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Forums - General Discussion - The 2007 User Popularity Elimination Game

the problem with this game is that being eliminated quickly is sort of a form of popularity.

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

Around the Network
kber81 said:

@ ArtofAngel

Why did you skip my votes?

Crap! Sorry

I must of highlighted the wrong post, I'll edit changes.

I thought you could only (+) 1 and (-) only 2, why are people doing so much more?

15 Dolla Dolla
14 BenKenobi88

13 naznatips (+)

12 lolita
12 RolStoppable
11 eric_aston
13 Onna76
11 omgwtfbbq
11 TheSource
11 superchunk
11 Bodhesatva
10 stof
10 ArtofAngels
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Joeykanga
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 your mother
10 shams
10 Robmate
10 tabsina
9 super_etecoon
6 sieanr
9 Final-Fan
9 tiachopvutru
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 witeoutking
6 HappySqurriel
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece
8 albionus
6 TheLivingShadow
6 dtewi
6 dgm6780
6 john_lucas
6 nintendo_fanboy
7 ssj12
6 mrstickball
3 gebx
1 kwaad (-)(-)


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j

Fixed List: 

15 Dolla Dolla
14 BenKenobi88
13 naznatips
13 Onna76
12 lolita
12 RolStoppable
11 eric_aston
11 omgwtfbbq
11 TheSource
11 superchunk
11 Bodhesatva
10 stof
10 ArtofAngels
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Joeykanga
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 your mother
10 shams
10 Robmate
10 tabsina
9 super_etecoon
6 sieanr
9 Final-Fan
9 tiachopvutru
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 witeoutking
6 HappySqurriel
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece
8 albionus
6 TheLivingShadow
6 dtewi
6 dgm6780
6 john_lucas
6 nintendo_fanboy
7 ssj12
6 mrstickball
3 gebx
1 kwaad


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j

@ArtofAngels: You get three votes a day, and you can blow them all at once if you so choose.

@everyone deleting the rules: PLEASE STOP TAKING OUT THE RULES!

15 Dolla Dolla

14 BenKenobi88

13 naznatips
13 Onna76

12 lolita
12 RolStoppable

11 Bodhesatva
11 eric_aston
11 omgwtfbbq
11 superchunk
11 TheSource

10 stof
10 ArtofAngels
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Joeykanga
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 your mother
10 shams
10 Robmate
10 tabsina

9 Final-Fan
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 super_etecoon
9 tiachopvutru
9 witeoutking

8 albionus
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece

7 ssj12

6 dtewi
6 dgm6780
6 HappySqurriel
6 john_lucas
6 nintendo_fanboy
6 mrstickball
6 sieanr
6 TheLivingShadow

3 gebx

1 kwaad


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j

Rules: Add 1 point (+) to a person, deduct 1 point (-) from 2 different persons.
Maximum votes: 3 times a day.
Note: You can also cast up to three votes at once.
You can still nominate yourself (and only yourself), you start with 10 points
Copy and paste this list with your changes in each post.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Around the Network

@RolStoppable Hey whatd i do to piss u off :|

15 Dolla Dolla

14 BenKenobi88

13 naznatips
13 Onna76

12 ArtofAngels (+2)
12 lolita

11 Bodhesatva
11 Erik Aston
11 omgwtfbbq
11 superchunk
11 TheSource

10 stof
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 your mother
10 shams
10 tabsina

9 RolStoppable(-3)
9 Final-Fan
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 super_etecoon
9 tiachopvutru
9 witeoutking

8 albionus
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece

7 ssj12
7 HappySqurriel
7 nintendo_fanboy
7 Joeykanga
7 Robmate

6 john lucas (-1)
6 dtewi
6 dgm6780
6 mrstickball
6 sieanr
6 TheLivingShadow

2 kwaad (+1)

1 gebx (-2)


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j

Rules: Add 1 point (+) to a person, deduct 1 point (-) from 2 different persons.
Maximum votes: 3 times a day.
Note: You can also cast up to three votes at once.
You can still nominate yourself (and only yourself), you start with 10 points
Copy and paste this list with your changes in each post.

