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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I must admit I was wrong about Super Mario Sunshine.

it was challenging, but i found galaxys later levels more challenging. finding the blue coins wa sannnoying too

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


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Ryudo said:

I still don't care for it much and yes I still have it and I got all 120 shines. Why? it was the only mario released in 5 years and I was desperate. But still have so many issues with this game it left a bad after taste.
Cube was hit or miss on franchises for me.

MKDD bleck Agree. MKDS then showed how MK should be done.
SMS bleck Disagree.
Starfox Bleck Didn't buy.
Paper Mario TYD Meh (n64 one kicked it's ass and was actually finished) Agree; they recycled chapters 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 almost exactly from the N64 game. But was VERY pretty.
Metroid Prime 2 Light/dark worlds ugh Liked, but became a bit formulaic after the brilliantly freeform MP. Still >> MP3 though.

Wind Waker best Zelda ever Best 3D Zelda. But haven't really liked any of them.
F-Zero sweet Wish I could find a copy.
SSBM classic Yes.
Luigi's Mansion fun cheeky game Great idea, great execution, but far too short.



Disagree on MP2 over MP3

MP3 for me ranks as a hair line below the first.

MP2 I only liked it as a Metroid Fanboy but it still annoyed me with the rehashed light/dark worlds

Ryudo said:
Disagree on MP2 over MP3

MP3 for me ranks as a hair line below the first.

I don't consider it a real Metroid along with Hunters. They're good FPS games but Metroid isn't an FPS. There are plenty of generic space FPSs out there if you want. It was linear, unimaginative and the controls were too FPS-like. Preferred GC control.

But I'm not saying you're wrong.


I agree on Hunters.

I had more fun with the pinball game haha

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Soleron said:
Ryudo said:
Disagree on MP2 over MP3

MP3 for me ranks as a hair line below the first.

I don't consider it a real Metroid along with Hunters. They're good FPS games but Metroid isn't an FPS. There are plenty of generic space FPSs out there if you want. It was linear, unimaginative and the controls were too FPS-like. Preferred GC control.

But I'm not saying you're wrong.



I agree, I think the Cube controller was dead-on perfect for the Metroid Prime series.

Ryudo said:
Disagree on MP2 over MP3

MP3 for me ranks as a hair line below the first.

MP2 I only liked it as a Metroid Fanboy but it still annoyed me with the rehashed light/dark worlds


MP2 was A LOT better then MP3.


Samus Aran said:
Ryudo said:
Disagree on MP2 over MP3

MP3 for me ranks as a hair line below the first.

MP2 I only liked it as a Metroid Fanboy but it still annoyed me with the rehashed light/dark worlds


MP2 was A LOT better then MP3.


Once again I disagree but everyone has thier own opinion.

No one is right or wrong

to be honest, it was the first game i got for the console, i liked it at first, but it got way repetitive, and i ended up not liking it.
it was at that time that Sandbox styled games became dull to me. unless they offer variety.

MP3 was much more entertaining than MP2.

Back on topic now:

I played Mario Sunshine until I had about 40-50 shines, then got bored with it. I let it collect dust for a while but then I lost my save game because I was using a cheap 3rd party memory card. After that, I never played the game again.

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