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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Impressions on Motion Plus

I've always wondered, Is Virtua Tennis true 1:1? Are there any tennis players here who can tell if it replicates real tennis? Is the online the only bad thing about the game?


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Kwaidd said:
grand slam tennis got a 7.5 in NP mag. it took hits for the game not being 100 percent on with motion plus and some of the motions being interpreted improperly at times. it is the first attempt at motion plus tennis and i would expect EA to do better with future attempts.
and, what a few others have stated that the learning curve is initially very the game does basically exactly what you if you suck at tennis, guess suck at tennis. some people will prolly prefer the ease of a waggle based tennis than actually suffering through the learning process of actual tennis.

i wouldn't base a be all end all impression on motion plus by this game.

Well it can't be seeing as how it's the first M+ game along with Tiger Woods. It's sounding like Tiger Woods is the stronger of the two in showcasing the control abilities. Grand Slam Tennis does have some shortcomings (direction issues when only using the remote, mistranslated motions), but this seems to be more of a software issue than a hardware issue.

The thing I'm noticing is that M+ is not exactly a Wii 2.0 reinvention right off the starting line as some have been hyping.

I had hoped that Wii Sports Resort would have been the title to make my initial impression of M+ as I think it should better demonstrate the possiblities as well as the accuracy of the hardware.

KungKras said:
I've always wondered, Is Virtua Tennis true 1:1? Are there any tennis players here who can tell if it replicates real tennis? Is the online the only bad thing about the game?

I'll have a better dissection of the controls after tomorrow, but based on what I've already seen, I'd say no. It is taking user input into account, particularly for spin, but it does not demonstrate 1:1 tracking. There is a considerable amount of lag between player swing and actual animation.


Edit: You said Virtua Tennis. I was talking about EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis, which is M+ enabled. I'm not even sure if Virtua Tennis uses M+ controls.

DKII said:
Tiger Woods is much better. From a practical gameplay standpoint Grand Slam Tennis didn't feel that much different from Wii Sports Tennis despite using WM+.

That was the impression my brother seemed to have. As a "light" gamer (plays core games, but not a time intensive player), he did not seem particularly impressed with M+ after initially being somewhat excited about it.

In fact, I think he'll probably continue to play GS Tennis without the M+ attachment.

If other light gamers like him (a significant chunk of the Wii audience) feel the same way, I'm wondering if a lot of Wii owners will only being buying the M+ attachment simply because they have a Wii or because they want Sports Resort, and not because it "reinvents" the Wii in terms of player control.

I am interested in getting Tiger Woods but would rather get the Motion + with Resort. When does that game come out?

EMULATION is the past.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E



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Sports Resort comes out next month. July 26th.

Pretty big period of time to be beaten to the punch by EA, but I still expect Sports Resort to be a better demo for the M+ attachment.

Tiger Woods Wii works really well. Its been awhile since I've turned on my Wii, but it was worth it.


greenmedic88 said:
Kwaidd said:
grand slam tennis got a 7.5 in NP mag. it took hits for the game not being 100 percent on with motion plus and some of the motions being interpreted improperly at times. it is the first attempt at motion plus tennis and i would expect EA to do better with future attempts.
and, what a few others have stated that the learning curve is initially very the game does basically exactly what you if you suck at tennis, guess suck at tennis. some people will prolly prefer the ease of a waggle based tennis than actually suffering through the learning process of actual tennis.

i wouldn't base a be all end all impression on motion plus by this game.

Well it can't be seeing as how it's the first M+ game along with Tiger Woods. It's sounding like Tiger Woods is the stronger of the two in showcasing the control abilities. Grand Slam Tennis does have some shortcomings (direction issues when only using the remote, mistranslated motions), but this seems to be more of a software issue than a hardware issue.

The thing I'm noticing is that M+ is not exactly a Wii 2.0 reinvention right off the starting line as some have been hyping.

I had hoped that Wii Sports Resort would have been the title to make my initial impression of M+ as I think it should better demonstrate the possiblities as well as the accuracy of the hardware.

I think it has been mentioned in another thread that it uses M+, or I got it wrong.

But still, I hear so much about Grand Slam Tennis. I want peoples impressions from Virtua Tennis.

I LOVE ICELAND!'s my 2 cents...

EVERY single Motionplus game uses calibration to recalibrate the central position..

GST does it between every point (or when you hold the MP still for 2 seconds or more)
If you don't hold the wiimote in a central position between each point it will calibrate in the
wrong central position which is why people have control issues with the game

VT has you point at the player in order to calibrate position
and as for Wii Sports does it too.....

Did you see the frisbee game? Your dog collects said frisbee then you pick it out of its mouth
(in the central position) and get to throw it again! You've calibrated without realising!!

Tiger woods works so well because
1. you stand still
2. you hold it down in one direction and hold a button to start to swing (...calibration)

So there you have it - EVERY MP game will be the same...Nintendo just hide it in their games
betteer than others

EA should have mentioned this in their manual though!

shredman_aka_golgo13 said:'s my 2 cents...

EVERY single Motionplus game uses calibration to recalibrate the central position..

GST does it between every point (or when you hold the MP still for 2 seconds or more)
If you don't hold the wiimote in a central position between each point it will calibrate in the
wrong central position which is why people have control issues with the game

VT has you point at the player in order to calibrate position
and as for Wii Sports does it too.....

Did you see the frisbee game? Your dog collects said frisbee then you pick it out of its mouth
(in the central position) and get to throw it again! You've calibrated without realising!!

Tiger woods works so well because
1. you stand still
2. you hold it down in one direction and hold a button to start to swing (...calibration)

So there you have it - EVERY MP game will be the same...Nintendo just hide it in their games
betteer than others

EA should have mentioned this in their manual though!

Hmm, that's quite interresting. Calibration may be a problem, but just as load times are hidden in clever ways in Metroid Prime 3, I think the calibration can be hidden in some clever ways as well.