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Forums - Sony Discussion - Valve shuts out "Too Complicated" PS3

Sure, they can stick to the PC and 360 with their last gen games.

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JEDE3 said:
Smashed said:
In better words.
Valve is lazy, and doesn't want to try new things.
A game developer should never say something is "too complex"

Naw I don't think they should never say it. I think they should never say it before they make an attempt.

Oh yeah, I should have made that more clear. But really, do you see several other game studio's complaining? No. They have gotten used to the different programming, and they are making more profit from doing that, putting their games multi-platform. Valve is lazy in my eyes, I don't know what anyone else thinks, you are right, things take practice, I doubt they have even tried it.

Just because Valve doesn't want to develop for PS3 doesn't mean they're lazy.

All companies have finite resources that they can apply towards game development, and it makes the most sense to allocate those resources where you can expect the greatest return on investment. Valve have apparently decided that the best use of their resources is PC/360 development. Get over it.

Here's a little reading assignment for all the fanboys who's kneejerk reaction was to bash Valve as "lazy.'

jcp234 said:
Boutros said:
jcp234 said:
Boutros said:
I am pretty sure the reason why they are not developping games on the PS3 is more than just because it's complicated...
They can't expect people to believe that in 2009.

It's really not that hard to believe for most with the exception of a few very vocal Sony "loyalist"

What? I think you are avoiding the subject. I looked at your previous posts and it seems you have a problem with PS3 owners anyway. So you really think the reason why Vavle is not developping games for the PS3 is because it's «too complicated»...

How am I avoiding the subject? LOL Have you read my posts pertaining to the issue? Your conclusions is supported by what?

This company is basically saying the PS3 is not a viable platform for its products because of the complicated architecture and you are doubting that based on what? Sony even insists it intentionally made the PS3 architecture difficult. Are you a Valve employee?

What grounds do you have to discredit somethig being stated by Valve? Who are you again?

And I have no problem with PS3 owners. Maybe you should do more research.

Companies want to make a profit. For Valve, complicated = more expenses. Valve does not want to deal with it...get over it.

That's why they are lazy...

You admit they are lazy right? (based on what they said in the article)

De85 said:
Just because Valve doesn't want to develop for PS3 doesn't mean they're lazy.

All companies have finite resources that they can apply towards game development, and it makes the most sense to allocate those resources where you can expect the greatest return on investment. Valve have apparently decided that the best use of their resources is PC/360 development. Get over it.

Here's a little reading assignment for all the fanboys who's kneejerk reaction was to bash Valve as "lazy.'

Thank you! Why is this so hard to understand?

I know in bizzarro world it may not seem like it (Sony Land), but companies actually exist to make the greatest potential return on investment!

For Valve, because of the PS3's architecture, it is not worth producing a game for the platform (based on Valve's business strategy). Take a few business classes. This is not very hard to comprehend.

I'm not a fanboy, I just try to tip the balance in favor of logic and common sense.

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Boutros said:
jcp234 said:
Boutros said:
jcp234 said:
Boutros said:
I am pretty sure the reason why they are not developping games on the PS3 is more than just because it's complicated...
They can't expect people to believe that in 2009.

It's really not that hard to believe for most with the exception of a few very vocal Sony "loyalist"

What? I think you are avoiding the subject. I looked at your previous posts and it seems you have a problem with PS3 owners anyway. So you really think the reason why Vavle is not developping games for the PS3 is because it's «too complicated»...

How am I avoiding the subject? LOL Have you read my posts pertaining to the issue? Your conclusions is supported by what?

This company is basically saying the PS3 is not a viable platform for its products because of the complicated architecture and you are doubting that based on what? Sony even insists it intentionally made the PS3 architecture difficult. Are you a Valve employee?

What grounds do you have to discredit somethig being stated by Valve? Who are you again?

And I have no problem with PS3 owners. Maybe you should do more research.

Companies want to make a profit. For Valve, complicated = more expenses. Valve does not want to deal with it...get over it.

That's why they are lazy...

You admit they are lazy right? (based on what they said in the article)

So because Valve does not want to take on extra expenses to produce products for the PS3 that tranlates to lazy? Please explain how and where did you get that idea based on what I communicated?

