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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360

Hey, you want to know something? Part of the OP *may* still be right. Kojima, apparently, isn't the one making this game, so technically he's still a PS3 fanboy lol

"Gamers have seen the last of Solid Snake (or so the story goes...), but the Metal Gear franchise soldiers on without Snake and without series creator Hideo Kojima at the helm."

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infamous8 said:
Are you guys retarded?

Claiming ownage when you dont know anything about the game. For all we know it could be a tetris-like puzzle game.

Once again. Just wait til MGS 5 is announced tommorow.

Metal Gear Raiden will be seen as nothing more than an offshoot.



Sit down and eat your crow... nothing's worse than a poor loser.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Ill hold my comments on this thread til tomorrow.... Kojima said, "wait a minute, I didnt say anything about Snake.".... Then he showed Raiden

BMaker11 said:
Burning Typhoon said:

You're just in denial.. Ah well, you're just digging a deeper whole of ownage for yourself.  Yeah, like I said, it would be weird for PS3 to be missing an MGS game, and we DID see big boss and Raiden.  However, we've just seen that Raidens on Xbox, and we know that PSP is getting a new MGS game.  Will the PS3 be left out because of lack of sold units?  Or.... who knows?  Maybe the PSP game is also goming to PS3, and Maybe MGR is too..  we'll see.

If the PS3 is left out of an MGS game because of "lack of units sold" then please explain why MGS4 was released exclusively, when the userbase was much smaller no doubt, and went on to sell 4.75M copies (according to Konami)?

I'm sick of people tossing around the PS3 userbase as a means to bash it, in some way or another. There is a difference between the words "low" and "lower". Low is an absolute, and can have a definite description. Lower is relative.

Dude, would you chill out? Sony gets plenty of my money, I already said I haven't played my 360 since October.  What I'm saying is that the PS3 isn't selling as well as 360, and maybe the series would do better.. I was just yapping without thinking too deeply into the subject.  I activly use my PSP every day for internet and music (sometimes for games too) and I use my PS3 enough.

I know how many copies MGS4 sold, but, obviously it wasn't enough to keep the series exclusive.  I'm not bashing a system I like more than any other, it's just a simple fact that the PS3 is behind in sales.   As the most powerful systems of any generation tend to do.

Erm this thread is still correct i suggest you read the title again

It clearly says Metal Gear Solid main series. Not a MGS spin off

if the announcement was

Metal gear Solid 4 Multi

Or Metal Gear Solid 5 Multi then you could laugh at him but as things are it iS


Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

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Oh well OP, at least the ps3bois still support you

Serious_frusting said:
Erm this thread is still correct i suggest you read the title again

It clearly says Metal Gear Solid main series. Not a MGS spin off

if the announcement was

Metal gear Solid 4 Multi

Or Metal Gear Solid 5 Multi then you could laugh at him but as things are it iS


But didn't Kojima say himself that "I am bringing the MGS franchise to the xbox 360" and that "The next major MGS release will be MGS: Rising"? I'm sure he wouldn't have said "major release" if this was just simply a spin-off of the MGS series... 


No we don't.

MS PR Guy: We get to finally see Solid Snake on Xbox 360!!! Whooo! *claps hands*


Kojima: "rait a mine-ute. i didnt say anyting aboot snake!"


*Trailer for Raiden is then shown*


LOL.... 360 fanboys and PR are so desperate to get a true MGS title on 360 that they stumble on there words and make mistakes during press conferences.

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama

Kojima also openly admits in Famitsu magazine that he's not thrilled about this MGS Rising title.

He says "i wont beg for this to be released, but if its going to be released, there is nothing I can do"

LOL@anyone claiming ownage in this thread.

"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama