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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do people say GT is leagues ahead of Forza?

I personal hate every single realistic racers and I have to say GT was the most fun I had with one. Forza didn't have that affect at all...

Former something....

Around the Network
Mummelmann said:
Uhm, which people say this, OP?

Well for starters these people.

EdStation3 said:
Dgc1808 said:
Sephiroth357 said:
tombi123 said:
shanbcn said:
Because it is?







And in this thread there where people that said it was way better.

plus just read this thread..alot of them are saying it is way ahead of forza.


yo_john117 said:
Mummelmann said:
Uhm, which people say this, OP?

Well for starters these people.

EdStation3 said:
Dgc1808 said:
Sephiroth357 said:
tombi123 said:
shanbcn said:
Because it is?







And in this thread there where people that said it was way better.

plus just read this thread..alot of them are saying it is way ahead of forza.


Because they're PlayStation fans except for maybe a few. 360 fans will say the opposite.

yo_john117 said:
Mummelmann said:
Uhm, which people say this, OP?

Well for starters these people.

EdStation3 said:
Dgc1808 said:
Sephiroth357 said:
tombi123 said:
shanbcn said:
Because it is?







And in this thread there where people that said it was way better.

plus just read this thread..alot of them are saying it is way ahead of forza.



which they were talking about sales of the upcoming games.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

More Cars
More options for tune-ups
More realistic driving
Better tracks
More events (I can't back this one up, but I think it does)

Around the Network
tarheel91 said:
yo_john117 said:
tarheel91 said:
yo_john117 said:
tarheel91 said:
yo_john117 said:
tarheel91 said:
yo_john117 said:

I honestly don't know how so many people can say that GT is leagues ahead of forza?  It doesn't make sense.  If your a fan of racing simulators than you should like both, because they basically offer the same has prettier graphics and one has a few more options.  

So how can anyone in their right mind say that GT is so so much better than forza and that forza just won't do for the GT fanboys.


Have you ever 1) driven a car before or 2) driven a car at its limits before?

I don't see what this has to do with anyting but yes and yes


If you don't see what it has to do with anything, then you probably haven't.  When I say driven a car at its limits, I mean drive it like you were racing it.  I don't mean doing 30 miles an hour over the speed limit; I don't mean racing your friend at a stop light.  I mean either actually taking it to a track, or driving it so that you heel-toe break as you enter a turn, your tires are squeeling around every corner, and you're constantly right on the edge of losing it.


Well if thats what you mean by the limit then no i haven't.  But tell me WTF this has to do with this topic?!?!?!?!


Because Forza and GT are both simulators simulating something you've NEVER done.  You're just like the guys who talk crap about Madden when they've never played football.  When it comes to simulating the racing experience, GT does it better than anyone else.  That is the reason you hear people say what they do.  While you may find Forza more enjoyable, that's more an indication of your preferences in terms of arcade vs. simulation than the quality of either game.


Um they are both racing sims...sorry to break it to you but they both play the same not a big enough difference to scream one is leagues better than both...

I never said forza was better...i just wanted to know why GT fanboys insist that GT is so freakin better than forza?

Also if you are truly going for realism, GT just won't sims on the PC are more realistic.   And have you heard of Race Pro??  that game got mostly meh ratings simply because it was so realistic that it isn't accessible to most people.

Lastly I'm goina guess that you and all the other people that hearold GT as the most realistic Racing sim ever have never actually raced in real life either....


I have raced before, actually. ;)

And, as I said, the reason people say GT is superior is because it is, objectively, more realistic than Forza, and thus a better simulator.  Whether that makes it a better game or not depends on what you want in a game.  Why do we need to bring PC sims into this.  They're in a whole other league entirely.  They frequently involve investing money into a quality wheel/pedal system (no analog keyboards...), and those can cost several hundred dollars.  It's not a fair comparison.


You obviously have never played forza if you think GT is way more realistic...they both handle the same.  how can you tout reasims with GT when you just bounce off the walls in that game without reciecing any damage? Btw i know that Forza doesn't have amazingly realistic  damage, but some damage is better than none.  

Race pro is on the 360   so since your so tuned to realism play that



coolestguyever said about GT:
More Cars OK, true
More options for tune-ups WRONG
More realistic driving WRONG
Better tracks WRONG
More events (I can't back this one up, but I think it does) I've never counted them.




My Gaming Setup

coolestguyever said:
More Cars--400 cars or 600 cars..thats still a shitload of cars.
More options for tune-ups--you have never played forza cause the amount of tuning you can do in that game is ridiculous
More realistic driving--wrong...they both drive about the same.
Better tracks--how can you have better tracks?? more maybe but you can't honestly say this...
More events (I can't back this one up, but I think it does) you can bet your bottom dollar that they will most likely have the same amount of events.

These differences are minute at best...


psrock said:
yo_john117 said:
Mummelmann said:
Uhm, which people say this, OP?

Well for starters these people.

EdStation3 said:
Dgc1808 said:
Sephiroth357 said:
tombi123 said:
shanbcn said:
Because it is?







And in this thread there where people that said it was way better.

plus just read this thread..alot of them are saying it is way ahead of forza.



which they were talking about sales of the upcoming games.

And it also had post where people said GT5 would be better than Forza 3....



I have a better question. How could anyone even suggest Forza is close to Gran Turismo?
I even have an answer. They don't own a PS3.

Lets put it this way, I much prefered the "demo" version of Gran Turismo to the full retail version of Forza 2. Each person has the right to his or her own opinion but honestly most of the people who've played both prefer GT. I mostly see people with only xbox's or people who are extremely xbox biased "prefer" Forza. Imagine that. Of course the sony fans prefer GT, but I've noticed most people in the middle prefer GT.

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