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seece said:
infamous8 said:
richardhutnik said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
Thechalkblock said:

We all know Square Enix is as loyal as a mercenary, they'll do anything for money. Kojima is different, even when it would have been a good idea to make MGS4 mult-plat back in the day he didn't do so, and even as times get worse I can't imagine him going against what he has stood for in the past, loyalty.

"Hello,car dealer,can I buy a ferrari? Im short on cash but have a bucketload of LOYALTY."

kung fu takedown FTW!

How about a simple deal here? How about Sony fanboys STOP whining for Valve stuff, or Mass Effect, to end up on the PS3, and Microsoft fanboys stop demanding Metal Gear appear on their console?

Of course, this is a futile request on my part, so carry on with the whining.

Actually, I rarely, if ever, see Sony fans whining about Valve stuff or Mass Effect.


Most Sony fans are like "whatever. MS can keep that crap. We dont need it. We have way more exclusives coming our way anyways"

SORRY? Crap? Mass Effect and Lft 4 Dead are not crap ... I pray someone takes you up on that bet and you lose. MGS4 on the 360 and you off the forums for a year yes please.

LOL@this cry baby

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama