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Forums - Sales Discussion - The day the PS3 overtakes the XBox 360 in total sales

PS3beats360 said:


Well I am in my 20s and  not far off 30. So some of us take the console wars a bit too seriously. It is just like an average persons devotion to a sports team.

Try to get more balance in your life.  Just like Nintendo, Microsoft, Apple, and whomever else is in the videogame industry in some capacity, these entities only care about ONE things: Exactly what do you want to buy, so they can get it into existence, so they can get money out of your wallet/bank account.  And what you want better be wanted in sufficient numbers to justify the costs of doing so.  They don't care one bit about your religious devotion to them.  They will make decisions that go against it, if it makes them more money.  Of course, they don't want you to know this, because they don't want to lose you as a customer.  But, there is no love on their part to you at all.  They just don't care. 

There was a day and age when people did gaming for fun, and their hearts were in it.  Now, it has grown so large, that the suits have taken over.  So, please seriously get more balance.  Besides, unlike sports, they really don't sell team merchandise so you can worship your favorite team (company).  If they did, I would be able to get a Sackboy keychain. 

GRR!!! Where is my Sackboy keychain I can buy in the mall?


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kowenicki said:

I have a very serious question... I am almost afraid of the answer...

Please... everyone.... this is serious, no smirking, no giggling...

Please allow him to respond to this in the serious and thoughtful way I know he can and we have all become used to.

Now here it is......

What will PS3beats360 do if the PS3 stays in third and maybe even falls further behind...???  What then?  How will you cope?

He could see if MikeB needs a roomate and live a secure PS3 friendly environment?  When they went out at night in the Netherlands they could drink to what could have been and then come back on here and post about how they were robbed, calling others names like Mike did the other day?


Currently playing:  PC:  Wolfenstein  PS2:  Final Fantasy X  PS3: All-Pro Football 2K8 Wii:  Force Unleashed  PSP:  God of War: CoO Xbox 360:  Gears of War 2  

Most anticipated game:  Dragon Age Origins (PC)

DirtyP2002 said:
PS3beats360 said:

That will be the happiest day in my life. So who is looking forward to this great defining moment?

I believe within 2 years PS3 will have overtaken the XBox 360 in console sales. Just you all wait and see. PS3 has more room to drop the console price over the coming years, it has more exclusive games, greater storage capacities with Blu-Ray and a longer future due to Blu-Ray being the long lasting media format.

I am so looking forward to the PS3 total sales overtaking 360 total sales. Many people just like me will be celebrating when PS3 overtakes the 360 and some of us will be saying: "I told you so"

PS3 and  following Sony is a religion to some, just like me.


The PS3 needs to outsell the Xbox360 by 77k every single week, starting today to achieve this. And in 2 years, the Xbox360 userbase will be like 45-50 million. That is more than enough to guarantee 3rd party support. And in 2011 the Xbox360 will be on the market for 6 years. The Xbox 3 won't be too far away at this

it doesn't have to do it in 2 years. 360 probably be discoutined first, sony have tons of first party studios to stay afloat at least enough to cut what will remain fro the 360 lead.

Jo21 said:
DirtyP2002 said:
PS3beats360 said:

That will be the happiest day in my life. So who is looking forward to this great defining moment?

I believe within 2 years PS3 will have overtaken the XBox 360 in console sales. Just you all wait and see. PS3 has more room to drop the console price over the coming years, it has more exclusive games, greater storage capacities with Blu-Ray and a longer future due to Blu-Ray being the long lasting media format.

I am so looking forward to the PS3 total sales overtaking 360 total sales. Many people just like me will be celebrating when PS3 overtakes the 360 and some of us will be saying: "I told you so"

PS3 and  following Sony is a religion to some, just like me.


The PS3 needs to outsell the Xbox360 by 77k every single week, starting today to achieve this. And in 2 years, the Xbox360 userbase will be like 45-50 million. That is more than enough to guarantee 3rd party support. And in 2011 the Xbox360 will be on the market for 6 years. The Xbox 3 won't be too far away at this

it doesn't have to do it in 2 years. 360 probably be discoutined first, sony have tons of first party studios to stay afloat at least enough to cut what will remain fro the 360 lead.

You have over 5,000 posts.  I would have figured that since you're still here, you're capable of some degree of logic.  Apparently, I was wrong.  My apologies.


Stop getting so excited about a Kid Icarus remake... the original NES Icarus sucked.

This is the data which MikeB is referring to. Obviously something in the translation is wrong because according to this the PS1 would have sold 2 billion consoles within the same time frame as the PS3. However, the numbers are likely in "10k units" as if you look at the total and multiply by 10k you get 102 million PS1's. So, according to MikeB the PS3 is tracking 9 million ahead of the PS1, yet the PS1 had 28 million consoles sold at the end of 1997 (same time frame as current PS3 sales at the end of 2008), which shows the PS3 is tracking 8 million behind overall worldwide.

December 31, 1997 -

1,005 -

1,035 -


  2,820 x 10k = 28 million

Where in the world did you get your flawed data, MikeB as even the data from your source proves you wrong.

Around the Network
Megadude said:
HEHEHE Red Sox's WS victory was almost as epic as when the Giants trashed the Patriots "perfect season".

As a Giants fan, that was epic for me.  I get the upset, the Manning to Tyree play (the Double Miracle: Eli scramble, Tyree amazing catch, argued to be the best play in Superbowl history), and a record that will likely NEVER be broken, that being the most consecutive road wins in a single season, which is 11.  The most consecutive road wins in a season was set there, because the Giants sucked so much at home they had to do 3 straight road games in the playoffs.  They also had the luck of the draw of being the road time in the Superbowl.  Thrown in also the classic NY beats Boston, and throw on top a Boston team that was undefeated.

