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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3's savior to be announced tomorrow?

Lol no those aren't big enough nor are they likely to ever happen. Now, maybe releasing WoW for the PS3 could do something... but it would require everyone to have keyboards and probably wouldn't be all that successful in the end.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see if this rumor pans out. The truth is though that no one game ever determines sales. It takes a combination of good titles and mass market appeal titles to really drive sales. One game won't suddenly change everything.

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I think this game is being mooted as being the saviour of the PS3 in Japan.

Firstly the game needs to be PS3 exclusive, so probably financed by Sony.

My ideas are:

1.  The next Dragon Quest Exclusive only on the PS3

2.  Final Fantasy VII Remake Exclusive

3.  Street Fighter Next Gen Exclusive (this would tie in with Capcom's big announcements)

4.  Resident Evil 5 being a PS3 Exclusive only

5.  Kingdom Hearts 3 Exclusive 

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

davygee said:

I think this game is being mooted as being the saviour of the PS3 in Japan.

Firstly the game needs to be PS3 exclusive, so probably financed by Sony.

My ideas are:

1. The next Dragon Quest Exclusive only on the PS3

2. Final Fantasy VII Remake Exclusive

3. Street Fighter Next Gen Exclusive (this would tie in with Capcom's big announcements)

4. Resident Evil 5 being a PS3 Exclusive only

5. Kingdom Hearts 3 Exclusive

1. I don't think that's very likely at all, considering every Dragon Quest game and spinoff since VIII has been on a Nintendo console exclusively. It seems Square is pretty set on Nintendo as the new home for Dragon Quest... at least this generation.  Not to mention they wouldn't ever announce another Dragon Quest when they are still in the process of hyping this one.

2. That's possible, but it's not going to have a permanent effect on sales like a brand new FF (FFXIII) will.

3. That's a pretty good idea, but it turned out Capcom's 3 "huge" announcements were 3 crappy PS2 games.

4. That's kind of impossible at this point... considering it's already been advertised and displayed on the 360 engine and shown off by Capcom and Microsoft both at E3.

5. That's not supposed to begin development until after FFXIII Versus is completed; which won't be until 2009. I seriously doubt they would be announcing anything on it so long before development even begins. We are just getting KH spinoffs at E3 this year.


What ideas do you have.  I'm kind of lost to think of anything else that could have such an impact.

Also, regarding RE5, Haze was announced for the 360 as well, but ended up a PS3 exclusive?  Has there actually been 360 footage released...I thought it was just a few trailers?

Capcom's big annoucements aren't the 3 PS2 games, I reckon it will be a new Street Fighter...we are long overdue one.  Also a RE PSP game would be nice as well. 

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

davygee said:


What ideas do you have. I'm kind of lost to think of anything else that could have such an impact.

Also, regarding RE5, Haze was announced for the 360 as well, but ended up a PS3 exclusive? Has there actually been 360 footage released...I thought it was just a few trailers?

Capcom's big annoucements aren't the 3 PS2 games, I reckon it will be a new Street Fighter...we are long overdue one. Also a RE PSP game would be nice as well.

I actually don't have any ideas lol. I really don't know what to expect out of this. I really can't think of any 3rd party games in history other than GTA that really can make or break an entire market. I can't imagine that this is all going to suddenly change. I mean even most of your ideas were for games that sell under 2 million copies in Japan (some under 1 million). That's not going to completely change the direction of the market. I hope its a good game and a big game, but the fact is that single games just don't mean much. It's the collective amount of games that make or break a system.

As far as RE5, the new trailer was shown at Microsoft's E3 press conference for the first time. Moore also claimed it was being run on an Xbox 360. Capcom also has it officially listed as both. Haze never had an official listing for the 360, just an aside comment that it may be made for the PC and 360 after the PS3 version was completed. Hopefully you are right that it's not the 3 PS2 games, but I wouldn't put it past them.

And yeah, an RE PSP game would be nice. I'd really like to see RE with some fresh new ideas, rather than just rehashing RE4 in a different location like RE5 seems to be doing.

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davygee said:

Capcom's big annoucements aren't the 3 PS2 games, I reckon it will be a new Street Fighter...we are long overdue one.  Also a RE PSP game would be nice as well. 

