Slimebeast said:
selnor said:
3 more brand new 720p shots.
Remember read my sig!

This is gorgeous.
About your sig, I think they still doctor the shots somehow lol. It can't look this good. |
Originally Posted by Ding:
I know that it swaps in higher poly car models
Originally Posted by Ding:
Replace car textures with higher res ones
Originally Posted by Ding:
Replace environment geometry (i.e. track detail) with higher poly versions. Or maybe just turn off the lower detail models that are typically swapped in for far away objects.)
Really? Nah.
Originally Posted by Ding:
Swap in a higher res skybox
Originally Posted by Ding:
There's nothing wrong or sneaky about that, but I'd hate to see a backlash (Here? Never!) when the in-game experience doesn't quite match the prettiness shown in these shots.
Go watch some in-game videos. Plenty of them around.
Originally Posted by Ding:
I'm buying F3 day one.
Thank you.
Originally Posted by Ding:
I ask some questions, and your snide response to them is "Wrong"? That doesn't even parse, you moron.
Seriously, this is your idea of community outreach? Fuck you. Thanks to your sneering little display, F3 for me has moved from a day-one-buy, down to rent-and-then-buy-used. And this is from a guy that just spent $600 on wheel and cockpit hardware, so you just managed to dissipate the remarkable amount of goodwill that I once had for your game. Nice work. Dan would be proud. I'm sure the game will be awesome and I still look forward to playing it, but I'll be damned if I will support a company that thinks it's cool to take cheap shots at their customer base this way. (I realize that it's not fair to paint the entire Turn10 company with Che's stink, but as a customer what other option do I really have? Besides this rant, I mean. )
I've watched just about every video released, thanks. They look great, although they in no way match the even-more-lovely photo mode shots. You're not actually trying to imply that they do, are you? Are you that stupid, or do you just think we are?
Bite me.
Anywho, sorry about assuming that higher poly models are used for photo-mode. I could have sworn I had read that, but it could have been speculation, or Forza 2 lore, or heck, maybe even GT5 confusion. That said, why wouldn't you do that?
Whoa, didn't mean to set off a meltdown. Sorry if the word "wrong" offended you, but it was factually wrong -- which was what I meant to express. :P
My point is that photomode is basically the game engine paused, with added post-effects that you don't get during gameplay (some AA, motion blur, and DOF) but none of the other stuff you stated as fact.
My LOL comment was aimed at your assumption that we swapped out our skybox textures in photomode. Sorry if that came off as snide but what would make you just assume that? Pretty random, imo. At any rate, it's the same skybox texture you see in the game as you play.
Whatever. Hope you have a nice day too.