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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360

@Burning Typhoon

The OP has a SPECIAL XBOX 360.

Which he decided to keep


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Mendicate Bias said:

I'm sure when this kid saw Kojima walk onto the main stage his heart stopped for a second. So tell me this infamous is MGS2 not part of the main series since Snake isn't the main character? What about Halo: Reach is that part of the main series since it takes place before Halo:CE?

I'm sure if this game had been announced exclusive tomorrow as part of Sony's conference you would be making a tread proclaiming the brilliance  of MGS: Rising and Sony.

Your a joke and the sooner you get perma-banned the better. On second thought you should try to stick around, your good for a cheap laugh or two.

Did I not say that in an earlier post?

Teehee,  This is my favorite thread on the entire forum just because it's comprised maily of people feeding crow to a fanboy. 

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

pbroy said:
@Burning Typhoon

The OP has a SPECIAL XBOX 360.

Which he decided to keep

Uh.. wow.  Could have fooled me...  Then why does he care?  Oh, you know what?  Maybe this knock-off of an MGS game (or so he claims) is to make the PS3 look better?  Think about the iPod for example.  Which version of MGS4 do you want?  I always thought it would be funny for a game to go multiplatform to make the other system seem like crap.  I really doubt this would happen... but, think of how it could potentially effect sales.. lol.

But, why is the guy trying to talk down on 360 users when he has one?  Does he want the 360 to collect dust?  Fine, don't buy anything else for it.. problem solved.

EMULATION is the past.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E



@Burning Typhoon

Just because you have both a 360 and PS3 doesn't mean that you can't be a fanboy. You should read through those threads. They are funny.


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No, but seriously, why don't you just admit loss and leave with your dignity intact? Oh wait too late.

s1lverFoX said:

i registered just to tell this guy he was complete fail



The disrespect in that post is on another level. Infamous dig a hole....and bury yourself.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

He's a joke flat out. He claimed he didn't play his 360 any more and that he didn't like L4D so I offered him $15 for it and he said sure then proceeded to ignore every single message I sent him asking how he wanted to do the transaction.

So infamous what do you make of Kojima saying that from now on every single MGS game will make an appearance on the 360?

I think infamous has reached the point where he's lied to himself so much that he actually believes his lies and is confused why every one else is laughing at him. That or he's just down right a very dense person.


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Mendicate Bias said:
He's a joke flat out. He claimed he didn't play his 360 any more and that he didn't like L4D so I offered him $15 for it and he said sure then proceeded to ignore every single message I sent him asking how he wanted to do the transaction.

So infamous what do you make of Kojima saying that from now on every single MGS game will make an appearance on the 360?

I think infamous has reached the point where he's lied to himself so much that he actually believes his lies and is confused why every one else is laughing at him. That or he's just down right a very dense person.

lol... exactly.  Perfect restatement of what I said.

And, I never said you can't be a fanboy if you own both systems.  I consider myself one.. But, at least I don't make a big fool of myself... -_-

makingmusic476 said:

I think both MGS4 and MGS5 (if there is one) will go the route of MGS2. They'll be ps3 exclusive, then an enhanced version will hit the 360 down the road. Only the enhanced version will be 360 exclusive, with the ps3 instead receiving the enhancements as DLC (which they will probably make us pay for =/).

The real questions surround MGO, what with the whole Konami ID BS. They wouldn't be able to get away with that on XBL, and I don't know whether they'd forgo their control and use XBL, or just not port MGO at all.

They can use that system if they wish. How do you think MMOs like Final Fantasy XI have separate logins other than XBL and also can still charge monthly usage fees?

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