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Forums - General Discussion - are you for or against mariguanna legalization

I  was just wondering who is for or against mariguanna legalization????? give me your thoughts on it

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Marijuana ain't very dangerous. It's milder than alcohol.


its grow naturally and is completely safe... Not as bad as being drunk. People die from overdosing on alcohol. You cant overdose on weed. And its fun and awesome to smoke and do fun shit with your friends... Everybody (or mostly) everybody has tried it including our 3 last presidents.



I’m neither for nor against the legalization of any particular drug, I am for a simple and straightforward series of criteria which can be used to classify drugs to determine how they can be sold and what a person’s expectations can be from those drugs.

Criteria that should be considered are how incapacitating a drug is, how addictive it is, how long it remains in your system, the probability of (other) drug interaction, whether it can be used to manufacturer more potent drugs, what kinds of impacts it has on a person’s health, what are the social impacts, and so on ...

Classification of a drug would determine if there was any age restrictions, whether it required a prescription, whether it had to be sold behind the counter, how potent the drug could be, what volume it could be sold in, and so on.

On top of that, there should be a level of common sense returned to what people's (legal) expectations of safety from what a drug is in a large part based on its classification. Basically, if you're using a prescription drug and you experience one of its side effects your ability to sue the drug company should be limited unless you can demonstrate that they misrepresented the possibility of negative side-effects ...


It would be fantastic revenue for the government if they put any kind of tax on it, let alone one as big as the cigarette tax. And it would take money out of the pocket of drug traffickers.

What's the downside? Alcohol has been legal for many decades now and few are complaining about how "evil" of a drug it is.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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Slimebeast said:

Marijuana ain't very dangerous. It's milder than alcohol.


Furthermore, criminalizing it helps finance organized crime (much like prohibition did) and the vast majority users would be far more productive to society living free than they are locked up on lame-ass possession charges.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
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The_vagabond7 said:

It would be fantastic revenue for the government if they put any kind of tax on it, let alone one as big as the cigarette tax. And it would take money out of the pocket of drug traffickers.

What's the downside? Alcohol has been legal for many decades now and few are complaining about how "evil" of a drug it is.

An (unfortunate) side effect is that it can take money out of the hands of drug traffickers ...

The market for illegal drugs is no different than any other market, and the smart business men/women who are in any market and have their revenue stream cut off (for some reason) are going to invest their resources towards building another market. This may mean that drug traffickers will spend more time approaching young children and telling them to try Cocaine or Opium, rather than weed, and assuring them of its safety because it comes from nature and it is just a plant; or it could mean that they switch their resources to forcing young girls into the sex trade, after all there has always been more money in sex than drugs and one of the most widespread and profitable fetishes is pubescent girls.

I'm not saying that weed shouldn't be legalized, but the assumption that criminals wouldn't look for another (illegal) way to generate tax-free "Easy" money is foolish.


Legalization could have nothing but negative effects on the country and i'd still be for it.

People should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies.

Of course some of the more serious drugs would need to be done in specially designated areas where doctors are on hand.

@ Happysquirrel

Strange, quote box didn't load but, I doubt that people are all that easy going from weed to harddrugs. Most people are educated on substances, they know that weed is relatively harmless while cocaine and heroine are not.The treshold is so much higher, I think that if the criminals try something new (and I agree, they will) then it will more then likely be an incremental step. Illegal guns, or spirits to minors, something like that. Plus, most harddrugs still go to adults I believe.


Better option would be to employ all former know

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Esmoreit said:

@ Happysquirrel

Strange, quote box didn't load but, I doubt that people are all that easy going from weed to harddrugs. Most people are educated on substances, they know that weed is relatively harmless while cocaine and heroine are not.The treshold is so much higher, I think that if the criminals try something new (and I agree, they will) then it will more then likely be an incremental step. Illegal guns, or spirits to minors, something like that. Plus, most harddrugs still go to adults I believe.


Better option would be to employ all former know

I wouldn't say that there are many pre-teens (or teenagers) who are particularly well educated or informed when it comes to drugs. On top of that, there are several opiates and amphetamines which are "mild" enough to be "rebranded" for sale to young children (did wonders with ecstasy) and you could easily create drugs based on concentrated THC that were easy to sell to children.

What the drug dealers choose to switch to wasn't really the point though, and it wouldn't surprise me to see them switch to something that has less of a damaging effect on society; a person can easily buy a Blu-Ray dupicator for a couple of thousand dollars today, and print a PS3 game that will run in people's system, and sell games for $20 at high profits if they were so inclined. The point was just that they will move onto something new that was as "easy" and profitable, which could (potentially) be much worse.