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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wal Mart: Sell you used games to a machine

Yep, Wal Mart instaled some vending machines to deal with used games:

Yup, Now you can deal with a machine to get the best price for your used games..... or maybe not.

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well if it actually gives fair prices this will be nice. Im so tired of selling my games for far under their value to Gamestop.

Long Live SHIO!

How does it know its the game inside? or if its broken ect... couldnt you just scan and throw in an empty case?

PSWii60 owner! woot

Get your Portable ID!

Might give it a shot if I ever see one around. I usually send used games to Gamefly for credit.

360 Games Now Playing   360 Games unopened:  Resonance of Fate  Last 360 Game I Beat: Resident Evil 5

DS Games Now Playing: Dragon Quest VI  DS Games unopened Knights in the Nightmare, Etrian Odyssey III, Okamiden, Dragon Quest IX Last DS Game I beat: Radiant Historia

Wii Games Now Playing  Super Mario Galaxy 2, Arc Rise Fantasia  Wii  Games unopened  Little King's Story, Sonic Colors, Silent Hill Shattered Memories Last Wii Game I beat: Sin & Punishment 2

It looks pretty cool!



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Finnbar said:
How does it know its the game inside? or if its broken ect... couldnt you just scan and throw in an empty case?

The machine scans the disc first:

Then you need to scan the code bar of your case to get all the info about the game (price, year, rate, etc.)


Oh a machine? That's good.

Now if I get ripped off selling my used games, I'll have a sledge hammer ready for some action...

PSN: Parasitic_Link

The shame of selling my personal possesions for less than their value was too much for me to bare but now I can discretley and conveniently sell my personal possesions for way less than I bought them for.

Robots FTW !.

I love how the Wii logo is more than 1/4 of that poster


KylieDog said:
Hope it puts gamestop out of business.


 I hope not, gamestop might be evil but wal-mart is like satan compared to them. Unless wal-mart really dedicates themselves to servicing gamers that would be a really bad thing. Atleast I know I can get stuff on street date at gamestop, wal-mart is very shaky in having games on street date unless they are fairly large releases.