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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do people say GT is leagues ahead of Forza?

dahuman said:
hmmm, racing sims, can't feel the pedals shaking, can't smell the tires burning, can't feel the friction or speed and the actual intensity, I just don't know, guys.


 Yep, especially since Papyrus was coding better racing sims than either of these decades ago.  People throw the word "simulation" around loosely these days.

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GT5 is the last straw PS3 fans have to grasp since FFXIII went multiplatform.

So mentioning facts to them like how Forza's track times are closer to actual lap times false on deaf ears. How ever, it won't matter once they are both released and reviewed.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

axumblade said:
TheTruthProphet said:
GT Prologue was rated lower on metacritic - only 82

Forza 2 had a metacritic of 90.

Sony has constantly told ps owners GT is the best, hence they believe it.

Sadly, sony has ps owners A LOT Of things that are not true.

GT will be on par with forza 3 , but no better. I expect forza will get a higher metacritic score.

GT Prologue got an 82 because it's a prologue....x.o


Therefore, GT4 was an 89 because it wasn't AAA?

Reviews don't matter people.

Most people who think GT is "much better" than Forza have never played Forza. GT has a bigger fanbase. That is it.

All "simulator" games suck anyway, imo, most of all the overhyped golden cow Gran Turismo, which hasn't changed much besides graphics since 3. Forza is a close second for megasuckage though.

DiRT and Grid pwn them both.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Onyxmeth said:

I've never noticed a large difference in either series, but at the same time, I'm as clueless as 99% of this thread and both sets of fans are about which has the more realistic driving, so my opinion, and most others are worthless in that way. While I noticed a few people could name one or so reasons to side firmly behind one or the other, I'm sure almost no one could actually go in depth on their points and explain why one is better than the other, because they are completely ignorant to the science behind both titles and what goes into them.

Like say for instance, your point is "one handles better than the other". What do you really know about high performance car handling at 200MPH to say anything on the subject and know what you're saying is correct? The only person here that may have some real life claim to know what he's talking about is tarheel, but I'm fairly sure almost everyone else in this thread is merely speaking taglines and knows very little to nothing about the real life counterpart to these games to give any informed opinion on even something as important as handling.


...and there's the crux, isn't it?

As gamers, should we care if the game handles like "real life?" Well, you just said it. One guy here should. The rest of us should HOPE to hell that they made some "real life" sacrafices to the gameplay in the interest of a fun and enjoyable game.

...unless this is just a game for that one guy.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Ohh god.

You all will never understand, you also op.

See there is the Charger SRT great ride but then there a ISF, close yet worlds apart. Same way Lambo is super great, but a Ferrari always makes it its bitch casue the people behind it were born to create those god damn cars.

If you were a car enthusiast you would understand that and how GT is superior, but you are not and you wont.

GT is made by a crazed car maniac for car people, its not made for the likes of you kid.

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i've never played forza, but i know my xbox mates sure liked it. my question is how can you raise comparison between forza 2 and gt4 when they are not on the same gen? when you list what forza can do, you should really indicate which forza boasts it. i think if you compare gt3 with forza that is probably the fairest comparison, and gran turismo is generally considered the better sim. i doubt that warrants the incessant crowing, but when do fanboys ever pass up an opportunity to serve up humble pie?

we'll just have to wait and see when gt5 comes out.

art is the excrement of culture

i think the bottom line is that if you play both games and can't really tell the difference with how they race, then that's your answer.

art is the excrement of culture

because theyve never played forza Theyre both really good.

Long Live SHIO!

all cars brands agree GT is the racing game.

twingo said:

Ohh god.

You all will never understand, you also op.

See there is the Charger SRT great ride but then there a ISF, close yet worlds apart. Same way Lambo is super great, but a Ferrari always makes it its bitch casue the people behind it were born to create those god damn cars.

If you were a car enthusiast you would understand than and how GT is superior, but you are not and you wont.

GT is made by a crazed car maniac for car people, its not made for the likes of you kid.

This is exactly what I was talking about. Two lousy car analogies to explain why Gran Turismo is leagues better than Forza Motorsport, but no actual substance to the argument. Why don't you just black and white explain to everyone in detail why GT is so much better? What has the "car maniac" given GT? Remember details. Don't just say better handling, or more advanced physics. Explain why.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.