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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If you could assemble your own Final Fantasy team...

From all the Final Fantasies so far, how would you make it? Take note that these character archetypes are pretty much present in every Final Fantasy (like say, there's always a character "like that" in every episode). Mine would look like this:


Main character: Cloud 7(he's a goof, but you kinda need a goof to feel sorry for)

Main bad guy: Kefka 6(and with that goof, you add a total maniac to spice it up)

Secondary bad guy: Seymour 10(an ambitious bastard with a black heart that will really get your blood boiling)

Main love interest: Yuna 10(you gotta have someone who will go to the ends of the earth to support that goof)

Secondary love interest: Rinoa 8(will also fight for her man to the ends of the earth but to a lesser extent)

Bad ass fight leader: Amarant 9(he's big, ugly, and tough)

Transport driver guy: Cid 7(add a cursing lunatic for some comic relief)

Asshole sidekick guy you hate: Zell 8(what a prick, but I liked the guy)

Eye candy no one really gets: Rydia 4(i think her only purpose of existence is to be eye candy)

Proud, cocky highborn gentleperson: Balthier 12(didn't like 12, but this guy was cool)

Young, sexy, feisty, bitchy girl: Yuffie 7(i've always thought she was the cutest)

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Sephiroth as main dont need anyone else :)


*Points at FF7 cast... in HD*