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Squilliam said:
superchunk said:
Squilliam said:
superchunk said:
Wha, they are now going up the market. 2009 and 2010 will prove this.

Nope, they are not. The EA, Ubisoft, Activision decided this in 2006/2007.

So, all of the bigger more core games announced and coming out from 3rd parties, isn't moving upstream. It isn't the sign that Wii is gaining more and more major IPs every year?

I think you are ignoring the obvious.

Still the Wii gets few major I.Ps outside of Nintendos control and those I.Ps which it gets aren't given the care and attention that you would expect from a leading system. The best explanation I can give is that the 3rd party publishers are trying to protect what they feel is their best interests by not supporting Nintendo fully. Nintendo released the Wii because it benefited themselves, Microsoft released the Xbox 360 to form partnerships with others.

Because the actions of many of the large publishers don't entirely make sense in many ways until you consider that they don't like the Wii and what the Wii means for their businesses. Nintendo has never had a stunning relationship with 3rd parties, and that has continued right to this day.

So, the fact that most of those core oreinted IPs are built ground up for Wii and are exclusive while looking, finally, like next gen games, somehow means they aren't given the care and attention you would expect?

Again, I think you are ignoring the obvious.

Sure there are a ton of trashware, but every leading console has an abundance of that as that makes easy money. But you can't say Silent Hill, Dead Space, The Conduit, Gladiator AD, Monster Hunter 3, The Grinder, EA's WM+ sport games, Spyborgs, GH/RB next iterations, Ghostbusters, Final Fantasy: CC, No More Heroes 2, TMNT: Smash up, Ju-On: The Grudge, RE:dc, Fragile, Red Steel 2, Shaun White, etc are not examples of 3rd parties putting solid support on Wii.

All of these are built on Wii hardware and either exclusive or have every feature as their HD counterparts, plus usually extra stuff.

As I have said before by the end of 2010 you will decidedly be proven wrong as Wii will be unquestionably the 3rd party core IP king as it is in overall IP count now.