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Forums - Sony Discussion - I think I've committed a sin against you guys...

Kantor said:
What makes you think an 8, 11 and 13 year old wouldn't enjoy the PS3, anyway? You think only 20+ year olds like M-rated games?

That's what I was thinking. Even though I was only in my 7-10 age when the PS1 was popular, I loved watching my older brother play[and sometimes even I myself played] FF7, FF8, RE, Medal of Honor, and tons other that I completely forget. Heck, I was still young when GTA3 came out and I loved that. My 6 year old nephew currently loves my PS3, and plays Rainbow Six Vegas 2, CoD, GTA4, and many other "mature" games and loves them. I don't think he would enjoy playing Mario, Kirby, or many other Wii games as much as he enjoys these. Well, actually he does like High Velocity Bowling on the PS3, so he'd probably enjoy Wii Sports.

Either way, though, I respect what you did.

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bugrimmar said:

Two sins really.

The small mom and pop store that I always buy my games in had me run the shop for a half day because their son had an emergency hospital issue. I've known them for years, and I had a little time to spare (and they offered me a free *used* game), so I agreed to watch the place for a bit.

Here's my first sin (a sin for sony fans):

A father of three kids came in inquiring about the PS3. Of course, I went into the whole sales pitch about the features of the thing, going from explaining what blu-ray is, to the great exclusive games on the system. He was pretty sold on everything already, and had his wallet out, then I happened to just ask during the course of our conversation how old his kids were. He said they were ages 8, 11, and 13. Hearing this, I... well, I talked him out of buying the thing.

As much of a Sony fan I am, I didn't have it within myself to have him buy a PS3 that would destroy his budget and his family wouldn't appreciate anyway.

It was because I asked him whether his kids actually care about graphics, particular franchises, or whatnot, and he said no, they can't tell the difference. So... I told him he's much better off buying a Wii. See, I sorta liked this guy. He's a funny old man with a great personality, so I told him buying a PS3 takes a lot of financial committment, as there's no such thing as a mod chip (btw, that's going to lead to the second sin) and he's going to have to buy all his games original, and the thing is a lot more expensive.

In the end, he did buy the Wii.

Here's my second sin (a sin to the entire gaming community and to the mom and pop store):

Well, I supported someone's bid for pirated games. But hey, I did it for a reason.. I could see that the guy was already burning a hole in his pocket for this gift for his kids, and I wanted to help him out. I knew he wouldn't be able to support a PS3 in his house (and he doesn't have an HDTV either). I guess I allowed my emotions to blind my reason.

But at least he walked out happily...

You did nothing wrong but I think you forgot about the fact that the PlayStation 3 has kids games and family friendly games both retail and downloadable. Infamous is rated T for Teen which is the correct age for the 13 year old and I'm sure the 11 year old can handle it too.

Also Blu-ray has a ton of family friendly movies to watch too. A feature the Wii can't even offer in standard def form.

You do not need to live off new releases and PS Store prices are quite nice. The Wii can run you just as high as the PS3 in terms of game support if your buying new releases constantly.

I hope you at least explained WiiPoints, Virtual Console, and WiiWare.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
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I remember when I was 13, my mom had us move about 5 times in a year.

My mom said she would get me something for not acting up while she screwed up my life (my thoughts at the time)

I asked for an N64 with goldeneye.

It ended up costing 300$+ with an extra controller and mem card, I'm pretty sure.

If she had come home with something I didn't want because it was cheaper, or if she was under the impression I didn't know any better. I would've been very very upset to say the least.

The sin that you committed is this. Most adults don't know shit about gaming. You asked this man to make a decision for the kids, on gaming that the kids will be doing, based on how much it will save him.

I once talked a monkey into giving me a bikini wax.

Oh bugrimmar, what have you unleashed upon yourself. I'll say something nice during your eulogy, because the ps3 fanboys are going to be merciless.

The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth.

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Adobo said:
it doesn't take kids ranging from 8,11,13 to know the difference between HD and SD now a days :) They probably asked their old man specifically about the PS3 but thanks to you, they got a wii instead...

This sums it up for me here, this is assuming that the kids specifically asked for the PS3 though because if they didnt then everything changes.  But if they did, then you may have destroyed their chances at playing LittleBigPlanet, R&C, Gran Turismo and other great titles.   All of which are perfect for kids at those ages.  So sorry, a -1 in the respect category. 

To receive forgiveness, you must give all your PS3 games to me!

is this guy for real?

theprof00 said:
I remember when I was 13, my mom had us move about 5 times in a year.

My mom said she would get me something for not acting up while she screwed up my life (my thoughts at the time)

I asked for an N64 with goldeneye.

It ended up costing 300$+ with an extra controller and mem card, I'm pretty sure.

If she had come home with something I didn't want because it was cheaper, or if she was under the impression I didn't know any better. I would've been very very upset to say the least.

The sin that you committed is this. Most adults don't know shit about gaming. You asked this man to make a decision for the kids, on gaming that the kids will be doing, based on how much it will save him.

"Based on video game demographics, women make up a significant 39% of those who play video games in the population. Also, a surprising 40% of online gamers are women. 35% are below eighteen years old. And based on studies, the people who regularly play video games are in the 18 to 34 year old age group."

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

whats your point ironman?