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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360

Hey anyone want to put me in their sig?
Quote me on it.
Microsoft's Xbox 360, will NEVER get a Metal Gear Solid game exclusively to their console.

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infamous8 said:
seece said:
infamous8 said:
seece said:
infamous8 said:
seece said:
Thechalkblock said:
TheTruthHurts! said:
Money speaks louder than words and past quotes, especially in these trying times. Last years FFXIII E3 announcement for the 360 proved, anything is possible this generation.

Even if it is released for the 360 I will still maintain the series on my PS3, but I only hope it goes multi-platform. The more people who can experience the series the better.

We all know Square Enix is as loyal as a mercenary, they'll do anything for money. Kojima is different, even when it would have been a good idea to make MGS4 mult-plat back in the day he didn't do so, and even as times get worse I can't imagine him going against what he has stood for in the past, loyalty.

This puts a frown on my face what do you think these business's exist for?? You're talking as if its a playground full of children.


Konami are a BUSINESS and they're main aim ALWAYS is to make MONEY.

Konami is a business, but Kojima is an ARTIST.


Big difference there buddy. Kojima will do whatever he wants with MGS, and Konami can't tell him shit.

You think Konami bows to evey word spoken by him? I don't think so. What happened to his loyalty with these ports then? why is MGS4 any different to MGS2?

It doesn't matter that Konami isn't short on cash. "Oh we have enough cash, so we don't need to port it" doesn't work like that, a company's aim is to make as much profit as possible. They're not going to give up free money.

Enough with the cheap talk... Lets make a bet.


If MGS4 is announced for 360 at MS e3 Press conference tommorow.... I will leave the forums for one year.

If MGS4 is NOT announced for 360 at MS e3 Press conference tommorow... YOU have to leave the forum for one year.


No, I don't believe MGS4 is coming to the 360, I just believe its possible and this thread is fail.

Anything is possible. Does that mean you should go into every thread and argue about it?


Face it. You chickened out because your not confident in MGS4 going to 360.


Anyone else want to take me up on that bet?????

dur .. thats why I'm not taking the bet, just because I believe its possible doesn't mean I think it will.

"Anything is possible" no not really .. If this thread was GT will never go to the 360, I would have 100% agreed with you.


seece said:
infamous8 said:
richardhutnik said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
Thechalkblock said:

We all know Square Enix is as loyal as a mercenary, they'll do anything for money. Kojima is different, even when it would have been a good idea to make MGS4 mult-plat back in the day he didn't do so, and even as times get worse I can't imagine him going against what he has stood for in the past, loyalty.

"Hello,car dealer,can I buy a ferrari? Im short on cash but have a bucketload of LOYALTY."

kung fu takedown FTW!

How about a simple deal here? How about Sony fanboys STOP whining for Valve stuff, or Mass Effect, to end up on the PS3, and Microsoft fanboys stop demanding Metal Gear appear on their console?

Of course, this is a futile request on my part, so carry on with the whining.

Actually, I rarely, if ever, see Sony fans whining about Valve stuff or Mass Effect.


Most Sony fans are like "whatever. MS can keep that crap. We dont need it. We have way more exclusives coming our way anyways"

SORRY? Crap? Mass Effect and Lft 4 Dead are not crap ... I pray someone takes you up on that bet and you lose. MGS4 on the 360 and you off the forums for a year yes please.

LOL@this cry baby

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama

Smashed said:
Hey anyone want to put me in their sig?
Quote me on it.
Microsoft's Xbox 360, will NEVER get a Metal Gear Solid game exclusively to their console.

Nobody wants to quote you


seece said:
Smashed said:
Hey anyone want to put me in their sig?
Quote me on it.
Microsoft's Xbox 360, will NEVER get a Metal Gear Solid game exclusively to their console.

Nobody wants to quote you

Oh, they will.

Around the Network

MGS4 definitely has the chance to go to x360. I'd be more suprised if it didn't go over. 

To make a thread like this, before e3 nonetheless... well... it's the sort of thing that makes me wish we had user tags.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Konami's main aim always to make money Rock Revolution anyone?

Wonktonodi said:
Konami's main aim always to make money Rock Revolution anyone?

lol at least they tried.

Dodece said:

You have balls of steel my friend.

Yes...Yes i do.

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama


Square was not mercenary in regards to Sony. In fact they were one of their most loyal supporters. Time and again according to Square themselves they advised Sony against their PS3 strategy, but they still supported them. They lobbied for Sony to change their marketing strategy going so far as to state their point publicly. Still they supported them. They went so far as to show public disdain for how Sony was conducting business, and still they supported them.

Square are not the mercenaries here. How else do you explain their unwavering support for years in spite of everyone else distancing and defecting. Before long they were one of the few standing beside Sony. All the while Sony doing whatever it damn well pleased. It was like Sony was saying we will do whatever the fuck we want, and you will do as we say.

No Square didn't betray Sony. Sony betrayed Square, and Square stood by them until it could no longer do so. What Sony was doing hurt Square, and it hurt other third party developers. Get your facts straight. Square was not a bitch to Sony, they were a partner, and Sony did just about everything it could to hurt that partnership. Even so Square did more for the survival of the PS3 then they had any obligation to do so.

They could have gone out on Sony like everyone else, but they didn't they kept delivering a very public high end exclusive to the console. They are still delivering a regional exclusive to Sony. You should bow down and kiss the ground they walk upon, because without Square the PS3 would be short a few million units sold right now at least. Without Konami or Square the PS3 might not have even made it out of its first year, because that was most of the Sony high end lineup right there. Metal Gear and Final Fantasy sustained that consoles meager public perception.

Appreciate what Sony got they sure as hell didn't deserve it. A six hundred dollar console was never in the third party developers best interest as far as exclusives go. That price tag dragged sales down, and they all knew it. That is why the PS3 was in a drought most of its first year. I recommend you go review the history of this generation, because your dangerously misinformed.

God I hate Sony fanatics attacking Square. They owe them so much it isn't even funny. Without Square where would the PS3 be now.