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Forums - Sony Discussion - Left 4 Dead 2 for PS3?

You know, I'm looking at the EA website right now and I'm wondering exactly where every one sees the "Coming to PS3" part. What I see is a "Coming Soon: Xbox 360, PC Download, PC".

Sorry fellas.

The BuShA owns all!

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^^ they changed it


it was either a mistake or a future announcement that was not supposed to be announced like that.

Either way as i have said in the other thread ,who cares?




LOL obviously you care Spartan, you made a whole thread on it to try and rile people up.

& FF13 VS was "announced" on! woo does that mean we get that too?


Possibly. Would be pretty cool since Sony doesn't charge extra for mods and force-charge for DLC.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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Looks like all mention of a ps3 version has been removed from

thanks for letting me to get my hopes up and then crushing them like a nasty bug EA.

makingmusic476 said:
Looks like all mention of a ps3 version has been removed from

I hope it becomes an announcement in the near future..


leo-j said:
makingmusic476 said:
Looks like all mention of a ps3 version has been removed from

I hope it becomes an announcement in the near future..

I am not doing that again.

Honestly, I think it may be a Namco-esque screw up. I would not be surprised in the slightest if the game got ported by EA.

Really, I'm thinking that after TOB failed to light up sales charts on consoles (particularly the ps3 version), EA decided not to waste the effort porting L4D. I mean, if the legendary HL2 couldn't show strong sales, why would a new IP?

Then L4D went on to sell extremely well over the holidays, and now EA are all about a ps3 port of the sequel.