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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Halo 3 sold 38k in week #84! I thought KIllzone2 was going to kill it?

Halo 3 FTW

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Flame bait....
Though i must..GO Halo 3...Those are some damm good legs...


segajon said:

Halo 3 FTW


congrats to Halo


 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

Yes I know it is flame bait, but I just had to post it. No matter what comes out the rest of this generation it will not affect Halo 3's sales one bit.

Unless Halo 4 comes out.

if you know it is flame bait it makes my job real easy.


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@ psrock

You win. I cry and think of what couldv'e been everytime I think of the 2003 NLCS. Maybe this year. I hope, I doubt, ah wtf next year.

I have no doubt this game will be at 11 M in copies sold by the end of next year. That is crazy. The replay value of this game and the legs are just amazing.

OMG go Halo 3.

Does this mean that Seece will become happy and contented?

Also Tim is very pleased with the sales of Halo 3.