I am not sure what you tried to do just now, but I am very well aware of what I intend to communicate. Valve does not want to deal with the increased cost of developing for the PS3. Please, either formulate a better argument or read a book...


I'm not a fanboy, I just try to tip the balance in favor of logic and common sense.

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jcp234 said:
Boutros said:
jcp234 said:
Boutros said:
jcp234 said:
Boutros said:
I am pretty sure the reason why they are not developping games on the PS3 is more than just because it's complicated...
They can't expect people to believe that in 2009.

It's really not that hard to believe for most with the exception of a few very vocal Sony "loyalist"

What? I think you are avoiding the subject. I looked at your previous posts and it seems you have a problem with PS3 owners anyway. So you really think the reason why Vavle is not developping games for the PS3 is because it's «too complicated»...

How am I avoiding the subject? LOL Have you read my posts pertaining to the issue? Your conclusions is supported by what?

This company is basically saying the PS3 is not a viable platform for its products because of the complicated architecture and you are doubting that based on what? Sony even insists it intentionally made the PS3 architecture difficult. Are you a Valve employee?

What grounds do you have to discredit somethig being stated by Valve? Who are you again?

And I have no problem with PS3 owners. Maybe you should do more research.

Companies want to make a profit. For Valve, complicated = more expenses. Valve does not want to deal with it...get over it.

That's why they are lazy...

You admit they are lazy right? (based on what they said in the article)

So because Valve does not want to take on extra expenses to produce products for the PS3 that tranlates to lazy? Please explain how and where did you get that idea based on what I communicated?

I am not sure what you tried to do just now, but I am very well aware of what I intend to communicate. Valve does not want to deal with the increased cost of developing for the PS3. Please, either formulate a better argument or read a book...



You know why they are lazy, because they are basically refusing to try something new because it's too hard for them. It is laziness, I doubt they have even TRIED to develop on it. Lazy developers in my opinion.

The Lazy developers are ones who do develop on the PS3. They don't have the guts to say NO to the PS3 like Valve does and just go with the flow. I wish more developers would be as bold and forthcoming as Valve by deliberating not working on the PS3.

Unfortunately most developers are lazy lazy lazy, Sony fans don't need third parties they have the biggest 1st party developer at their beck and call. So why do they need stupid third parties like Valve anyway? In this case its best that they are lazy, well unless theres some envy and jealousy that they produce awesome products for a competing system? NO!!! That wouldn't be the answer, I swear its not.


jcp234 said:
Boutros said:
jcp234 said:
Boutros said:
jcp234 said:
Boutros said:
I am pretty sure the reason why they are not developping games on the PS3 is more than just because it's complicated...
They can't expect people to believe that in 2009.

It's really not that hard to believe for most with the exception of a few very vocal Sony "loyalist"

What? I think you are avoiding the subject. I looked at your previous posts and it seems you have a problem with PS3 owners anyway. So you really think the reason why Vavle is not developping games for the PS3 is because it's «too complicated»...

How am I avoiding the subject? LOL Have you read my posts pertaining to the issue? Your conclusions is supported by what?

This company is basically saying the PS3 is not a viable platform for its products because of the complicated architecture and you are doubting that based on what? Sony even insists it intentionally made the PS3 architecture difficult. Are you a Valve employee?

What grounds do you have to discredit somethig being stated by Valve? Who are you again?

And I have no problem with PS3 owners. Maybe you should do more research.

Companies want to make a profit. For Valve, complicated = more expenses. Valve does not want to deal with it...get over it.

That's why they are lazy...

You admit they are lazy right? (based on what they said in the article)

So because Valve does not want to take on extra expenses to produce products for the PS3 that tranlates to lazy? Please explain how and where did you get that idea based on what I communicated?

I am not sure what you tried to do just now, but I am very well aware of what I intend to communicate. Valve does not want to deal with the increased cost of developing for the PS3. Please, either formulate a better argument or read a book...


You know they would make profit by releasing there games on the PS3, right? It makes you wonder why a company doesn't want more money.