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Forums - Sales Discussion - The day the PS3 overtakes the XBox 360 in total sales

@ nightsurge

I thought you were using shipment data? Shipments are not listed in exact months.... so how did you factor in their exact releases?

I rounded it for easy reading.

Again, just admit you were wrong in your initial claim.

I wrote my perspective above, like it or not.

Even if you cut out the PS1 and PS3 launch fiscal years and just compare the PS3's performance last fiscal year with the equal year within the PS1's lifecycle, the PS3 still performed better despite the higher entry pricing.

Like I said, IMO the PS3 does not perform badly considering entry pricing and may well outsell the PS1 lifetime sales.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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MikeB said:
@ nightsurge

I thought you were using shipment data? Shipments are not listed in exact months.... so how did you factor in their exact releases?

I rounded it for easy reading.

Again, just admit you were wrong in your initial claim.

I wrote my perspective above, like it or not.

Even if you cut out the PS1 and PS3 launch years and just compare the PS3's performance last fiscal year with the equal year within the PS1's lifecycle, the PS3 still performed better despite the higher entry pricing.

Like I said, IMO the PS3 does not perform badly considering entry pricing and may well outsell the PS1 lifetime sales.


Has it ever dawned on you MikeB that generational gaming would take effect in Ps3 sales over Ps1 sales? kinda like what the whole "CORE Gamer" thing means?


MikeB said:

Like I said, IMO the PS3 does not perform badly considering entry pricing and may well outsell the PS1 lifetime sales.


Doesn't it have to sell over 100 million units to outsell the PS1? Not even the Wii will do that since it's already running out of gas and the PS3 will constantly have a cheaper 360 to compete with.

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

MikeB said:
@ nightsurge

I thought you were using shipment data? Shipments are not listed in exact months.... so how did you factor in their exact releases?

I rounded it for easy reading.

Again, just admit you were wrong in your initial claim.

I wrote my perspective above, like it or not.

Even if you cut out the PS1 and PS3 launch years and just compare the PS3's performance last fiscal year with the equal year within the PS1's lifecycle, the PS3 still performed better despite the higher entry pricing.

Like I said, IMO the PS3 does not perform badly considering entry pricing and may well outsell the PS1 lifetime sales.

Your perspective does not change the fact that you purposefullly chose skewed data to give the impression that the PS3 was tracking 9 million above the PS1, when in fact it is tracking 2.1-5.1 million below.

Also, you rounded shipment data months?  How in the world did you accomplish such a feat?  Regardless, my numbers are correct and your shipment "rounded" numbers are stil wrong.

This is the correct info:

In your initial statement, MikeB, you used data only covering the following time frames:

PS1 - 28 months Japan, 16 months NA, 16 months EU

PS3 - 28 months Japan, 28 months NA, 23 months EU

So in other words you were still using nearly a years worth of more data for your PS3 figure than the PS1 figure (aka, not equal time frames).

Again, just admit you were wrong in your initial claim.  I have given you more than enough undeniable reasoning to support why you were wrong.

Taking into account all variables which can be used, the reality is that the PS3 is tracking BEHIND the PS1 by 2.1-5.1 million units!

As you can see I am not questioning your perspective as we all know you have a very flawed and biased outlook for Sony.

I am merely asking you admit to being wrong to your initial claim of the PS3 tracking 9 million above the PS1 which has been shown to be very wrong using even your own data and any reasonable form of logic available.

I've not once even tried to argue with you regarding the PS3's price and its current performance, why do you keep bringing this up?  I am simply arguing your flawed statement that you made regarding the PS3 vs the PS1, not the PS3 in the current generation.  It always has a chance of outselling the PS1, and it should if it wishes to be considered a success, but the chances of it missing this mark are much higher.

MikeB said:
@ nightsurge

I wrote my perspective above, like it or not.

Even if you cut out the PS1 and PS3 launch years and just compare the PS3's performance last fiscal year with the equal year within the PS1's lifecycle, the PS3 still performed better despite the higher entry pricing.

Like I said, IMO the PS3 does not perform badly considering entry pricing and may well outsell the PS1 lifetime sales.

You are very snake-like aren't you.

Step 1:  MikeB makes a statement in the form of a factual statement.

Step 2:  Its pointed out something is wrong with that statement.

Following steps:  MikeB will attempt to talk his way out of it.  Depending on the skill and persistance of the opponent this may take many steps.