Own all Sony Stuff PS123P

Feburday 28th will be a Owner of a Wii

Currently playing: Need for Speed Pro Street

Games i own:

Games im lookin forward to:
UT3 (Ps3) , HAZE (Ps3) , KZ2 (Ps3) , MGS4 (Ps3) , SSBB (WII) , GT5 (Ps3) LBP (Ps3)
08 Predictions

Wii: 45,000,000
Ds: 90,000,000
PS3: 25,000,000
PSP: 40,000,000
360: 26,000,000

15 Dolla Dolla

14 BenKenobi88

13 naznatips
13 Onna76

12 ArtofAngels
12 lolita

11 Bodhesatva
11 Erik Aston
11 omgwtfbbq
11 superchunk
11 TheSource

10 stof
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 your mother
10 shams
10 tabsina

9 RolStoppable
9 Final-Fan
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 super_etecoon
9 tiachopvutru
9 witeoutking

8 albionus
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece
8 mrstickball (+ +)

7 ssj12
7 HappySqurriel
7 nintendo_fanboy
7 Joeykanga
7 sieanr (+)

6 john lucas
6 dtewi
5 dgm6780 (-)
5 Robmate (- -)
5 TheLivingShadow (-)

1 gebx

0 Kwaad (- -)


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j
6. Kwaad

Rules: Add 1 point (+) to a person, deduct 1 point (-) from 2 different persons.
Maximum votes: 3 times a day.
Note: You can also cast up to three votes at once.
You can still nominate yourself (and only yourself), you start with 10 points
Copy and paste this list with your changes in each post.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


15 Dolla Dolla

14 BenKenobi88

13 naznatips
13 Onna76

12 ArtofAngels
12 lolita

11 Bodhesatva
11 Erik Aston
11 omgwtfbbq
11 superchunk
11 TheSource

10 stof
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 your mother
10 shams
10 tabsina

9 RolStoppable
9 Final-Fan
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 super_etecoon
9 tiachopvutru
9 witeoutking

8 albionus
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece
8 Joeykanga (+)
8 mrstickball

7 ssj12
7 HappySqurriel
7 nintendo_fanboy
7 sieanr

6 dtewi

5 dgm6780
5 john lucas (-)
5 Robmate
5 TheLivingShadow

0 gebx (-)


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j
6. Kwaad
7. gebx

Rules: Add 1 point (+) to a person, deduct 1 point (-) from 2 different persons.
Maximum votes: 3 times a day.
Note: You can also cast up to three votes at once.
You can still nominate yourself (and only yourself), you start with 10 points
Copy and paste this list with your changes in each post.

SSBB: 1977-0005-2980 (JOEY) MKWii: 4382-2877-5902 (Joeykanga)
Wii:4027-0084-9432-1532             PM me if you add me.
Tag courtesy of fkusumot: Joeykanga - "Just post something once, don't ruin the thread"

15 Dolla Dolla

14 BenKenobi88

13 naznatips
13 Onna76

12 ArtofAngels
12 lolita

11 Bodhesatva
11 Erik Aston
11 omgwtfbbq
11 superchunk
11 TheSource
11 stof (+)

10 RolStoppable (+)
10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 your mother
10 shams
10 tabsina

9 Final-Fan
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 super_etecoon
9 tiachopvutru
9 witeoutking

8 albionus
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece
8 Joeykanga
8 mrstickball
8 ssj12 (+)

7 HappySqurriel
7 nintendo_fanboy
7 sieanr

6 dtewi

5 dgm6780
5 john lucas

2 TheLivingShadow (-)(-)(-)
2 Robmate (-)(-)(-)


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j
6. Kwaad
7. gebx

Nothing against you Rob, just trying to narrow the list down lol.

15 Dolla Dolla

14 BenKenobi88

13 naznatips
13 Onna76

12 lolita
12 stof (+)
12 RolStoppable (++)

11 Bodhesatva
11 Erik Aston
11 omgwtfbbq
11 superchunk
11 TheSource

10 Ari_Gold
10 Astrodust
10 DarkNight_DS
10 DonWii
10 Fazz
10 Ishy
10 ItsaMii
10 Rath
10 roadkiller
10 rocketpig
10 fishyjoe
10 your mother
10 shams
10 super_etecoon (corrected)
10 tabsina

9 ArtofAngels (---)
9 Final-Fan
9 konnichiwa
9 Lost tears of Kain
9 routsounmanman
9 tiachopvutru
9 witeoutking

8 albionus
8 ClaudeLv250
8 Dodece
8 Joeykanga
8 mrstickball

7 HappySqurriel
7 nintendo_fanboy
7 sieanr

6 ssj12 (--)

5 dtewi (-)
5 dgm6780
5 john lucas

2 TheLivingShadow
2 Robmate


1. ckmlb
2. kber81
3. sony fanatic
4. Soriku
5. leo-j
6. Kwaad
7. gebx