There are MANY angles to why that Superbowl was epic.  It was also a very competitive game to.  I would like anyone here to argue that Sony getting second place in the console race would be superior to this Superbowl.


kowenicki said:
The most illuminating aspect of this thread..... ps3beats360 is almost 30 years old.... 30 years old!!! and yet the PS3 passing the 360 would be the happiest day of his life? My god. What a sad sad life.

No gf? no wife? no kids? Man you need to get some help... quick.

I'm beggining to think that maybe some people on here post from inside a secure unit.

30 years old I guess, and not remember the NES at all, and not having perspective.  I was a teen during the videogame crash, so I see how the mighty fall.  The Atari logo is always with me as a memory.


Jo21 said:
DirtyP2002 said:
PS3beats360 said:

That will be the happiest day in my life. So who is looking forward to this great defining moment?

I believe within 2 years PS3 will have overtaken the XBox 360 in console sales. Just you all wait and see. PS3 has more room to drop the console price over the coming years, it has more exclusive games, greater storage capacities with Blu-Ray and a longer future due to Blu-Ray being the long lasting media format.

I am so looking forward to the PS3 total sales overtaking 360 total sales. Many people just like me will be celebrating when PS3 overtakes the 360 and some of us will be saying: "I told you so"

PS3 and  following Sony is a religion to some, just like me.


The PS3 needs to outsell the Xbox360 by 77k every single week, starting today to achieve this. And in 2 years, the Xbox360 userbase will be like 45-50 million. That is more than enough to guarantee 3rd party support. And in 2011 the Xbox360 will be on the market for 6 years. The Xbox 3 won't be too far away at this

it doesn't have to do it in 2 years. 360 probably be discoutined first, sony have tons of first party studios to stay afloat at least enough to cut what will remain fro the 360 lead.

I don't see any reason to believe the PS3 will last longer.  In fact it seems to me that the 360 should have the edge, but more likely they will die at the same time because they will continue to share multi-plat support.  The 360 is the system that doesn't have the hard drive required, which means it can reach a lower price than the PS3 will ever be able to reach.  A $100 360 could be possible. 


currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

theRepublic said:
MikeB said:

@ saicho

Can't you quote me instead of this in your sig?

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will average sales of 15 million units for the next 8 years.

The exact quote from that thread would be:

"I anticipate around 10 million sales per year on average, until the release of a "PSThree", then I expect the PS3 to sell around 15 million on average.

So 2007 + 2008, about 20 million, I anticipate a slimline PS3 to launch somewhere in 2009. "

Note the PS3 sold about 10 million last fiscal year and Sony expects to sell around 13 million this fiscal year, if they think this is due to the launch of a potential PSThree later this fiscal year then their expectations seem to be perfectly in line with my personal expectations.

He is actually quoting me from that thread and I got it right.  Here is all of what you said.

"I anticipate around 10 million sales per year on average, until the release of a "PSThree", then I expect the PS3 to sell around 15 million on average.

So 2007 + 2008, about 20 million, I anticipate a slimline PS3 to launch somewhere in 2009. By the end of 2012 about 80 million sales. I do expect the PS3 to stay commercially available for much longer though, so by the end of 2016 about 140 million (triple the amount of 360s I anticipate for the long run).

Of course there are endless yet unknown factors. But I certainly expect the PS3 to go well beyond 100 million for the long run."

That thread was at the start of 2009.  You said, "by the end of 2016 about 140 million".  So, from the start of 2009 to the end of 2016 is approx eight years.

140 million - 20 million already sold = 120 million to go

120 million / 8 years = 15 million per year.

It needs to average that for about more 7 more years after this fiscal year to *perfectly* deliver on my expectations, if Sony is spot on like they were for this fiscal year. But I said "about", so give or take a few millions.

About 22.7 million PS3s have been sold by the end of March 2009 (FY 2009). Sony expects about 13 million more to be sold by the end of fiscal year 2010. That would make ~35.7 million.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

nightsurge said:

This is the data which MikeB is referring to. Obviously something in the translation is wrong because according to this the PS1 would have sold 2 billion consoles within the same time frame as the PS3. However, the numbers are likely in "10k units" as if you look at the total and multiply by 10k you get 102 million PS1's. So, according to MikeB the PS3 is tracking 9 million ahead of the PS1, yet the PS1 had 28 million consoles sold at the end of 1997 (same time frame as current PS3 sales at the end of 2008), which shows the PS3 is tracking 8 million behind overall worldwide.

December 31, 1997 -

1,005 -

1,035 -


  2,820 x 10k = 28 million

Where in the world did you get your flawed data, MikeB as even the data from your source proves you wrong.

To expand on this and to further get MikeB's attention:

MikeB said:

The PS3 is currently tracking about 9 million units ahead of the PS1 taking equal timeframes

Equal time frames would be from 1995 to 1997 and 2006 to 2008.

According to the data from MikeB's own link he gave us, the PS1 had shipped 28 million at the end of 1997.  The PS3 data from the site doesn't even include the entire 2008 year yet, so how was mike "comparing shipments" without this shipment information?

Without the full shipment data for the PS3, it is safe to assume VGChartz numbers are more than accurate and give the PS3 ~20 million units shipped at the end of 2008.  That means that the PS3 is tracking 8 million BEHIND the PS1, not 9 million above as MikeB stated.