Last step:  If MikeB wins via tiring out or confusing his opponent he does a victory dance in his home in the Netherlands.  If MikeB is beaten clearly he will not be a gentleman and admit defeat, which is not surprising as he often starts his arguments based on manipulated statistics.  Instead he will lie and say he said words he did not like "about" or "IMO" knowing that many readers of the thread will not be able to muddle through all the posts and some may believe he was instead merely having his opinion unfairly bashed.  Or he will switch to an entirely different comparison, again to confuse the issue.  You can't get any more troll-like than this Mike.

Currently playing:  PC:  Wolfenstein  PS2:  Final Fantasy X  PS3: All-Pro Football 2K8 Wii:  Force Unleashed  PSP:  God of War: CoO Xbox 360:  Gears of War 2  

Most anticipated game:  Dragon Age Origins (PC)

Around the Network

MikeB said:

@ nightsurge

I thought you were using shipment data? Shipments are not listed in exact months.... so how did you factor in their exact releases?

I rounded it for easy reading.

Again, just admit you were wrong in your initial claim.

I wrote my perspective above, like it or not.

Even if you cut out the PS1 and PS3 launch fiscal years and just compare the PS3's performance last fiscal year with the equal year within the PS1's lifecycle, the PS3 still performed better despite the higher entry pricing.

Like I said, IMO the PS3 does not perform badly considering entry pricing and may well outsell the PS1 lifetime sales.

Again you're comparing the wrong year, if you compare last fiscal year for ps3 to the correct ps1 year ps3 sold half as much as the ps3.  Don't think you want to make that comparison.


currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Well we all see where this thread is going (or already is).


Ramiel said:
The day the PS3 overtakes the XBox 360 in total sales is when M$ finally fixed their console. The only reason why 360 is still outselling PS3 is 'coz of it's faulty console, owners have to buy 2 or more 360 console to replace the old one. I know someone who has 3 360 consoles, 1 for playing while the other 2 is for reserve incase the 1st one act up on him.
And they say the PS3 is expensive, ins't it more expensive to buy 2 or more of the same console due to rrod or e74? Do the math man.


This is your first and only warning: do not spread false info just to make the other console look bad.  Every fixed RRoD 360 does not mean another sale.  Your "friend" may have two backups but I'm sure he's in the extreme minority.

Derek said:
Ramiel said:
The day the PS3 overtakes the XBox 360 in total sales is when M$ finally fixed their console. The only reason why 360 is still outselling PS3 is 'coz of it's faulty console, owners have to buy 2 or more 360 console to replace the old one. I know someone who has 3 360 consoles, 1 for playing while the other 2 is for reserve incase the 1st one act up on him.
And they say the PS3 is expensive, ins't it more expensive to buy 2 or more of the same console due to rrod or e74? Do the math man.

Stupid +1.


And this is your first and only warning: do not insult other users for any reason.


Argueing with MikeB is like argueing with a wall,your gonna lose cause he never pays attention.


OT-Troll thread.


Ausfalcon said:
MikeB said:
@ nightsurge

I wrote my perspective above, like it or not.

Even if you cut out the PS1 and PS3 launch years and just compare the PS3's performance last fiscal year with the equal year within the PS1's lifecycle, the PS3 still performed better despite the higher entry pricing.

Like I said, IMO the PS3 does not perform badly considering entry pricing and may well outsell the PS1 lifetime sales.

You are very snake-like aen't you.

Step 1:  MikeB makes a statement in the form of a factual statement.

Step 2:  Its pointed out something is wrong with that statement.

Following steps:  MikeB will attempt to talk his way out of it.  Depending on the skill and persistance of the opponent this may take many steps.

Last step:  If MikeB wins via tiring out or confusing his opponent he does a victory dance in his home in the Netherlands.  If MikeB is beaten clearly he will not be a gentleman and admit defeat, which is not surprising as he often starts his arguments based on manipulated statistics.  Instead he will lie and say he said words he did not like "about" or "IMO" knowing that many readers of the thread will not be able to muddle through all the posts and some may believe he was instead merely having his opinion unfairly bashed.  Or he will switch to an entirely different comparison, again to confuse the issue.

This is so true.  I'd also like to add this last disputing argument to shutdown MikeB once again:

MikeB said:

Even if you cut out the PS1 and PS3 launch years and just compare the PS3's performance last fiscal year with the equal year within the PS1's lifecycle, the PS3 still performed better despite the higher entry pricing.

So, if I do this for the PS1's fiscal year running from 1996-1997 (the one compared to the fiscal year of the PS3 from 2008-2009, March to March) the PS1 sold 19.3 million while the PS3 sold only ~10 million.

So once again the PS3 performed WORSE, MUCH WORSE than the PS1.