey" told me that Bush would win in 2000.  Guess my coin was a pretty good indicator for the whole country as well -.-

It's called a survey for a reason...And it was slightly accurate, your argument makes no sense considering it was a sample survey and in all likelhiood, they interviewed people from different states for their answers. Just because not everybody liked Obama doesn't mean that he wasn't going to win. It's about who has the most votes, not who has all of the votes...

You both missed the point of my example.  My example was simply to demonstrate that the likelyhood of their "survey" being correct was about 50%. 

700 people surveyed is hardly indicative of anything.  The fact that the survey was right is due more random chance than anything else. 

In short: small data sets used to represent much larger populations are often rife with problems. There are countless examples of this.  Look some up

I think it ended this close because after Toshiba threw in the towel player and media prices dropped dramatically so many people jumped onto the chance to get it even though the format was dead.

I understand why too. A dedicated HD-DVD player which upscaled DVDs for like $50 and movies for like $5. Even with no future support there was massive reasons to buy anyways.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

just cause they stopped making them, doesnt mean they wont sell em. and please, no more stats. i thought i saw the last of it when i graduated high school >.>

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your source xbot

9Chiba said:
just cause they stopped making them, doesnt mean they wont sell em. and please, no more stats. i thought i saw the last of it when i graduated high school >.>

Guess you never had a job then... because even as a crew member the managers love to use statistics. "The average customer wait should be 1 minute" - McDonalds cashier... and do you actually believe things that have been sitting on shelves for over 16 months is actually selling enough to get any type of % increase?


That can't be right... only way that figure could be possible is if HD-DVD was included with the 360... and it's not!

With the advent of streaming video on demand, especially now with the inclusion of 1080p video via DirecTV and Fios, among other companies, Blu-Ray might be going the way of Betamax and Mini-Disc within the next couple of years.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

IS some idiot counting all 360s as "machine that can play HD-DVD"?