SF4?  As much as I wish, Highly unlikely 

-Capcom stopped making 2D fighters long time ago.  Last one I recon was Capcom Fighting Jam in 2004 which flopped majorly.  They don't even have the developer team anymore.  Oh and Capcom has given the rights of Street Fighter series to Capcom USA.

Besides, no way SF4 can be a savior to PS3....this isn't early 90's when SF2 was huge.


crappy old school NES games are more entertaining than next-gen games.

No one game thing is going to save the PS3 regardless of how huge or popular it is ...

Right now the industry would have to focus most of their efforts towards the PS3 and ignore the Wii and XBox 360 even though they have larger userbases in order to reverse the low sales trend; at the same time the PS3 would have to reverse the low sales trend and outsell the Wii before third party developers would focus most of their efforts towards the PS3 and ignore the Wii and XBox 360.

Basically ... Sony may see good games or improved sales but they're going to be trailing for a long time

naznatips said:

I mean even most of your ideas were for games that sell under 2 million copies in Japan (some under 1 million). That's not going to completely change the direction of the market. I hope its a good game and a big game, but the fact is that single games just don't mean much. It's the collective amount of games that make or break a system.

Highest selling PS games in Japan:

1.  Dragon Quest VII (PSOne) - 4.1m

2.  Final Fantasy VIII (PSone) - 3.6m

3.  Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) - 3.6m

4.  Final Fantasy VII (PSOne) - 3.2m 

5.  Final Fantasy IX (PSOne) - 2.7m

6.  Final Fantasy X (PS2) - 2.7m

7.  Gran Turismo (PSOne) - 2.5m

8.  Final Fantasy XII (PS2) - 2.3m

9.  Everybody's Golf (PSOne) - 2.1m

10.  Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2) - 2.1m

It's obvious that FF and DQ games are extremely popular as well as being popular on the PS platform as well.  IMHO, Dragon Quest would be the biggest franchise to get an exclusive for.  I understand that SE is pushing Dragon Quest IX for the DS at the moment.  But if Sony were to get the exclusive rights for Dragon Quest X for the PS3 and only the PS3, then I reckon this would be a big seller.  The only downer is that it would likely be 2 years away before it was to be released. 

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

davygee said:
naznatips said:

I mean even most of your ideas were for games that sell under 2 million copies in Japan (some under 1 million). That's not going to completely change the direction of the market. I hope its a good game and a big game, but the fact is that single games just don't mean much. It's the collective amount of games that make or break a system.

Highest selling PS games in Japan:

1. Dragon Quest VII (PSOne) - 4.1m

2. Final Fantasy VIII (PSone) - 3.6m

3. Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) - 3.6m

4. Final Fantasy VII (PSOne) - 3.2m

5. Final Fantasy IX (PSOne) - 2.7m

6. Final Fantasy X (PS2) - 2.7m

7. Gran Turismo (PSOne) - 2.5m

8. Final Fantasy XII (PS2) - 2.3m

9. Everybody's Golf (PSOne) - 2.1m

10. Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2) - 2.1m

It's obvious that FF and DQ games are extremely popular as well as being popular on the PS platform as well. IMHO, Dragon Quest would be the biggest franchise to get an exclusive for. I understand that SE is pushing Dragon Quest IX for the DS at the moment. But if Sony were to get the exclusive rights for Dragon Quest X for the PS3 and only the PS3, then I reckon this would be a big seller. The only downer is that it would likely be 2 years away before it was to be released.

Square tends to only release one DQ game a generation.  Or at least that's been the trend the last two generations. Also, the DS game has been in development more than 2 years already.  A PS3 game would take at least 3 to be done right.  Again, look at Square's development trends.  They have released numerous Dragon Quest games, remakes, and spinoffs, but not a single one of them has been on a non-Nintendo system this generation.  With Square's promise of "equal support" accross all platforms, it seems pretty clear that they decided Nintendo was the place to stick their second largest franchise.  

I have a feeling that this is bullshit. It would be nice but too many rumors are floating aroung now. Many PS3/360 multiplattform games are exclusive for PS3 in japan so dont count Resident Evil 5. Its not going to exist ONE game that is going to save PS3 it need sseveral games and price cuts. Even if the game is really good it have to come out now to have any effect does not going to work with 2009 titles. I hope not that it is FFVII I am against a remake of that game.