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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 holds all the aces up its sleeve.

I find it funny and relevant that a definition of believe is:

to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so.

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Jboy0990 said:
i agree. all this "Sony in trouble" shit is annoying
Sony in a multi million dollar company and they got exclusives and everything to help them out
They'll be fine
I think Sony knows more about what they're doing han what people on websites say


You agree that the PS3 will outsell the Wii this generation, or with what you said, which isn't at all what he said, and in fact, wasn't mentioned in this post until you said it.

I think you read the title of the OP and inferred this thread was about something it is not.

There is a big difference between Sony not being in trouble, and Sony beating the Wii with a pricecut.


Sony is in trouble though, believe it or not, financially.

Yes, yes.  Doom gloom, gloom doom.  They are closing down as we speak.  They will stop creating wonderful games any day now.  They are selling the PS4 designs to MS.  And, MS will rule with an iron nightstick up everyone's arse.  I got it.  LOL!


Another FANBOY/GIRL inducing thread, where the arguments will never cease until it breaks down into total warfare, the 360 guys start throwing Halo, L4D, and Gears, while the PS3 guys are throwing KZ2, R2, and Uncharted. After that it breaks down into...... oh we won last year, NO!!, we won last year!! We will win this year too, since Sony has more exclusives.....



This thread has been amazing. A fanboy claiming the PS3 will come back and pass the wii, another flat out denying that Sony has ever had any financial losses even when links are being thrown at him left and right and finally a fanboy that uses a forum post as his proof that a person is a sony insider when in that very forum itself there are posts contradicting his statements. I know a fanboy is a fanboy no matter what his console of choice but sony fans are seriously the best ones for a good laugh.

Also I'm sad Crazzyman changed his sig :( Crazzy your not allowed to become more reasonable or the laws of the universe may fail!


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers

The level of denial on display in this thread is just E-P-I-C. It thoroughly brightened up my morning :)

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Delete. Replied to something on first page before realising this thread if far too long already.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix



Legend11 said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
FY End
Sony Game Segment
Microsoft EDD
Buying Power


$3,373,485,174 $30,304,561,500 $2,614,002,843 -$10,266,000,000

Note: Only the buying power for the actual year is taken into calculations not the fiscal year.

Note: These are the rate as of March 20, 2009



The Microsoft losses include everything in their Entertainment & Devices division, not just their consoles.  So it's hardly fair to add losses for everything else to the Xbox numbers.  But who are we kidding, this was just an attempt by some fanboy to spin numbers.

 FY*       Sony**        Nintendo        Microsoft
1998    974,000,000    629,000,000
1999   1,130,000,000   645,000,000
2000    730,000,000    421,000,000
2001    -409,000,000   726,000,000
2002    623,000,000    800,000,000     -750,000,000
2003    939,000,000    560,000,000     -1,191,000,000
2004    650,000,000    316,000,000     -1,215,000,000
2005    404,000,000    777,000,000     -485,000,000
2006    75,000,00      894,000,000     -1,262,000,000
2007   -1,969,000,000  1,489,000,000   -1,892,000,000
2008   -965,000,000     2,193,000,000   532,000,000                       
Totals  2,182,000,000  9,450,000,000   -6,263,000,000

I like these ones better.



nightsurge said:
vaio said:
Ascended_Saiyan3 said:

All a person has to do is look at the sig lines of all the people claiming MaxPower1987 isn't an insider and it all becomes clear.  Just look at those gamertags!  LOL!  No smart people should be fooled by the shenanigans employed by you X360 gamertag guys.

I am also claiming that he isnt an insider and i have no gamertag in my sig, you have any theories about that?

He's lost every argument he's made, so now its basically anyone who owns a 360 is dumb and he is the only one right.

It doesn't matter that we've openly with EVIDENCE disproven his statements.  MaxPower very well may be an "Insider," just not a "Sony Insider" as you claim.  In fact, he is a Toshiba insider, which is no where near the same as a Sony Financials insider.

Apparently he can't tell the difference between the company insiders and assumes an Insider for one must be an Insider for all

i guess he just thought sony and toshiba were just the same thing...cuz of the eyes probably.


art is the excrement of culture

Ultibankai said:
Another FANBOY/GIRL inducing thread, where the arguments will never cease until it breaks down into total warfare, the 360 guys start throwing Halo, L4D, and Gears, while the PS3 guys are throwing KZ2, R2, and Uncharted. After that it breaks down into...... oh we won last year, NO!!, we won last year!! We will win this year too, since Sony has more exclusives..... <<<< What the hell are the Sony Fans on, didn't you hear Micro has an E3 to change all E3's, plus Alan Wake destroys all PS exclusives......<<< What the hell are the Xbots on, KZ2 and Uncharted 2 will kick that games butt...... on, and on, and on....... Never Ending--- get the point. Threads like these should have stopped being made 1.5 years ago, when every console owner was enjoying their respective consoles!! The End

Enough ranting for now, should give guy/girls with a sense of humor, a couple laughs, even though realistically.... it's True.


 Thanks. I was worried I might have to read the whole thread.

"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth

Ascended_Saiyan3 said:
rover said:
Also Ascended_Saiyan3, just to put things in perspective, Microsoft doesn't deal in losses, just reduced profits. :)

Last I looked Microsoft has a $20 billion surplus.

Microsoft's "poor earnings" as a company are only making $14 billion in profit *this quarter*.

...and really, does anyone still buy into this IE browser deal? Who cares? Aren't most people here using Chrome, Safari or Firefox? Get over it EU.

Do you think the investors care about what a company has in reserves when it comes to year to year returns?  Please don't tell me you don't know about this side of business.  Do you think Sony doesn't have reserves as well?  Remember Sony has been a giant MUCH longer than MS has.  They just store most of it in product to avoid paying CRAZY amounts of taxes on it.

Think about it.



 You pay taxes on profit not cash reserves. Cash reserves are profits from previous years that a company saves.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.