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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360

If MGS4 got ported to the 360, they would probably put in a section making fun of mandatory installations, instead of the section making fun of multiple discs.

See in a few seconds of thinking I just solved one of the alleged problems with a potential port.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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wholikeswood said:
jesus kung fu magic said:

Number 2 was a poke at the disk-swapping of older mgs games , not at the 360.

Really? I've never heard this suggested before. Not saying you're wrong; just that I've only ever seen people interpret it as a slur towards DVDs vs the greater capacity of BR.

I see you haven't played MGS1? It's pretty obvious, really. The fact that most people don't know about it proves they're noobs MGS-wise I guess.

Burning Typhoon said:

1. There were a few PS3 controllers, systems, and apple computers in MGS4.  a straight port would never sit well with anyone.  1st off, it's going to have to be downgraded, put on a few discs, and references to apple and ps3 will have to be change with Xbox, and windows.  And what do you do with the PSX reference and memory cards, and Controllers made by Psyco Mantis?  2. One thing people seem to be forgetting about MGS is that the PS2 wasn't as powerful as the gamecube or the Xbox.  So, upgrades and new features were possible.

But, seeing as the PS3 is already the strongest, a port to the 360 would lead to things being gimped, or skipped altogether.  It wouldn't sit well with people, and thus, costs for the game wouldn't be worth it.  It's been almost a year, why take the couple of years or maybe 3 it would take to port the game, fix bugs, and re-do some voice over work for a game that wont reach 2 million sales.

3. I mean, who in their right minds wants a 3 disc MGS4 with downgrades?  Also, the DUAL SHOCK 3 controller is required for the weapons that require use of the SIXAXIS.  And how easily would snakes camo suit work?

4. Lastly, everyone knows about the long, 40 minute cut scene in Europe that demands a lot of power from the system.  All those soilders and what-not.. And.. who's gonna buy the game?  People that already own in on PS3? No.  People with 360s who've played and beaten the game on PS3 already?  Probably not.  Just those cheap people who can't afford a PS3 while at the same time wants MGS...  those aren't good numbers..

You don't see me asking for Gears of War... or Halo..  Don't ask for my MGS4.

  1. Not a problem - they could simply change them. I doubt Kojima Production would be too willing to change the Apple reference's though, considering they seem to like Apple products. But of course controllers and such would be changed - it's not even a big deal. Some parts could also be completely cut out, they aren't essential.
  2. It was heavily optimized so a quick port was out of question anyway. Of course it would be ported properly, and even now PS3 isn't that much more powerful. Actually I doubt power would be a problem, especially with 360 being so much easier. In fact, the only real problem is disc capacity... But I suppose compressing sounds would be a huge help. Still, I'm not sure if they could fit the whole thing on one disc, or even two. On the other hand, three is the absolute maximum and they'd probably want two instead of three.
  3. The motion sensing of SIXAXIS isn't used much anyway - easy to get rid of.
  4. You mean one of the few pre-rendered cutscenes...? Yeah, playing a video won't be problem to any modern system.

I do not think sir Kojima is a fanboy, he is actually a nice guy =)

Zkuq said:
wholikeswood said:
jesus kung fu magic said:

Number 2 was a poke at the disk-swapping of older mgs games , not at the 360.

Really? I've never heard this suggested before. Not saying you're wrong; just that I've only ever seen people interpret it as a slur towards DVDs vs the greater capacity of BR.

I see you haven't played MGS1? It's pretty obvious, really. The fact that most people don't know about it proves they're noobs MGS-wise I guess.

Actually, I still have my copy of MGS1 thanks.

I was just always under the impression that it was a slur against the 360, e.g.

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axumblade said:
tAeZeR said:

lol wow... infamous8, u have balls
although i dont think MGS4 will go to xbox 360, i wouldnt publically go out and ask for trouble/flaming from the 360 fanboys.
we are outnumbered! lol

I wouldn't do it the day before the MS conference. That's tempting fate in all honesty.

well, at least i'm now actually interested in the 360 press conference now.

JUST to see if infamous8 is right or not...

why did you post this when is completely wrong?
"1. Every main MGS title in the past 10 years has been an exclusive release on a PlayStation system. "
you now mgs1 come out on GC and MGS2 come out on xbox

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

infamous8 said:

Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360


1. Every main MGS title in the past 10 years has been an exclusive release on a PlayStation system. TWin snakes?? Subsistance on the Xbox?

2. The disc swapping joke, poking fun at 360 No... it was inreference to the first MGS being on 2 discs... [I forgot if this was the PC or PS version, or both]

3. Kojima even has Snake with the PS3 Siaxis controller in his hand while controlling the Mrk II (360 fanboys obviously dont even know about this considering they asked for a "straight port") Wrong! It's a dualshock! What did you expect him to use??? A generic controller that would have looked lame???

4. The sheer size of the game with the cut scenes, voice overs, and MGO. Would it even fit on 2 360 discs? It would probably take more than that. Compression... the is huge because of MGO and uncompressed 7.1 audio...

5. Kojima has gone on record to say that MGS made its name on PlayStation, and therefore will always be loyal to PlayStation systems. He said that the series success is tied to the PS Brand, that's it... Loyal to PS systems??? Read number 1 and 2....

6. The ports and side stories put onto other consoles (Twin Snakes on GameCube, MGS2: Substance on the original Xbox) have done very poorly in sales. Meanwhile MGS titles always sell around the 4 million+ on PS systems. Late ports don't sell gangbusters.

7. Kojima is Boss. MGS is by far the biggest title from Konami. Kojima can do whatever he wants. He doesnt have a big wig breathing down his neck forcing him to port anything. What???

8. Sony never paid for MGS4 to be exclusive. It was solely Kojimas decision.  Ok...

9. In regards to above, if Kojima still has no plans of releasing MGS4 on 360 after a year of it being on shelves, why would he EVER release it on 360? Porting it, passing it through ESRB ratings, marketing/publishing it, would take atleast a good 6 months. By that time, MGS4 will have been out for a year and a half on Ps3 already. I've seen ports released 2+ years after the original...

10. It's obvious through Kojimas latest teasers that he is already focusing on the next MGS game(s), and not on porting MGS4. What if it was cross-platform?

So there you have it fanboys. Stop begging for MGS4 on 360. It's not happening. Not now, not ever. If you're lucky, you miiiiight get a half assed VR missions or Substance spin off. You're so cruel...

Anyone who sees a thread about MGS on 360 rumors can officially link to this thread. Good night.



4 ≈ One

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
infamous8 said:

Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360


1. Every main MGS title in the past 10 years has been an exclusive release on a PlayStation system.


What is that "A Hideo Kojima game"?



Really infamous, your becoming as bad as YesWiiCan and Xbox Man, then again i guess there must be one for every console on the chartz...

What about SHIO, dood?

4 ≈ One

This is going to look funny in 2 hours time when MS's E3 conference is over and the MGS4 port is announced. Lulz.