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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official: ( Forza 3 ) Thread

I think I've just decided. Between GT5 and Forza 3 I think i'll pick up the latter. The games are essentially the same and noob mode means I don't have to play alone.


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sega4life said:
matt247 said:

Funny... those look like rain clouds..



Taz! said:
FKNetwork said:
JaggedSac said:
I am seriously tempted to get a wheel and stuff for this game. What is the best bang for the buck on some accessories? As in, the cheapest I can get and still have some good equipment.

Me too but isn't the MS wheel the only one you can really get on the 360 for a decent price? not saying anything is wrong with the MS wheel, I tried it and was impressed with it.

The average/decent MS wheel is you're only real option.

True, looks like I'll have to get that one then lol, I liked it when I tried it but I would have liked a larger wheel choice on the 360 tbh....

Slimebeast said:
It just keeps looking better and better!

I think Forza 3 will be the definitive racing game of this generation.

^TOTALLY agree! every new screenshot that gets released looks like a massive improvement over the last, I have not got so excited for a game in a long long time, I missed this feeling lol,


I also love the latest screenshots showing the more "normal" cars that we see a lot of in real life, the ford focus rs, fiesta rs, the twingo, seat leon, cupra, all look exactly how they should! I am truly truly impressed!

That's fucking awesome

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

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I can't resist to post this :

this is just to say sky, for me, can really improve track visual particularly during replay. What I see in this forza3 pic remember me Red Rock Valley from GT2 and Deep Forest from GT1/2 with the nice sun on the sky

(it also remember the monstruous STALKER but that is another story)

Time to Work !

I m sure you all see my point ;))))

EDIT : sorry for the HS

Time to Work !

Natacha Gachnang has been revealed as the 'European Face of Forza' to celebrate the game's launch in October.

The 21-year-old Swiss is the first ever female driver to race in the FIA Formula Two Championships, and is currenly completing her debut season.

She also served as consultant on Forza Motorsport 3. "What a buzz - the tracks, the cars, the handling - the attention to detail is incredible," Gachnang says. "Forza 3 is a car fans dream! It really feels like I'm right there, in the car, racing round the tracks, all in the comfort of my own living room!"

So... she'll be the face of Forza Motorsport 3 when it launches on October 23rd. Which doesn't really mean anything in the grand scheme of things but hey, now you know anyway.

That will help with sales

Natacha also spent some time in Seattle as a consultant on the game, giving advice on the realism of some of the tracks she has raced in her career, as well as critiquing the sounds and set ups of the cars she has driven. Gachnang also explored the customisation and tuning elements of the game and created her own car.

The ultimate thrill seeker, Gachnang lists heliskiing as one of her favourite hobbies and she jumped at the chance to test her experience of the road on the breathtaking virtual tracks of Forza 3.

“What a buzz – the tracks, the cars, the handling – the attention to detail is incredible. Forza 3 is a car fans dream! It really feels like I’m right there, in the car, racing round the tracks, all in the comfort of my own living room!” said Natacha Gachnang.

Game Director Dan Greenawalt stated, “A love of all things cars lives in everyone at Turn 10. It’s fantastic to see this mirrored in Natacha. Her passion and expertise for racing is clear to see and the realism of the game really lets her skills as a driver shine through. From a pro driver like Natacha to anyone who has a passion for cars, Forza Motorsport 3 has something for everyone.”

They should include the suit in a "prestige" edition

they should put her in the game itself.. I think forza should have it's own token female characters..


like these..