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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Malstrom: "the whimper of hardcore dreams".

Even if you think he's a jerk, he's also right, so much of the gaing base for the HD twins is dependent on being able to port between the PC/360/PS3, games like Final Fantasy and the like are coming to multiple systems. However Motion Controls, being the future wave of gaming as made evident by this E3 will fracture that, no longer will it be possible to easily port from NATAL to Purple Wand, this means that developers cannot rely on the sales of two or three systems to recoup costs. No longer will they be able to say PS3+360 market is greater than Wii, because you won't be able to port between PS3 and 360 easily.


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

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Torillian said:
outlawauron said:
Malstrom sounds more and more like a jerk the more I read.

exactly.  He gets away with it because he's saying exactly what Wii fans want to hear, so they tell you to look at the points he's making and ignore what an absolute ass he sounds like.

While he does sound too cocky and arrogant, so far everything he has mentioned has been happening.

Before Wii launched he said it would be huge, it happened.

He said most would resist and it would take time for 3rd parties to warm up to it, it happenend.

He said PS360 would copy Wii motion, it happened.

Now he is saying these copies won't do all that well, and any level headed conclusion should point to that being obvious, since as they are in current form they will be limited in the genres they are capable of playing. Plus, timing puts them at a point where they won't get very much to any 3rd party support.

He is also saying that Wii will move upstream and gain the core titles, well, that is beginning with the high number of more core oriented titles that are coming.

So cocky or not, he has a solid base for his claims.

Avinash_Tyagi said:
Even if you think he's a jerk, he's also right, so much of the gaing base for the HD twins is dependent on being able to port between the PC/360/PS3, games like Final Fantasy and the like are coming to multiple systems. However Motion Controls, being the future wave of gaming as made evident by this E3 will fracture that, no longer will it be possible to easily port from NATAL to Purple Wand, this means that developers cannot rely on the sales of two or three systems to recoup costs. No longer will they be able to say PS3+360 market is greater than Wii, because you won't be able to port between PS3 and 360 easily.

Actually, you will be able to port between them, just don't utilize the motion controls, especially since they wouldn't work on your game anyways.

superchunk said:
Squilliam said:
superchunk said:
Wha, they are now going up the market. 2009 and 2010 will prove this.

Nope, they are not. The EA, Ubisoft, Activision decided this in 2006/2007.

So, all of the bigger more core games announced and coming out from 3rd parties, isn't moving upstream. It isn't the sign that Wii is gaining more and more major IPs every year?

I think you are ignoring the obvious.

Still the Wii gets few major I.Ps outside of Nintendos control and those I.Ps which it gets aren't given the care and attention that you would expect from a leading system. The best explanation I can give is that the 3rd party publishers are trying to protect what they feel is their best interests by not supporting Nintendo fully. Nintendo released the Wii because it benefited themselves, Microsoft released the Xbox 360 to form partnerships with others.

Because the actions of many of the large publishers don't entirely make sense in many ways until you consider that they don't like the Wii and what the Wii means for their businesses. Nintendo has never had a stunning relationship with 3rd parties, and that has continued right to this day.


superchunk said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Even if you think he's a jerk, he's also right, so much of the gaing base for the HD twins is dependent on being able to port between the PC/360/PS3, games like Final Fantasy and the like are coming to multiple systems. However Motion Controls, being the future wave of gaming as made evident by this E3 will fracture that, no longer will it be possible to easily port from NATAL to Purple Wand, this means that developers cannot rely on the sales of two or three systems to recoup costs. No longer will they be able to say PS3+360 market is greater than Wii, because you won't be able to port between PS3 and 360 easily.

Actually, you will be able to port between them, just don't utilize the motion controls, especially since they wouldn't work on your game anyways.

Unless Microsoft includes some teledildonics of their own with their camera. In which case, problem solved.

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Dick or not, I think he's got a point, though not the one he's trying to make. The Natal and the PS3's wand are so fundamentally different (one that dispenses with buttons altogether vs one that is essentially a different implementation of the WM+), that there likely won't be any PS360 games that use motion, at least in the same way. Thus, for motion games, at least, the Wii immediately becomes the most viable.

HOWEVER, I think he's grossly overestimating the developers' likelihood of making use of these new control schemes. The most probable outcome is this: When you combine high development costs associated with HD games with the risk factor of largely motion-driven games and the fragmentation of the PS360 bloc he mentioned, the logical conclusion is simply to ignore these new control schemes, and keep producing conventional games.

Super World Cup Fighter II: Championship 2010 Edition

Why does anyone care what this twat has to say?

Avinash_Tyagi said:
Even if you think he's a jerk, he's also right, so much of the gaing base for the HD twins is dependent on being able to port between the PC/360/PS3, games like Final Fantasy and the like are coming to multiple systems. However Motion Controls, being the future wave of gaming as made evident by this E3 will fracture that, no longer will it be possible to easily port from NATAL to Purple Wand, this means that developers cannot rely on the sales of two or three systems to recoup costs. No longer will they be able to say PS3+360 market is greater than Wii, because you won't be able to port between PS3 and 360 easily.

Purple wand can port the Wii M+ libraries. All the present/future interface technologies share a commonality with the mouse in the pointing aspect and the motion, gesture controls are just abstractions of a button interface. The commonality remains, the technologies are still port friendly and the whoring will go on with ports everywhere!


What I always find funny is that he mocks the hardcores and when the hardcores respond they do it the exact same way he did. hehehehe...

those wii clones from MS and sony have yet to be seen to be believed. so far is nothing but speculation and wet dreams.

Squilliam said:
superchunk said:
Squilliam said:
superchunk said:
Wha, they are now going up the market. 2009 and 2010 will prove this.

Nope, they are not. The EA, Ubisoft, Activision decided this in 2006/2007.

So, all of the bigger more core games announced and coming out from 3rd parties, isn't moving upstream. It isn't the sign that Wii is gaining more and more major IPs every year?

I think you are ignoring the obvious.

Still the Wii gets few major I.Ps outside of Nintendos control and those I.Ps which it gets aren't given the care and attention that you would expect from a leading system. The best explanation I can give is that the 3rd party publishers are trying to protect what they feel is their best interests by not supporting Nintendo fully. Nintendo released the Wii because it benefited themselves, Microsoft released the Xbox 360 to form partnerships with others.

Because the actions of many of the large publishers don't entirely make sense in many ways until you consider that they don't like the Wii and what the Wii means for their businesses. Nintendo has never had a stunning relationship with 3rd parties, and that has continued right to this day.

So, the fact that most of those core oreinted IPs are built ground up for Wii and are exclusive while looking, finally, like next gen games, somehow means they aren't given the care and attention you would expect?

Again, I think you are ignoring the obvious.

Sure there are a ton of trashware, but every leading console has an abundance of that as that makes easy money. But you can't say Silent Hill, Dead Space, The Conduit, Gladiator AD, Monster Hunter 3, The Grinder, EA's WM+ sport games, Spyborgs, GH/RB next iterations, Ghostbusters, Final Fantasy: CC, No More Heroes 2, TMNT: Smash up, Ju-On: The Grudge, RE:dc, Fragile, Red Steel 2, Shaun White, etc are not examples of 3rd parties putting solid support on Wii.

All of these are built on Wii hardware and either exclusive or have every feature as their HD counterparts, plus usually extra stuff.

As I have said before by the end of 2010 you will decidedly be proven wrong as Wii will be unquestionably the 3rd party core IP king as it is in overall IP count now.