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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Halo 4 release date September 2010 - MS is set to attack 2010!!

Leonidus said:
jcp234 said:
Leonidus said:
Squilliam said:
Leonidus said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Killzowned said:

Sorry, but you coloured the wrong game in that sentence. Killzone 2 lived up to it's hype. Halo 3 did not. Halo 3 was the most hyped game ever and yet was only a good shooter, not the best thing since sliced bread that microsoft told us it would be.

How do you know? What has a game to do to live up to its hype?

Reviews? 94 on metacritic
Playtime? Still no. 1 on Xbox Live
Sales? 10 million units should be enough.


Stop this fanboy-stuff. Halo DID live up to its hype. It actually surpassed it.

No, its totally opinionated as to whether a game lives up to its hype. I see Halo 3 the same as I see GTA4; both failed to live up to their hype.

Yes, both games sold a shitload, got fantastic and somewhat biased reviews.....but they both failed compared to their previous installments and left alot of fans quite dissapointed

So how would you measure a game then? By how loudly fans proclaim a games brilliance on the internet? We know that  you can't force people to play a game for over 150 hours on average and you can't just make the game number 1 on Xbox Live consistantly. Furthermore Sonys efforts to make visually pleasing games have been totally wasted because the highest selling games have not been the most visually pleasing. If Killzone 2 got a 91 average with the 'best visuals' this generation then its gameplay would have to be deficient compared to a game which got 91 average without as good visuals with all else being equal.

You can't really measure a game, more just play it yourself and see what you think of it. The way I persoanlly measure whether or not a game lives up to its name is by seeing how it compares to its previous installments. Now I know KZ2 had a undescribable amount of hype, but it was leaps and bounds better than KZ1. Halo 3 and GTA4 to me and many did not beat their previous installments. 


Honestly, this sounds like some contrived definition of "hype" fabricated to back your point. It really does not have much merit considering Halo 3 was released so long ago and is selling on par with Kill Zone 2. A few posters have already disproved your logic, but you seem to be a persistent overly zealous Sony "supporter."

I am not even a fan of the Halo franchise, but for anyone to say it didn't meet its hype...just screams bias. Even if you did not like the game, Halo 3 was a phenomenon in terms of sales and its multiplayer critical acclaim. I am sure Microsoft is quite happy with the Halo franchise, especially in comparison with the Killzone franchise. Ask yourself, would Sony prefer Killzone 2 type sales or Halo 3 type sales? It's not rocket science.

Chill out, I'l put my opinion across more clearly for you. Here:

A teenage boy loves Halo, and adores Halo 2. He therefore gets really hyped up for Halo 3. He gets Halo 3 and He thinks that it isn't as good as the other two. He therfore thinks that Halo 3 didn't live up to its hype.

You need to stop pretending you know what teenage boys think......Halo 3 sales prove it lived up to it's hype........Killzone 2 sales proves PS3 Owners were not exicited about it....


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jcp234 said:

I think everyone expected Halo 3 to perform amazingly in regards to sell (which it did and is still accomplishing) and most expected the multiplayer aspect to be addictively fun which it is (according to past and present Live statistics).

I personally, have zero interest in Halo 3, 2, or 1, but I would have a really hard time claiming it did not meet its hype before release. With any product, its impossible to have 100% customer satisfaction. Just because a vocal minority perceives the game as inferior to previous installments, does not equate to not meeting hype expectations.

Everybody arguing about hype and meeting expectations stop and read this post again.

CAL4M1TY said:
^and in 2010 that will still be unrelated to this thread and a troll comment.

I lol'd hard.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Solid_Snake4RD said:
And in Fall 2010,PS3 will be getting a 199$ price tag and FF13 Versus

and Microsoft will buy Sony in 2012 and kidnap your family.

Not a 360 fanboy, just a PS3 fanboy hater that likes putting them in their place ^.^

CAL4M1TY said:
^and in 2010 that will still be unrelated to this thread and a troll comment.

LMAO...I like this one!

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Anyways, I am hoping for a Halo 4 but I don't know if it would come out in 2010. If it does then that would give me a reason to play my Xbox 360 again :).

@ people saying halo 3 is over-hyped


How the hell can a game be over-hyped after almost two years on the market?

If it was overhyped people would just stop playing it and buying it as they did gta 4 but no it still is no.1 on xbl and is still a selling force which is phenomenal.

If you dont like it thats fine because no game is liked by everyone , but if you say its over hyped you will have close to 10 million people disagreeing with you and get a mouthful from the millions playing everyday online.

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

MS has a strong lineup for 2010.

It's bizarre that ps3 gamers can claim that Halo 3 didn't live up to its hype but, as a 2 year old game, it can outsell Killzone 2 (a 2 month old game) in the month of April 2009.

Also, if gamers are so disappointed in Halo 3, then why is it the #1 online game on the 360?

Being in 2nd feels so much better than being in 3rd

DjFlex53 said:
MS has a strong lineup for 2010.

It's bizarre that ps3 gamers can claim that Halo 3 didn't live up to its hype but, as a 2 year old game, it can outsell Killzone 2 (a 2 month old game) in the month of April 2009.

Also, if gamers are so disappointed in Halo 3, then why is it the #1 online game on the 360?

The only thing we can do is laugh at them, although I'm enjoying the hell out of killzone 2 right now.

Not a 360 fanboy, just a PS3 fanboy hater that likes putting them in their place ^.^

DjFlex53 said:
MS has a strong lineup for 2010.

It's bizarre that ps3 gamers can claim that Halo 3 didn't live up to its hype but, as a 2 year old game, it can outsell Killzone 2 (a 2 month old game) in the month of April 2009.

Also, if gamers are so disappointed in Halo 3, then why is it the #1 online game on the 360?

Something can be disappointing yet still sell extremely well, COD5 for example.

As for being #1 in Live activity, it has sold 10mil copies...