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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Namco talks Fragile (sequel? prequel? DS game?), Sword of Legendia (alive!)

another game scamco won't bring over

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I'm curious...what does "scamco" means???

forest-spirit said:
I'm curious...what does "scamco" means???


Scam + Namco = Scamco where Scam = Nam (I think)

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"

forest-spirit said:
I'm curious...what does "scamco" means???


All that and no mention of whether Fragile will come stateside this is weak.

 How our favorite systems are just like humans and sometimes have issues finding their special someone...

Xbox 360 wants to KinectPS3 wants to Move!  Why are both systems having such relationship problems?  The reason is they both become so infactuated with desire while watching the Wii as it waggles on by. They simply want what they can't have.

 Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

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Soriku said:
forest-spirit said:
Wow, a sequel is possible? Did this sell well? I really hope Fragile hits the west soon. I need it.

Baten Kaitos, gehehehehehe...*goes mad, jumps out of window*


Yeah it didn't seem it flopped like some people thought :P I think this is tri-Crescendo's second best selling game in Japan.

BK3 must happen!!!

When you put it like that, I guess I could see that. But still, could I at least wish for high sales...if it comes to the US? Also, how many copies did the first two Baten Kaitos' sell? The first one was one of my favorite games on the GC.

As for Sword of Legendia, how much is exactly known about that game away? I mean, I kind of hoped it to be a sequel to Tales of Legendia, and finally taking place on the mainland, but I remember reading an interview saying it wasn't connected to the Tales series. Anyone know something more solid about it?