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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Which will sell more, Punch Out or The Conduit?

Ahh, Mac and his child-birthing hips. Not having Tyson was weird in the updated version of Punch Out. Mr. Dream? Eh. Not sure who the last guy will be in this game (And I don't wanna know just yet!) but hopefully I can get to him soon. I'll pick the game up tomorrow, so I can enjoy it on my days off from work.

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Punch Out First week:

The Conduit First week:

jefforange89 said:
gergroy said:
it will be punchout. Conduit won't sell, I think it would be lucky if it hit a million, not that it will be a bad game, just the wii doesn't do well with fps games.

The Wii's 7 million-selling shooters would like a word with you.

well, if you look at those million selling shooters, none of them are over 2 million.  Games like CoD which are massive games barely sold over a million on the wii where on the 360 they sold 2.3 and 5.4.  Even with the larger install base the wii games don't sell as well as their hd counterparts.  So yeah, I think my statement is very justified. 


Punch-Out will outsell The Conduit. Of this I am almost fully certain.

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I think Punch Out!! will outsell The Conduit.
I want Punch Out!! to outsell The Conduit too.

Why? Because Punch Out!! looks fantastic! Can't wait to get it tomorrow!

Signature goes here!

Punch out! is a pretty big nintendo IP, and it could go on to sell millions. I don't think the conduit will be able to compete with it but I think the conduit could do something like 2 million lifetime w/ good legs. I'd give the conduit 150k WW first week, and similar legs to COD WAW on wii.

Support good third party games on wii. Buy games like house of the dead overkill, de blob, madworld, the conduit and boom blox.

Hisiru said:
Punch Out First week:

The Conduit First week:

I'd say this is a fair prediction but Punch out may be able to do over 200k.


Support good third party games on wii. Buy games like house of the dead overkill, de blob, madworld, the conduit and boom blox.

Punch-Out relates more with the Wii selling demographic than the Conduit.

Punch-Out for sure.

Punch Out, easily, it'll have a much broader appeal (besides, I don't think The Conduit will sell all that well, around 1-1.5 million).