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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 sales need to increase by 45% in the rest of the year...

Oh yeah michael patcher said the PSP go is costing less to produce than the PSP-3000. (Bonus round GT).


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Arius Dion said:
Like NJ5 said, it is 'only' 40% down for the year as of right now, what is going to keep PS3 from dropping to 50 or 60% and how much of an impact is a pricecut going to have?

I'm not very good with predicting actual numbers, so I wont tell you that. I would just be pulling something out of my ass anyway

price cut + slim in september seems like the plan. i dont see GT5 launching in the west inside this fiscal year. i wonder how far down it gor sin price before the wii gets a price cut

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Rainbird said:
Arius Dion said:
Like NJ5 said, it is 'only' 40% down for the year as of right now, what is going to keep PS3 from dropping to 50 or 60% and how much of an impact is a pricecut going to have?

I'm not very good with predicting actual numbers, so I wont tell you that. I would just be pulling something out of my ass anyway

LoL. See? I can respect that :). But honestly, I just don't see them reaching these projections, they did seem a bit optimistic to me. It'd be nice if they did, though. 

Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.

Arius Dion said:
Rainbird said:
Arius Dion said:
Like NJ5 said, it is 'only' 40% down for the year as of right now, what is going to keep PS3 from dropping to 50 or 60% and how much of an impact is a pricecut going to have?

I'm not very good with predicting actual numbers, so I wont tell you that. I would just be pulling something out of my ass anyway

LoL. See? I can respect that :). But honestly, I just don't see them reaching these projections, they did seem a bit optimistic to me. It'd be nice if they did, though. 

Sure would, we'll just have to wait and see.

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The PS3 is going to go seriously downwards YOY for the month of June, I would say the task may be impossible even with a $100 price cut and GT5.


I could be wrong but it seems like Sony based their sales projections on the assumption that the PS3 would maintain sales throughout the year and then see a massive boost from a price cut and/or the release of a new model of PS3; and they didn't factor in a reduction in the sales rate in the absence of a price cut and/or new model.

At the same time, it wouldn't surprise me to hear that a more rapid than expected decline in their revenues from lower hardware and software sales for the PS2 and PSP have damaged their financial position to the extent that they can't reduce the price of the PS3 as they planned on; and/or that the PS3 slim was delayed due to technical challenges, or because they have had difficulty in working through excess inventory of PS3 hardware (They probably don't want to have 1 to 2 Million old-style PS3 units sitting around after they release a new model, and losing $100+ in additional incentives to sell these units is probably not the strategy they want to take either).

Squilliam said:
The PS3 is going to go seriously downwards YOY for the month of June, I would say the task may be impossible even with a $100 price cut and GT5.

Bull , there is clearly more demand for the PS3 than there is the 360 , this is evident with the PS3 being able to sell within range of the 360 with a serious price disadvantage. GT5 is the biggest simulation racing game on any platform and PS3 sales improve substantialy with every price cut , a price cut in our economic conditions make a price cut much more neccasery.

Million said:
Squilliam said:
The PS3 is going to go seriously downwards YOY for the month of June, I would say the task may be impossible even with a $100 price cut and GT5.

Bull , there is clearly more demand for the PS3 than there is the 360 , this is evident with the PS3 being able to sell within range of the 360 with a serious price disadvantage. GT5 is the biggest simulation racing game on any platform and PS3 sales improve substantialy with every price cut , a price cut in our economic conditions make a price cut much more neccasery.

Wouldn't it be fair to say that the only reason that the PS3 has been able to stay within a similar sales range as the XBox 360 is because Microsoft has been unable to make inroads into the Japaneese market?

Million said:
Squilliam said:
The PS3 is going to go seriously downwards YOY for the month of June, I would say the task may be impossible even with a $100 price cut and GT5.

Bull , there is clearly more demand for the PS3 than there is the 360 , this is evident with the PS3 being able to sell within range of the 360 with a serious price disadvantage. GT5 is the biggest simulation racing game on any platform and PS3 sales improve substantialy with every price cut , a price cut in our economic conditions make a price cut much more neccasery.

Serious price disadvantages work both ways you know. I mean that Blu Ray player is worth something, that wireless is worth something the free online is worth something. Unless of course they are worth nothing... Up to you.

GT5 has been selling PS3s for a while on the expectation of release and its system selling potential is mitigated by the fact that GT5P already moved quite a few PS3s. Theres also the question of will it make it out in time?

Oh and how do you know that PS3 sales increase substantially with every price cut? You've only seen one.
